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Posts posted by jaggie1994

  1. The abuse getting directed to Kyle is getting shocking now and i dont see a good reason to why he is getting it

    We have a small handful of "yobs" in the stand who are just looking for a fight

    Al wager that IF, our own support turned on them in number, it would soon shut them up

    And if everyone does turn on them they wouldnt shut up and the one thing you dont want to happen is have fights amongst your own fans. Then if they do shut up and just stop going to games there will be no singing and no hope of creating a decent atmosphere at home and would ruin the one that we get away from home

  2. Great have never seen this done anywhere else but thought the atmosphere in the north stand pretty good today. hope this carries on. Bu where did you get that shirt?

    It didnt sound brilliant from the Main Stand. I heard a few mumbles of songs but nothing special.

    On saying that Im sure it was a mile better than the Main Stand

  3. Well when are we actually going to have a good day?

    You just have to wait and see on the day

    (Tuesday night against Stranraer :rolleyes: )

    Yeah actually maybe v a 3rd divison team but once we come up againist a 1st divison we look look like a fish out of water

    If a team go 1-0 down againist a team at the moment we would need to go for a draw as there would be no hope in us winning

    Did we not win last week, so how are we like a fish out of water?

    Lets be honest we didnt deserve to win and it was looking like a real possibility that we could have lost last weekend and we could have even lost today as well

    Thats true but we have got 4 points out of those 2 games and are joint top of the league so if we can only get better we are going to be there or there abouts at the end of the season.

    I dont see how things can go from being brilliant last weekend to us now not being good enough for the First Division

    It is a marathon not a sprint. Give it time

  4. Aye some idiot behind me during the second half was shouting "Here it comes" every time Ayr started to attack our goal... It was like he was willing us to lose...

    Really, positive.. supporting that !!

    Nevermind the booing... the language was atrocious today from a lot of the fans... every song that was sung (just about) by mostly fairly young lads had a swear every two words... so much so I had to move seats (with the 3 kids I had with me) to near the front mid way through the 1st half... it also appears that swearing is the only vocabulary some grown men who attend football matches use, even those with wee kids... not the family friendly atmosphere we used to have at ICT... i know I cant expect the kids never to be exposed to foul language, but its a sad state of affairs when every word they hear is a swear...

    I will have to see the club on Monday or Tuesday to try and change our season ticket seats.... very sad...

    You see the sections that have Family Section behind the last row of seats...

    USE IT

  5. Will odhiambo be back for next week?

    My team would be:

    GK: Esson

    RB: Proctor

    LB: Lionel

    CB: Bulvitis

    CB: Munro

    RM: Ross

    LM: Hayes

    CM: McBain

    CM: Cox

    ST: Foran

    ST: Not sure about this one. Sanchez has some nice touches but is a bit lightweight just now. Then would Rooney do better? Im not sure. Maybe give Sutherland a shot if Barrowman and Odhiambo are still out

  6. Well said. I was dissapointed with the boos. Its only the first home game and the players will start not wanting to play at home if they feel as if they are going to get booed for not winning.

    It was not the result we wanted but we will get better. The message from the club at the start of the season was to get behind the club and this wasnt doing that was it

    I know it is a way to get rid of the frustration but still it was uncalled for

  7. Get back in your box man. It's torture enough having to watch ICT at times. Forcing us to be captive audience to an excitable attention seeker running around the pitch with a microphone is just too much. It brought back awful memories of the old Tich McCooey half time show. I'd rather they just kept it simple. Tell us the half time scores and then play some tunes.

    I agree with that in a sense

    I thought he was doing the right thing about telling the crowd to try and get singing songs and try to make as much a noise as we did at Dunfermline but I wasnt so keen on hime trying to sing the songs. We dont need to be singing before the match it is during the match we need the singing.

    I would rather we played some music at before the match

    It was a good idea telling the crowd to make some noise but that is about it

  8. Butcher had all his new signings playing today and Cox is the only one who looks like a football player. I know it's early days and all but having seen the new guys a few times now they range from mediocre to down right poor.

    Scoring goals is going to be a real problem for us this season

    I dont agree with that. I thought Johnny Hayes was our best player today. Considering he was on the right hand side when he is a left footer he was always going to struggle but he made some very good runs down the line and looked like he could be a good player. Lee Cox was as good as usual as well.

    I wasnt impressed with Eagle and when Nick Ross came on for him Ross looks like a good wee player

    I was actually glad to see Rooney come on but I thought he should have replaced Sanchez who seems to be a bit lightweight just now. He will be a good player once he gets stronger

    It was a frustrating game as you could quite clearly see that we had a better team but we just didnt do enough when we got into the final third.

    Ayr should have had a pen as well so we got lucky with that one

    We are still joint top of the league so that is a positive but I think we needed to win today with Dundee up next week

    Also I was a bit dissapointed at the crowd booing the team off at full time. I know it was not the best performance but it was no where near as bad as what we have seen in the past

  9. I have been looking forward to this ever since I got back from Dunfermline.

    We should go back to singing the old Favourites eg




    I have no idea why we sung that but it was good banter

  10. Im doing a blog about this season and I have done an update on it

    Click the sig to get their

    Dunfermline v Inverness

    That is a link to just the the Pars Match

    I know this is advertising but this is the best place to try and get views and comments on a Caley Blog isnt it. Please read and tell me what improvements I could and should make

    Also the hopefully next big thing in Football Updates. PIE WATCH

  11. Yous were sitiing just along from me.

    I love the guy in the black away top/brown body warmer (sorry, dont know his name). Always makes loads of noise as you can see in that picture, bouncer doesnt look to chuffed ha!

    He was the one getting all the songs going at the last Kilmarnock away game.

    I was sitting 3 or 4 seats to the left of him. The best place to be

  12. This incident has totally overshadowed what should have been a great start to our League campaign , all it has achieved is even more infighting within our support .

    I didnt think it would turn out to be such a big deal. I dont think it should of been sung but I really couldnt care less now. We got the 3 points now lets bring on Ayr Utd

  13. I dont think there was a great deal of segregation at the game as I am positive I saw 2 or 3 guys with Dunfermline tops on going into the shop at half time

    Whenever I sit in the main stand and sitting at the far end(and we're not losing) I usually just go into the away end to get a steak bridie, less of a wait.

    Thats a good reason. I just found it a bit strange

    Steak Bridie :blink:

  14. Surprised everyone has such a downer on Rooney. He was top scorer for both the first team and reserve team last year, yet people are putting Barrowman and Odhiambo above him? Odhiambo has ONE GOAL in his whole career. Barrowman scored TWO all last season, despite normally being the main striker. Sure Rooney misses chances. But he deserves to be above those two (tactics apart) on his showing.

    Thats hardle a compliment is it to be top scorer last season. How many did he score 5 or 6. Thats bloody pish

    Yep, so why have you put Barrowman above him who didn't score even that? Or Odhiambo for that matter. Someone mentioned he was only 20 but Rooney's only a year older and has scored (and started) plenty more.

    For me it is going to be Foran and Sanchez up front with Barrowman, Odhiambo and Sutherland providing back up

    As someone said earlier in the thread when you are through on goal and you dont hit the target you shouldnt be starting for us

    I've seen Baggio, McCoist, Lineker and many others do the same. Hell, I've even seen Foran do it. If you think the other strikers have more potential, fair enough, but on the 'he missed a chance' reason, you'll soon end up with a Renegade line-up by having Djebi-Zadi up front through default. Strikers miss chances. Fact.

    Yeah I should have backed it up rather than just he missed a chance.

    I really do think that our other strikers are better, I would understand it if people picked him over Barrowman and even Sutherland but my own opinion is that we should give Sutherland as many opportunities as we can this season.

    I have not seen barrowman play a lot but he is a big strong player so he should and that is a big should be a good target man if nothing else. For me rooney isnt a target man because he isnt that sort of build. It was never going to work for him on Saturday when balls were getting played up to him and he had to challenge with the defenders. So he did the best he could on that front.

    And for me if you arnt a target man type player you need to have pace and rooney doesnt. He seems to run at the same speed all the time even if he is trying to run as fast as he can. Then if you dont have the pace or the strenght you need to have some really fancy flicks eg Berbatov type stuff. (Im not trying to compare him with Berbatov but just give you an idea of what I mean and you dont get much better than berba) or you need to be a poacher like Van Nistlerooy is (again not trying to compare him to Ruud). And for me he isnt any of those things

    I would love hime to prove me wrong and hit 10 to 15 goals this season I really would but I just dont think he is good enough

  15. For me it is going to be Foran and Sanchez up front with Barrowman, Odhiambo and Sutherland providing back up


    What your just going to leave him out. I would rather leave Sutherland out than leave Rooney out

    Yeah I would rather just leave Rooney out. Its not because I think he is that bad but just becuase I think that Sutherland looks very promising and could become a very good striker for us in the future if he gets some games and he will have a better chance of getting a game in the First Division than the SPL.

    I know you could say the same thing about Rooney and it would be true but I would still lean towards Sutherland as he would be a homegrown player and that would be a huge bonus for the ICT youth system (I am really hoping he came through the youth system now) :blink:

  16. GK: Esson

    RB: Proctor (Im pretty sure Tokley suspended)

    LB: Djebi Zadi

    CB: Bulvitis

    CB: Munro

    RM: Imrie (if fit) if not Eagles

    LM: Hayes

    CM: Cox

    CM: Duncan

    ST: Foran or Sutherland depending if Foran is still suspended

    ST Sanchez

  17. Surprised everyone has such a downer on Rooney. He was top scorer for both the first team and reserve team last year, yet people are putting Barrowman and Odhiambo above him? Odhiambo has ONE GOAL in his whole career. Barrowman scored TWO all last season, despite normally being the main striker. Sure Rooney misses chances. But he deserves to be above those two (tactics apart) on his showing.

    Thats hardle a compliment is it to be top scorer last season. How many did he score 5 or 6. Thats bloody pish

    For me it is going to be Foran and Sanchez up front with Barrowman, Odhiambo and Sutherland providing back up

    As someone said earlier in the thread when you are through on goal and you dont hit the target you shouldnt be starting for us

  18. That steward was excellent on Saturday. I think once he realised we just wanted a laugh and a song he left us to it unless we overstepped things.

    For those heading to Dundee you will not get away with standing up as Taysides finest will have you out on your ass if you try and do the same as we did on Saturday. I am sure a number of you won't need to be reminded of the problems we've had at Tannadice in the past.

    I know we had problems at Tannadice over the years but I thought they gave up as well after a while. Then again it was a while since I went to Tannadice and to be honest I cant really remember so I might be wrong

    but Im sure we will do our best to stay standing at Dens Park

  19. I wouldnt be surprised if Butcher is going to have a big effect on our defence this year given his reputation as a defender

    I was pleasanlty surprised at how good Munro was but I still voted for Cox for 5 points in the player of the year award and yes it was just because of the goal and a fantastic finish. If it had finished 0-0 Munro would have got my vote

  20. Since you were the only person and not causing any trouble I dont really see a problem with it.

    I dont think there was a great deal of segregation at the game as I am positive I saw 2 or 3 guys with Dunfermline tops on going into the shop at half time

    I dont think you really want us to go up though. Surely you want the Pars to be in the SPL next year

  21. Key question for me would be how the stewards handled standing. Hardly believe I'm asking the question but was there any hassle?


    Give Burnie a Ceeeeeee!

    The stewards at East End Park took us standing up pretty well. One guy came up in the first 10 minutes to tell us to sit down but once he realised we were having none of it he left us to it. He then came up at half time and pretended that he was going to throw one of us out.

    He just let us get on with having a good time. Just what stewards should be like.

    I hope everyone that was there on Saturday will keep going to the away games. I said at the end of last season that I am going to try and go to every game this year and I hope the atmosphere can be re created at every other ground

    I think it could be recreated at home as well. If the club decided to keep one section in the North Stand (as that is where the majority of empty seats will be) empty so anybody who wanted to go to that section to sing could do so without getting any hassle from the people who dont like the singing and as we would all be in one place the noise would be better. I would not have thought that it would be much of a problem as I can only see the ground being a sell out at the County games

  22. If we get a sold out league game this season i promise i will buy a season ticket for every fan that turns up to that game.

    Its not sold out.... Trust me.

    Do you not think the Ross County game will be sold out?

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