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Posts posted by Gringo

  1. My absense on Monday night is purley logisical. I was planning on coming up for the weekend to take in the match against the Dons. Ok, so Setanta compensate clubs for the lack of dosh coming through the turnstiles etc but what about all those other folk that lose out because of a fixture being moved. My beloved B&B is going to lose out, the Clachnaharry Inn will lose out...as will the Innes and Blackfriars plus whatever restaurant Mrs G and me decide to use. Should I tell these folk to write to Setanta to claim a cut of the profits? Can you tell I'm still pished off over this fixture being moved? Aaaah feck it...

  2. Welcome aboard the good ship ICT. Us Gringo's are in Coventry Nil - well, two of us anyway - Jnr fecked off up north. King Beastie used to be in Leicester at the Uni' - he fecked off back up north too. The Pauliebee's were in the Birmingham, they're in Inverness now as well.....there's a pattern here  :015:

    I've changed my deoderant now so would be willing to meet up for a pint sometime.

  3. It's all happening there eh! Heard on STV news t'other day of 'gang' fights in Elgin. Fecksakes! I take it kids today are now bored shitless with 24 hr TV and computer games then.

    I personally blame the 'do gooders' of this world for, effectively, aboloshing discipline in schools and homes.

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