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+06: Site Sponsor
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Posts posted by Gringo

  1. Has anyone ever left ICT and actually bettered themselves? I for one can't think of any, except, maybe, for Barry Robson who may be better off wages wise (for now) but certainly not club or league position.

  2. My absense on Monday night is purley logisical. I was planning on coming up for the weekend to take in the match against the Dons. Ok, so Setanta compensate clubs for the lack of dosh coming through the turnstiles etc but what about all those other folk that lose out because of a fixture being moved. My beloved B&B is going to lose out, the Clachnaharry Inn will lose out...as will the Innes and Blackfriars plus whatever restaurant Mrs G and me decide to use. Should I tell these folk to write to Setanta to claim a cut of the profits? Can you tell I'm still pished off over this fixture being moved? Aaaah feck it...

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