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Alex MacLeod

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Posts posted by Alex MacLeod

  1. I stand corrected once again lad. Its Ian Broadfoots book Going Ballistic that I meant to mention actually. Funnily enough when Ian launched his book I went to ask him to sign a copy for me and mistakenly called him Charles.

    I've edited my mistake on first post

  2. Can tell a lot about someone from their posts.

    This thread is started by a female, 18 - 25 age group, brunette with blond streaks, lives around Caithness, is not native to Scotland and enjoys top class football so is prepared to make the journey down the A9 to see a class team.

    If you get a chance drop by the stadium shop and pick up a copy of Charles Bannermans book, 'Against all Odds', for all you need to know about the formation of the club. Or Ian Broadfoots 'Going Ballistic' for the last ten years.

    Edited to correct mistake as highlighted by caleyboy

  3. Its not so long since people were questioning the appointment of the injury prone Craig Dargo, with similar words with regard to the ability of our manager at the time. Now we're greetin if he's linked to another club. Give the people a chance and wait and see if the signing is good or bad.

  4. Their keeper was gash but we did play really well for the first half. The second half we showed very little interest. Probably because there was no answer from the Faroes. Craig Gordan handled the ball once in the whole game. Wednesday, against hearts, will be a different game but if we can keep up the performance of saturdays first half then we should do ok. I believe we have a good chance of qualifying cos I think Lithuania, France and Italy will trip each other up.

    Incidently, guy sitting next to me at Parkhead was moaning about having to get his tickets from ICT so I turned my dual purpose scarf. The one with Scotland on one side and ICT on the other. Turns out the guy was a gudgie. He shut up after that :003:

  5. Two points I'd like to make:

    1. I've only been in Diggers once, in our first season, and was actually directed to the family room by the doorman. Presumably in some form of segregation.

    2. The majority of visiting supporters use Diggers so the problem must surely arise every other week.

    Visiting fans use Diggers, partly because its child friendly, but mainly because some of the other pubs around the area dont allow visiting fans. Robbo's pub being one of those.

    This gentleman is unhappy, what about the many visiting fans who are unhappy at the way they are made to feel totally unwelcome when visiting the Gorgie area. At least at the Leith end of the city I have always been made to feel welcome.

  6. I believe McSwegan will give us something. Admittedly I'm surprised at the signing but I will reserve judgement till I've seen him play. He suffered a groin problem, for the last four or so years, that our wonderful health service couldn't even diagnose properly. Now he has had that all sorted and is determined to get back to form so perhaps CC's not as stupid as some would have him.

    Gary was once a very good player and at 35 is not too old to get back to somewhere near his best. Age shouldn't be a problem. Look at Brew, still playing at 39. Latapy also about 40. Alan Shearer stopped at 40ish. If the guy can get back his former skills, even just for 20 mins a game, he could be a **** good asset. Don't knock him till he's had his chance.

  7. So CC is now the bad guy cos he hasn't signed someone.

    Fact: Every club in the league, apart from OF, are looking for the same type of player and have failed to secure any.

    Fact: There just isnt an abundance of good players out there at the price we can afford.

    Fact: Another thousand or two through the gates EVERY week would give us the funds to attract people.

    CC cant be blamed if there isnt anyone available. I'm sure he has tried his best. He's not looking for anyone available. He's looking for people who will fit into our team. Be part of our team ethics and be good for our club.

    As things stand we do have enough cover to get by for the time being and maybe the trialists will succeed

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