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Alex MacLeod

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Posts posted by Alex MacLeod

  1. I'm not sure if I should get tickets in advance or if i can just get them at the ground.

    As much as it would be great for Rossco I cant see us selling 7,500 tickets so should be ok to pay at the gate.

  2. Before anyone comments, I know a few are played out of their natural position but I can only p with the apendage I've got. And besides I dont give a f---  :003:


                                      Rossco    Mann      Shearer

                        Robson    Bingo    Ritchie    Grassa    Sheerin

                                              Hislop    Christie

    Chose a 3-5-2 cos thats the formation that was chosen for the second game in Italy

  3. The Testimonial team will be made up of a number of past team mates of Rossco. The County game is 3 pm saturday and Supporters Club party / player presentations at sevenish that night. And I'll be there for both games.

  4. Caleyboy, I get sent the clubs annual report which states how much is spent on wages. It also states the number of employees. Divide the first number by the second and you get an average per person. Nobody said they knew what an individual earns but they can easily work out the average.

    Nobody is having me on. As a shareholder of any company I can, if I so desire, demand a detailed breakdown of all spending. The shareholders own the company so they are, in effect, the employers.

  5. Interesting debate between caleyboy and CaleyD.

    A couple of minor points to add:

    1. Players wages --- as a shareholder of the company I am entitled to know what players are paid as is any shareholder.

    2. Investing in youth---- we plough money into the Highland Academy as well as bring our own through. Also we have players who have the correct level of coaching qualifications.

  6. Dont know where the various news media get their stories but it was my understanding, from one newspaper, that Rankins problems are not with an ICT deal but with money he's due from RC. No doubt the real stories will come out but, without the facts, I wouldn't sling mud just yet.

  7. Dont know if this has been posted anywhere else:

    Todays P&J

    Personally I think its absolutely fantastic that the club is in such a position and, obviously, confident that our financial health will continue to improve. Hopefully Dods and Dargs will see that the Ness is more inviting than the Tay.

  8. We are more likely to finish 5th than 3rd. 

    How is the seeding done for this qualifying?  Both World Cup finalists in one group, what a load of pish.

    Considering the draw for European was made some time ago, before the WC finalists were known dont you think the comment is a bit stupid.

    France and Italy were also, obviously, seeded a bit apart to have been in different pots.

    I actually believe we have as much chance as any of the other teams in our group if we adopt the right attitude to the games. France and Italy may be WC finalists but, from what I've watched over the last few weeks, they are not so very brilliant and are there for the beating.

  9. Livilion, I notice in a couple of your posts a slight bitterness towards the SPL and the quality of football produced. What you fail to note is that its teams like yours, who got into big debt by trying to buy their way to success, that made this league the way it is.

  10. I don't think we can complain about Livingston playing Hardball with regards any fee given the fact we are playing the same game with United.

    Not the same thing. Livi have put Hoolihan on transfer market cos they cant afford to keep him. Hoolihan is getting desperate about finding a club before next transfer closure and is quoted as being prepared to take a substantial wage cut if ICT and Livi can agree a transfer fee that reflects the value of the player. I dont believe we have actually made an offer to Livi as yet.

    I dont believe we are playing 'Hardball' with DU either. They have totally undervalued the players they want and we have let them know that they will get nothing for nothing.

    As for Fox, he was free to negotiate with Livi but I haven't heard the outcome. Does anyone know if he is on the Italy trip. That would maybe indicate if e's staying or not.

  11. No and if yesterdays game is a taster of whats to come then I doubt they'll go very far. If Paraguay's finishing had been just a tad better England would have lost. Eriksons whole game plan was junior football standards and nobody played with their hearts. They just seemed to be frightened of losing rather than confident of winning.

    I am loyal to the teams I have always supported and wont change my allegiance. I have a soft spot for T & T simply because I've met and chatted to one or two of their players in the past. Thats not to say I do or dont want England to do well. TBH I dont really care so long as I can watch some good football

  12. The Supporters Club is simply a title for a group of fans working to arrange things for the fans.

    Wrong CD. The Supporters Club is a fully paid up members club with an elected committee who's remit is to run the club for its members and who must act in the best interests of the members of the club as per the constitution of the aforesaid club. As a member of that club I see no reason, whatsoever, why the committee need to inform any other group of their plans for events being organised specifically for the members of the club.

    You informed the SC that you have an event organised for the end of July. Did you specify the 22nd? Did other people think you meant the 29th?

    Finally, a very public internet forum is not the place where you should be raising, what to me is, a private issues between yourself and committee members of the SC.

  13. Whats with the bickering people. If CD and his friends have organised some sort of event then thats up to them and I hope it goes really well for them. They are not organising on behalf of the supporters club so why should our hard working comittee have to consider them when organising events. I'll bet there are other events being organised around the district, do they also have to get CD's permission before going ahead. Should I phone the City of Inverness Highland Games organisers and get them to cancel there event on 22nd July cos we're playing County that day and having a party afterwards.

    Dont you think, CD, that its a bit selfish to expect the SC pick dates to suit your plans.

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