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03: Full Members
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Everything posted by ICT90

  1. ICT90

    MP3 Players

    ive got an i pod nano
  2. thinking of getting it does any one on here have it and if they do can you get all the teams on it because some years you cant get holland
  3. i would say tannerdice what do you think
  4. internet whats your addy on bebo mines tonyjansen_8@hotmail.com
  5. this is for every one turn your speakers up /www.sheendigital.com/alba/
  6. slammed doors, slammed chairs under desks , swaer to teachers
  7. the adults to get bk to there own forum
  8. £20 to see caley play dundee utd £2 for halftime food but to see brewster face when we scored late winner priceless theres somethings money cant buy for every thing else theres master card :D
  9. thing you hav ever done or something u have done u regret
  10. what happend before the game there was a bus window smashed and a man taken away by police
  11. whats the weather like where u are, its sunny where i am
  12. he has loads of key players out tomorrow so it we get behide the team and mock brew all the way thorough the game we will trash them tomorrow
  13. we will win i can post a lot of junk (asusal)
  14. ICT90

    New mod

    i think i should be a mod for the youth bit what do think and if not me who should be mod for youth if caled lets us have one
  15. ive got a song ericcsson k 500 I
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