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Posts posted by TheresNoEsInBlack

  1. It was the beginning of close season when he did take them, so they would have been out of his system when he was playing, it was not a large amount of drugs and it was surley for personal use, the police would have recognised himn being a local public figure and thought that it would be there chance to create celebrity scandal.

    Come on man you can't say the cops set out to create a celebrity scandal!  Police officers have to do their jobs.  If 2 cops witness blatant drug taking in public they have to act on it or its their job on the line.  The police are human beings too and I'll bet they were not happy about booking Richie.  They were probably hacked off that they found themselves in that position and probably more p*ssed off at him for being so stupid, given his circumstances in particular.  Its unlikely but also possible they didn't even know who he was!


    Richie's Buying a Motor Wi Blacked-Oot Windaes

  2. Its a well known fact that taking cocaine drives you insane immediately and makes you jump into the nearest car or plant machinery where you are compelled to go on a rampage along the High Street.

    No - that's jelly babies that make you do that.

    Cocaine gives you the bum cancer.

    Never mind the jelly babies, have you ever had a blue wkd at 3am after a night on the vodka red bulls?  Far more dangerous than a line of gear. I think its the colouring.

  3. I think calling someone a lunatic for taking drugs is about right.  What if he had taken the drugs and then drove off in his car killing some kids?

    Someone can drink a few pints, get in their car and mow down some kids. On your ""logic"" that makes everyone who drinks a pint of beer a lunatic.  Are you a lunatic?  :33: :sillywave:

    Its a well known fact that taking cocaine drives you insane immediately and makes you jump into the nearest car or plant machinery where you are compelled to go on a rampage along the High Street.

    "What are you lookin' at? You're all a bunch of f***** ***holes. You know why? You don't have the guts to be what you wanna be. You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your fuckin' fingers, and say "that's the bad guy." So, what'll that make you? Good? You're not good. You just know how to hide, how to lie. Me, I don't have that problem. Me, I always tell the truth... even when I lie. So say goodnight to the bad guy. Come on. The last time you gonna see a bad guy like this again, let me tell you."


    Tony Montana

  4. To anyone else who wants to get their away shirt printed the same as the team's shirts...

    I've found that Greaves Sports in Glasgow will do it.  I called them up and asked and they said, "Sure we can though we don't have that style of lettering yet but we'll order it in for you, it'll take 2 weeks, is that ok?" I said, "Yes thats fine, how much will it be?"  He says, "?15.  Are you going to post it to us or are you in Glasgow?"  I said, "I'll just bring it in."

    So there you go folks, you can even post it down to them.

    Now THAT is how to run a business!  :021:  Our club is doing itself out of money.

    I hope this thread has been of some help to someone.

  5. Thought I'd update you all on how I still don't have my shirt printed and how no businesses in Inverness want my money...

    I asked my old dear to go to the shop in the market but the manny doesn't have the red on white background letters and at this stage hasn't decided whether or not to get them in. :32:

    I've discovered that the letters on our away shirt are the same as Rangers'.  So I asked my mum to go to JJB and ask them to do it, which she did, but they're not interested in printing it for me either! :33:  If they were interested they'd be charging ?20, which I was willing to pay.

    It would be fantastic if someone from Caley Thistle was reading this and just got on the phone to me and said, "Tell you what Fraser, I know we told we don't do it but we've decided to start doing it again because there's abviously money to be made.  Bring the shirt in and we'll print it for you and we'll put that 20 bucks straight into the coffers, we can use it to feed Blackie 6 months worth of extra porridge to make him big and strong like Rossco".

    You get the point, I've got money burning a hole in my pocket for this.

    Go on ICT, phone me, ?20 has your name written on it!  Fraser Elder in Finnieston, Glasgow, phone number is on your computer (or bit of paper) :L


    I've Found A Niche In The Market

  6. CaleyD,

    Ok I can understand why a shop might only do it for shirts they stock.  The club definitely aren't doing it now because I asked when I bought the shirt and was directed to the shop in the market.


    An assistant in Debenhams told me the woman who does it (who was on a 2 hour lunch break - 2 hours FFS - I'm getting a job in Debenhams) only had yellow Celtic numbers.

    Very annoying that the Old Firm have such a strangle hold on merchandise all over Scotland.  Its one of the things that is wrong with Scottish football and ICT should be making an effort to win people over in Inverness.  There is money to be made, get on with it!!!

  7. I'm up from Glasgow for the weekend and today (for the game and to visit my folks) and I bought the new jersey from the club.  My pals got it for me for my 30th and want me to get my name and 30 put on it.  The club don't do the numbers and lettering, which is pretty shocking really for an SPL club.  Since I'm away back down the road tonight I thought I'd make an effort and go down to the shop in the market that does it, only to find a sign in the window saying the shop won't be open till Thursday!

    Anyway, I phoned the club and asked if they knew anywhere else that does it and they suggested I could try Debenhams.  So I went in to Debenhams and they said they could do it for CELTIC shirts.  WHAT THE F*CK???  CELTIC FOR F*CK SAKE.  Correct me if I am wrong but is this not Inverness we're in?  Is the local team not Caley Thistle?  Whether they sell Caley Thistle shirts or not they should have be able to do the lettering on ICT shirts also as its not like they wouldn't make a profit.

    I guess the point I'm trying to make is our club should be providing this service.  If Celtic, with hundreds of thousands  of fans in Glasgow alone can find time to do it with players called "Vennegoor Of Hesselink" then ICT should be doing it too.


    I'm Really F*cked Off With How Backward My Home Town Is

    ps.  I just read my own signature...  Excuse my bad language, I'm calm again.  The Old Firm annoy me.

  8. Although the last few goals were because we had just lost faith and they kicked us when we were down.

    Whaaaat?!?!  Losing faith?  That's not the Caley Thistle I know.


  9. A
    Surely a ?10 voucher costs the club less than a 10% rebate?

    Wasnt the cost of the top ?100 - if so, it amounts to the same thing although if someone were to purchase lots of stuff in the shop and it came to over ?100 then they would be getting a better deal with 10% off.

    It seems I've passed comment on something I know nothing about.  I thought the cost of the top was less and my 10% discount would only have applied to the top.

    Mantis, you are correct.  Congratulations.

  10. It may sound a bit perverse but I'm glad we got beat by Motherwell if it means we can lose any complacency because of it.  Getting beat by Rangers was always likely but I think the 'Well game may be the wake-up call we need.  I reckon we'll bounce back very well from this one because all the players have a point to prove now.

  11. I must admit if I was the boss I'd have given 10% off the top rather than a ?10 voucher.  Fans are going to wait for the top anyway.  It might encourage people to buy something extra in the shop though.

  12. Maybe someone said to him "Do you want to participate in a line.........."  and he was already on his way before he heard the final word in the sentence  ".......up."

    Good luck in your fight against drugs but gonnae put a sock in it now and leave the boy alone?  Everyone makes mistakes.

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