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Posts posted by strathyjags

  1. Pretty obvious what I mean , but for your benefit I'll explain . Started at ICT then went to Elgin ( step down ) and has now ended at Strathspey Thistle ( massive step down ) .

    but he,ll be good for the jags so who cares

  2. How many points do you reckon Strathspey can get this season?

    more than fort william anyway,fort havent won a game in 2 years,strathspey will win at least one game this season.they have a lot of players who arent good enough just now,but moneys limited,but give us 6-8 games to settle in and we,ll do ok

  3. Must be following Strathspey Thistle in the Highland league.

    no changing of alligance(we,ll maybe a tiny bit,to strathspey)my severly disabled wheelchair bound son is football mad,and took him to his 1st ever "live"match on sat past,strathspeys 1st highland league home game,iam keen to get him out on sat afternoons to watch football,so taking him to the clach/strathspey game on sat,after maybe 12 strathspey game i may take him to a bigger game,like a ict home game.i do a fair bit of voulentary work for strathspey as in selling there lottery tickets,doing youth development partof website,and iam on youth development committee as a committe member and treasurer,so like to take a few games in,will also be doing a few ict games,when my son,s in respite.i have ticket for ict v ross co at end of aug,and will be at county game and dundee games at christmas

  4. 7 out of the 10 First Division clubs have match highlights on their websites

    shame 1 of them isn't us

    Ayr, Clyde and Dundee all require memberships to watch

    Dunfermline, Raith, Partick and Morton are free to watch (so i believe)

    Struggling to get the Dunfermline highlights however

    shame, want to relive that moment again and again and again

    dungfrmline ones dont seem to be working

  5. Your best bet would be to get to the game early before kick off and see if you can park in front of the turnstyles. Thats the only really car par area Clach have

    thanks for the reply,someone from clach e-mailed me and said i could park at the ground ,they would keep me a space,and we could go in the players/officials gate,so thats me happy now

  6. In talks with Dundee apparently :rolleyes:

    proves hes as gready for money as the next guy,thought he left ict as he wanted to play spl football? remind me again are dundee in the spl??

    he didnt get offered a contract anyway cos Butcher didn't think he was as good as slow roscoe and munro at CB, tit

    iam talking the truth and you call me a tit,your the tit

  7. In talks with Dundee apparently :rolleyes:

    proves hes as gready for money as the next guy,thought he left ict as he wanted to play spl football? remind me again are dundee in the spl??

  8. Maybe the likes of jim Calder will be there or Dennis Wyness but cant see Dalglish going

    if its in the next month jim calder wont be there,hes in canada for a month seeing his new woman,hoping to make his stay there permenant,once he returns to the uk

  9. its good to run out to a decent tune,but it also would help if we had a decent announcer,last nights was pretty shocking,repeating everything 6 times,surely could of though something esle to say,instead of constant reminders of golspie and annan games :P

    Thanks for volunteering Marty.....if you meet me at the front door around 1:30pm Saturday I'll take you up and show you how everything works and you can then show us how it's done!!!

    i havent said i know how its done,thats why i havent volunteered,i dont profess to be a expert at it,but at least the last guy managed to fill up all the time talking about lots of things not the same 3 things all the time,but hey if your happy who am i to **** on your fire

  10. its good to run out to a decent tune,but it also would help if we had a decent announcer,last nights was pretty shocking,repeating everything 6 times,surely could of though something esle to say,instead of constant reminders of golspie and annan games :P

  11. Is there a date confirmed for the shorts and socks? Ie before next week before the montrose cup game?

    didnt think anyone bought th whole rig out anymore,thought it was just tops

  12. If this were true then personally I'd rather he spent six months with a Highland League team. He'd toughen up very quick there.

    maybe i should speak to donely about getting him for strathspey th

  13. did i read somewhere butcher,or the chairman said we were going to run this season with a squad of 22? if so we presently have 20 in the squad,and if eagle signs thats 1 more,which could be a g/k,so bulvitis,sanchez,sanford and the trialists coming next week are all pointless??

  14. Starting line-up


    trialist tokely lionel munro

    naruis mcbain ross cox

    foran sanchez

    subs : Kelly, shinnie, stratford, morrison, gillispie, sutherland, rooney.

    Foran missed a penelty

    1.0 ICT via ROSS

    2.0 ICT via FORAN

    3.0 ICT via ROSS

    >My CTO account seems to be dodgy, i couldnt post before and i can even open links from the main forum page. I have got to log out, go onto thread page, log back in just to view a topic.

    thought narius was a def? wonder who def at right back was?
  15. I read somewhere that Butcher was keen to recruit Kelly after watching him against Clach.

    said on mfr tonight that we will have another g/k up on tiral,and he,ll play on sat.good that eagle has been offered a deal,but lets hope we can afford him! i think given our cut in wage bill it will be 1 from sanchez/stanford,1 for both trialist g/ks,and amybe we have a few defs coming on trial next week

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