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Posts posted by strathyjags

  1. And he's also retained a very good centre back in Duff. And one who came through the Inverness Youth system at that.

    For all we know, the only reason Duff is staying is that his contract isn't up.

    could still release him even though under contract,if deemed not good enough

  2. he didnt sign it as he wouldn't be able to afford accomodation with what he was offered, he would have literally made more working at tesco's, so get you facts correct before making assumptions. they offered him less than 350 a week.

    my wife works in tesco,s and gets no where near ?350 per week!!!

  3. I know what he was offered and he turned it down, he told the club what he would like and that was a little bit more than what they had offered, we're talking 50-100 pound more a week. what he asked for was less than half of the average players wage at ICT. you have to remember that these players have to pay for digs ect just like everyone else, they have to live. plus football is a short career so you have to look for the best deal, everyone would do the same in his position.

    That's not quite what you said in your 1st post on here...

    this was a offer from brew before christmas im talking about. butcher offered him nothing and never indicated he would do either..

    releasing vigurs+wood could be premature,what happens if morais,kerr+foran all dont sign contracts,just becasue there being offered it doesnt mean they,ll sign,would of been better waiting seeing what they do 1st

  4. I'd heard it suggested a few times that Vigs hadn't been pulling his weight in training in recent months, which is why he was out of the first team picture.

    However he had shown more than enough on the pitch prior to that to suggest he could do it in the SPL, so to not show faith in him for division one is mind boggling.

    maybe vigurs asked for silly money,and as our budgets not that big the club refused to pay it,after all it did say 6-9 months ago they were miles apart on money,whos to say vigurs got a sniff of 1st team and demand big bucks,thinking hes better than he is,no-one really knows

  5. 2. Tokely - under contract; settled in the area, appears certain to stay

    3. Djebi-Zadi - out of contract; appears to be first choice left back under TB - will this be enough to earn him a new deal?

    4. Proctor - out of contract; TB may feel he can't afford to give Proc a deal unless he's likely to be first choice - can we afford him if he will be just a squad player? May depend on whether Rossco is kept in the centre.

    5. McGuire - under contract, I think. As much as we'd love to chuck him, he is unlikely to get many offers.

    6. McBain - out of contract; At 34, does he have the legs anymore? Might be overlooked in favour of youngsters.

    9. Rooney - under contract; might see next season as his big chance but might also be unkeen to drop down a level.

    10. Barrowman - under contract; TB appears to have some faith in him, and unlikely to be wanted by other sides so will probably stay.

    11. Imrie - under contract; is probably not going to get an SPL offer so appears likely to stay.

    12. Duncan - under contract; settled in the area, appears certain to stay.

    14. Munro - under contract; settled in the area, appears certain to stay.

    16. Hastings - I'm not certain of his contract status; settled in the area, I think would be keen to stay but is out of favour at the moment.

    17. Sutherland - out of contract; it doesn't appear likely that he'll be offered a new deal.

    19. Gatheussi - out of contract; likely to leave as has got nowhere near first team since return from injury

    20. Byrne - out of contract; might be given his chance ahead of Lionel and Hastings if can prove his fitness?

    22. Wood - out of contract; showed enough under Brew to suggest he could become a player, but new contract may depend on who else stays and goes.

    23. Esson - under contract; may be on his way out if rumours of a fall out with TB are true.

    24. Duff - out of contract; will fancy his chances of a new deal and becoming first choice next year.

    25. Foran - out of contract; probably leaving as will surely have suitors in the SPL.

    26. Odhiambo - out of contract; looks like TB wants to keep him and might be able to convince him to stay as first choice up front.

    27. Vigurs - under contract; another one who will surely see next year as a chance to establish himself.

    28. Kerr - out of contract; like Foran is likely to have suitors who will offer better cash and appears likely to leave.

    i think the above players will stay,if it was any other manager they may g but i think butcher will suprise us by keeping a good few

  6. I hate all this source patter, surely one of you know it alls can spill the beans and tell us why esson has been dropped?

    its not patter,my source not only works for the club,but is very,very friendly with john doc,if hes told things in confidence,like what esson did i aint abusing his trust by telling all here, then he,ll not tell meanything else


  8. Falkirk or us basically.. they have the better record against us, we have a 5hit home record

    Pressley out after his red card so that should rock them but I am not confident about it.... ffs, horrible

    if only we had held on against Motherwell :lol:

    Falkirk have only won 2 games away from home this season.

    radio saying falkrik terrible this week,lets hope there the same next week

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