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Alex MacLeod

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Posts posted by Alex MacLeod

  1. Aloha Buffy,

    See your boys laid down to the bairns once again. But never mind lass, your presence in Sneck will be more than welcome, seeing as you'll be bringing us three points once again. :003:

  2. Then came the real shocker. As Dargo skipped along the left wing he was sent crashing into the stand by Foster in a straight red challenge. No intention to play the ball. He went flying into Dargo, studs first and sliced right through him. Murray’s decision - yellow card  It was a red card - no doubt about it.

    Radio commentarors describe it exactly as RiG does. Foster should have been off.

    Barry was Radio Scotland MoM for the workrate he put in and his efforts to get the team going. Well done Barry. Maybe here is where the captaincy lies.

  3. Alan, dont know if you've been to Dumpdee in the last few weeks so, if not, be warned. There are two sections of average speed cams on A90 between Perth and Errol. Limit is 40mph and cams are very strict. Heard of someone being done for 44mph.

    Opperchancity may not be dundonese but the city is well full of opperchancers. :003:

    SAHB were at Oban music fest last weekend.

    Wasn't Maggie Bell part of the original lineup of the Corries many moons ago.

  4. I would like to think the lads worth a bit more than that. I would have hoped that if he is going somewhere it would at least be a Div 1 team.

    We might just need him in the season when the other 10 midfielders have crocked each other in their struggle for the four starting positions.

  5. Seems to me some folk open their mouths and let their tonsils rattle without thinking nor with the full story to hand. Dods is looking to his future. He's 31, has a woman and a flat in Edinburgh. He doesnt like the fact that he's away from her for all but a couple of nights a week. Perhaps her job is such that she can't relocate. He has made the decision not to extend his contract with us but has also made a gentlemans agreement with the club that he will give us his all for the remainder of his contract.

    Charlie wants him for the full season and feels that, unless an exceptional offer comes about, Dods is more value to the club for the season than what we would get by letting him go.

    Its Darren's perogative to choose where he wants to settle when his playing days are over and as fans it is our duty to support his decision and not lambast him for his choice.

  6. If I were puting the team together for this one I'd go:


                                    Dods Golly Munro

                      Rossco Wilson Hart Black Hastings

                                      Dargo McAllister

    Flak jacket and helmet have been donned in readiness :015:

  7. This is the first chance I've had to read through this thread and I wasn't at the game so cant offer first hand critism. I did, however, see the Setanta highlights and would agree that both St M's goals came from defensive mistakes that should not have been made. So Golly had a bad game? From what I have seen and read the whole team had a bad game. Dont know how true it was but the Sunday Mail reported us as having a large number of shots on target but only one goal whereas St M had two shots on target and two goals. If that is the case then we need to look at more than just Golly's performance.

    Supporters of this club very rarely issue praise for good performance on these threads. They always try and find the bad and make comment to that end. If the team is having a bad day then that can affect an individual more. Perhaps Golly's performance was as a result of his frustrations with the rest of his team. If the team, as a whole, were playing great football and scoring goals then the mistakes would go un-noticed but if its a bad team performance we look for scapegoats.

    Personally, I would like to see Golly bounce back from this one and show us his true capabilities. As for the team, I know they will bounce back.

  8. Wasn't able to get to game so could someone please do me a favour. Could you look through the St Mirren programme and tell me if there is any mention of Kyle Cutler having been match mascot for County game. Thanks in advance.

  9. Sorry Hamish, I have to disagree on one point. Salmon decline is not to do with Hydro power or dams or whatever. Salmon decline is to do with the fact that commercial fishermen have, over the last fifty or so years, discovered the migratory habits of that fish and have exploited that knowledge. Check out the commercial fishings of the coast of Iceland and the Northumbrian drift netters, who know the fish runs and use small guage monofil nets that are two to three miles long, then come back and make your statement. Modern Hydro schemes take account of, and make provision for, fish movements. This is one subject that I am very passionate about.

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