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Posts posted by TheresNoEsInBlack

  1. Dan, the fact that you can watch SPL football at all in Inverness is a great bonus for those of us brought up on a diet of Highland League fare supplemented by friendlies againt Old Firm XIs ond the odd run as far as the fourth round of the cup.

    Make the most of it. These are heady times for Inverness football fans.

    Indeed.  Kids these days don't know they're living!

    The difference between us and the big teams' fans is we know how to win and lose graciously, sometimes spectacularly.  Its all part of life aboard HMS Sneck.  Never stop believing, young padawans!

  2. I also think it's completely "on" to allow me to express my opinion, I assume you will be writing a strongly worded letter to Craig Brewster who I believe called Tokely a disgrace and embarrassment on national radio. 

    As you say has 300+ appearances and  therefore should be able he should therefore know that 9 against 11 is not viable.

    I do remember the of tackles etc he has made in the past, and have supported him many times on this board, but that in no way excuses what he did yesterday.  This happened right in front of me yesterday and as you can probably tell it was beyond my comprehension why he did it. Red mist, heat of the game do not wash with me he is a professional sportsman being watched by people paying good money.

    I'm not knocking your right to an opinion and I can see why you feel so strongly because I pay my money too, I just think that your criticism of him was a bit over the top.  I think its very easy for people to commentate on the actions of players who are after all, still human beings.  Its easy to sit at home in front of the computer and have a rational opinion on something when your not pumped up with adrenalin.  If Tokely is reading this now, he'll no doubt hold his hands up to the fact that he messed up.

    Brewster did not say he was an embarrassment, nor did he suggest he was intellectually challenged, however he did say he was a disgrace.  That's criticism enough without getting any more personal.

    I have to disagree with you when you say Tokely wouldn't be missed at the back. We've not been able to replace Dods so what makes you think that we'll get 2 decent players to fill these roles in the transfer window?

  3. Agent N,

    If Tokely decides that playing hard is the way to go, with over 300 appearances in our jersey under his belt, then I'll trust him to make that decision. 

    There's a world of difference between playing hard within the rules and outside the rules.  Yesterday he was downright stupid and well outside the rules.

    You missed the bit where I said "Granted, he shouldn't have got himself sent off" ;)

  4. Agent N,

    You just described one of our players as a thuggish, cowardly, braindead and sneaky, so-called hardman idiot.  That's not on.

    You don't know Tokely and you don't know the half of what goes on between players on and off the pitch.  If Tokely decides that playing hard is the way to go, with over 300 appearances in our jersey under his belt, then I'll trust him to make that decision.  Granted, he shouldn't have got himself sent off but I think your criticism should be focused on the management, rather than getting on Tokely's back. Like you said, one man didn't lose that game yesterday.

    Dry your eyes mate and consider the number of times Tokely has saved us with crucial tackles, goal-line clearances and goals.

  5. Perhaps you could equally ask why theres a team from a "village of 3000 (or is it 2000) people" in the SPL at all. After all there only their because of one mans money and not a lot to do with Gretna as a community. Looks like the Green Gretna (Gretna Green?) Stadium could end up as a white elepahnt.

    That's the kind of opinion you sometimes hear from some OF fans on Jim Traynor's Your Call - It's narrow minded and we're better than that.  I think you've maybe forgotten our own roots as it was that kind of attitude that prevented either Caley or Thistle from getting a chance in the senior leagues for so many years.

    Gretna are in the SPL on merit, they won the first division just like we did so they deserve to be in the SPL, it doesn't matter who bankrolls them.  The OF are only as big as they are because they are bankrolled by the populous of Glasgow and more!  Its the football that matters, not where you come from.

    Gretna are now seeing that the real test is not getting to the SPL but staying there.  I wonder how long they'll hold off building the stadium?  Or have they started already?

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