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Alex MacLeod

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Posts posted by Alex MacLeod

  1. caleyboy, I dont know who you are, where you are or anything about you so I would certainly not hurl the kind of personal abuse at you as you have hurled at me but one or two points of info for you. The 'young team' I refer to is the lads who were initially signed on what is the equivalent to the old 'S' form. Craig Brewster signed 6 or 8 lads on full time contracts before he left the club, two of those, if I remember right, came from Elgin and are thought of as good prospects for the future.

    As I said, you dont know me, nor do you know the people I meet up with now and again, some of whom are in the know. If you followed this, and the previous website you would realise that my support for Fox is 'tongue in cheek' and generally aimed at particular members of this site, although I do sponsor the lad.

    What two boys did I say put no effort in.

    Finally, no I didnt play football at their level, though I did play shinty at a high level. Simply because that was the main sport where I lived. Though I have followed football for a very big percentage of my reasonably long life.

  2. If its Charles Kennedy your thinking of, he's from Fort William and a hun.

    ICT have loads of celebrity fans and all of them can be found in the Innes pre match. There's TM4TJ, Caley100, Guzz and Uncle Albert, DJS and many others.

  3. ictrmd, whats wrong with Fox then. Like a lot of the players you list the guy needs proper first team experience, and supporting fans, to boost his confidence and bring out his ability. Being totally negative towards him aint helping any. Its not so long ago that he was the 'super-sub' hero of this team and hailed by everyone for getting us out of the mire. Give the guy a break, he's as deserving as anyone else on the fringes.

  4. Agree with what your saying chemist and I wasn't trying to knock your figures. I do however disagree that you can realistically use the population of Eire as a Celtic catchment. For one thing the predominant sports in Cork, Kerry, Mayo etc. are certainly not soccer and the people I've met in those areas wouldn't give a monkeys for any glasgow soccer team.

    I use the population of highland region, that part that once was Inverness shire because we are the only professional team in the region.

  5. We are all good at debating the reasons why Caff hasn't played but none of us know the real facts. Remember Caff was sidelined with back problems. He rested and had physio for a few weeks then came back to training. He then had a recurrance of his problem and was sent to a specialist where he was discovered to have a stress fracture of a vertebrae. These things take a long time to come right and perhaps Caff and the club were being over cautious and giving him plenty time to get to full fitness. None of us are privy to the discussions that go on behind closed doors but CC has said that Caff features in the future plans of the club so lets all wait and see.

  6. Not quite sure how the figures came about for Celtic and Rangers. The latest census's for Greater Glasgow give a population of 1,100,000, for Ulster 1,800,000 and for Republic of Ireland 3,500,000

    Population of Highland Region is approx 208,000

    Population of Dundee is 142,000

    Population of Edinburgh is 440,000

    And Aberdeenshire is 232,000

    Using those figures and chemists crowd estimates I recalculate the %ages as

    Celtic 1.25%

    Rangers 1.65%

    Dundee U 4.22%

    Aberdeen 4.3%

    Hibs 2.84%

    Hearts 3.86%

    Inverness 1.92%

    Cant be bothered working out the rest. Using these results Dundee and Aberdeen are the footballing cities

  7. In order to make a judgement dont we need to consider every aspect of the stadia. Pitch condition, facilities, catering, entertainment value, customer service, unrestricted views, carparking, etc. etc.

    Taking acount of everything I would nominate Hampden

  8. I would imagine the system to work much like electronic barriers at tube stations. You will buy a ticket that has a magnetic strip on it. This will then be inserted into a slot to release the barrier. The technology has been around for years. Its also used for prepay electricity and gas meters. It will do away with employing people at turnstiles but you will need to purchase a ticket. That could be done, either by the traditional ticket office or by vending machines that take cash or credit card. Like the machines in some carparks.

    In response to Sams point about banned persons. Everyone of us who enter a stadium is filmed and checked by the match command centre as it is. Hence all the cctv at stadia.

  9. Getting back to the original topic. (and sorry for the delay in replying to this but I've been away from PC all week) Blackieforce, if your mate seen those people then he would have seen me, and maybe even Caley100.

    Point 1. Craig Brewster does not get 'well gone'. He's a guy who has a couple of beers and no more. Yes he was in the Heathmount, he had a meal there. His house is in Inverness so why shouldn't he be out for a bite and a drink. What he actually said was " I feel like I may have made a mistake leaving a successful club but I have a job to do and I will do it".

    Point 2. Also in the Heathmount that night were Grassa, CC, Mark Brown and his woman, Me and my wife, Caley100 and many other people who like to have a good time on a saturday night. The one thing we have in common is that we dont make stories out of what we may have heard.

    I note that your post never got much attention, which says to me that the majority of ICT fans are not interested in the 'gutter press' type of post.

  10. Young lads have been given a chance and a contract. If they dont give 100% workrate in return then they dont deserve to stay. Thats what our youth policy does. We give them the chance then its up to them. Theres every chance that lads like Chris will accept the proverbial 'kick up the bum' and shine elswhere. I hope so.

  11. In my opinion, Inverness is not yet a 'FOOTBALL' CITY. We've only been a city for six years. We have had football for many years but only recently have we had ambition. Prior to 94 we were happy to stick in in our wee highland league. Although football was played in the highlands a hundred years ago it was never seen as our main source of entertainment. Shinty, Rugby and Curling were the dominant sports. Now we have a chance to establish ourselves as a football city lets grasp it and show the world who we are.

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