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Posts posted by mainstander

  1. Is set to become Elgin's new assistant manager combined with a playing role as well.

    What makes you so sure? From what I heard on BBC Highland yesterday morning hes been talking serously to Elgin but this is by no means a done deal. It would depend on Elgin comeing up with a realistic package for Bazza. Clach were also interested but Im sure Barry would want to stay in the SFL if he could.

  2. Can anyone remember the 1994 World Cup finals when a Columbian player, Escobar scored an own goal which caused them to lose against the USA? He was brutally murdered by so-called supporters a couple of weeks later. How far away are we from an event like that happening in England?

    So what about the North Korean team? Where are they now?

    Salt mine?

    Labour Camp?

    Guineapigs for nuclear testing?

    .... whilst the North Korean people are being told that their Glorious Eleven, thanks to the personal inspiration of The Short Arsed Leader, has won the World Cup! :lol:

    Coal mines apparently.

    Except for the manager who is called Kim-Jong Hun and who will therefor replace walter Smith at Ibrox on July 12th. I think I'd preferr to work in the Korean coal mines! :lol:

  3. Get all your Strathspey patter in here

    Strathyjags seem to be the new Fort William and thats before you look at the goal diff of minus 90. Infact there manager said at the start of the season if they couldnt finish ahead of Fort and Rothes and Brora, their would be something far wrong.

    So theirs obviously something far wrong. Its been a pretty dire first season but at least the only way is up.

    Maybe its becasue they didnt manage to sign that Polish striker from Tesco United.

  4. What a really stupid thread this is and tipical of the football Silly Season that we are now in. A SMALL number of fans in the main stand have been told they MAY need to move and instantly some of the usual suspects are out of the woodwork knocking the club and we get this long thread.

    Oh well I suppose theirs nothing on the playing side to talk about and after such a long period of success in games, some people must be struggling with withdrawal symtoms due to not having anything to moan about....

  5. David MacRae ex ICT won the highland league champion ship today.

    my assitant managers brother in law

    So your the manager as well down there in Grantown are you? A real Local Hero, what?

    no my assitant manager at work :cheer01:

    You mean you have time to work and be a manager there as well as to run Strathyjags singlehandedley? :025:

  6. There are economies to be made, for example, in Fort William, a population of 9000, there are 700 or so primary school kids

    7-8 primary schools in a 4-mile radius each with a 100 kids or thereabouts...waste...of...money.

    But will one of these not be a Gaelic Medium school?

  7. This is UNBELEIVABLE!

    Four points clear with the other team's still with up to 27 points to be won and theres people talking about how soon we can win the league and when theyd like to win it. And this is the SECOND thread like it. Can you imagine the delight that other club's fans (especially Countys) will have if ICT dont actually win this and they can wave these threads in your face?

    This is cockyness in the extreme and its downright daft. Do youre celebrating when and if the title is won.

    And by the way to put some people out of there misery, acording to my uncle whose very good at maths the 13th IS the earliest that ICT could win the league - BUT JUST DONT GO THERE!

  8. A wee birdie told me today that there is a plan to sell the club in Grieg Street?

    I have herd the same story. I think its more than a rumour but i think the plan would be for it to still be the Social Club.

  9. I see on the news that Australia has got it's first Saint. The Blessed Mary MacKillops parent's came from Roybridge in Lochaber before emigrating downunder and she has just been promoted to the status of Saint.


    Aparently she performed two miracles.

    Well Stevie Paterson performed one bloody miracle ten years ago but since it was on the Tims own home patch does he not get double points and hense an automatic Sainthood?

    The Saint Stevie Paterson campain start's here!!!

    And the lets also go for a few Blesseds. We'll maybe start with man of the match Charlie Christie, then goalscorers Barry Wilson and Paul Sheerin and lets give Bobby the benifit of the doubt as well! Blessify them all!

  10. I dont think theyve been a very happy ship for quite a few years now. I dont think theyre board get on all that well with each other and that goes back a few years. Remember when they were done for Teasdale cheating his way to the title. I think that almost tore them apart and theyve also had a lot of hassel about people taking over or not since then.

  11. Looks like we are one of a few cup games without inspections due for thursday or friday.

    Good news, think its only the roads that will be the problem. Does anyone know if the police would cancel the game for the state of a9 and the few well fans or just the streets surrounding the stadium.

    The police might cancel the game for these reasons or maybe more particuarly because they have more urgent things for there officers to do than to supervise a football match. In any case if the forcast tempratures of about minus 10 for the weekend actually come about, would all that many people really want to come and watch a football match and is it fair to ask players to strip off and go out and play in conditions like that? I could guess that IF the game goes ahead on Saturday the crowd will be very small indeed and might even be bettered on a nicer midweek night. Sometimes I think too much effort is made to put on football matches in poor conditions.

  12. The answer to that argument is that it is probably more a question of Police/Emergency Services resources than anything else. The city centre/retail park are expected to be busy with X thousand people and the services can plan for and respond to that, even if they are stretched, as there will be a city wide management plan in place. To dilute coverage by allowing a football match with up to 7,000 additional people congregating in one area, with the potential added strain on the Emergency Services, is too big a ask at this time of year with the extra workload caused by the weather.

    Football has always been an additional strain on Emergency Services resources, that is why clubs pick up the tab for extra Policing, etc. In times like this, with the weather as it is, the 'slack' in the Emergency Services rota will be non-existent as it will be all hands on deck dealing with all the issues the majority of us never see. Cancelling the game was the only decision that could be made realistically, and the absolutely correct one.

    :D :008: :008:

    Exellent and very sensable post. You could also have added in response to the flawed arguements of skifreak and others that assembling and dispersing a crowd for a fotoball match is a completely different business from sustaining lifes ongoing essentials like visiting the supermarket. Apart from what you might define as "essential", getting 6000 people into a football stadium in 60-90 minutes and getting them all away from it in 30 is a completely different propositioun from going out in random numbers across the weekend and buying food, petrol etc. And thats before you even start to consider Bridge Enders key point that the Emergency Services really do have much more urgent priorities at times like this than policing a football match which will now comfortably go ahead midweek. And as for the "but what about all the people who travelled from the south" response which will inevitibly come back? Well that's just a risk they have to take at this time of year and they could have taken the decision to stay at home.

  13. Have applied for the united job. Robbo as manager, Wilson as number 2. Although I know its 100% correct I've posted it on the rumour forum.

    They could be a good shout to replace Butcher & dour malpas when they get the chop if they get overlooked for the unite job.

    My souces tell me that Robbo may well NOT be on Stephen Thompsons radar at Tanadice.

  14. 2010 election. So what are the choices?

    New Improved :004: Labour - nicked many of Thatchers policys in order to get elected in 97. Really The New Tory Party who for some strange reason still sing the Red Flag at there conferances. What a hypocriticle joke that is.

    Conservatives - bunch of public school tw*ts hell bent on loking after there own and stuff the little man. The party of priviledge who still think they are the natural ruling classes.

    LibDems - Bloody Nice Blokes but.... oops. Run out of anything more to say about the LibDems!

    SNP - The White Heather Club. A "pretendy" political party which is really a Regional Single Issue Pessure Group. Small minded wee Jocks who love picking fights with Westminster and the English. More interested in using minority power at Holyrood to con Scots into independance than to run the place.

    BNP - The Grand Loyal Orange Order of England. Bunch of racist, fascist skinhead neds who should be criminalised.

    Greens - shower of tree hugging lentil eating hippys.

    UKIP - Think their still running the Empire. Little Englanders.

    Add to that the unifying "principles" which they all, as politicians, share with a vengance - Self interest, electability and screwing the expenses system for every penny they can.

    These are your options apart from - Dont Vote.

  15. .........................................................../.............home......./........away

    2003/2004 Bells Scottish Division One 1st/10 36 13 4 1 37 12/8 3 7 30 21 21 7 8 67 33 70

    13 home wins

    4 home draws

    1 home loss

    cheers.we've got some way to go to emulate that although the first is even more competitive now.

    With only 10 home games to go and 2 losses so far its impossible to emulate that.

    OK so if we were going to win the league this season with the 70 points we did it with in 2004 we need 43 points more from the 54 that are still on the board. Such as W13 D4 L1 or W14 D1 L3 from 18 games. From the first 18 are on W7 D6 L5. Some people seem to be expecting one hell of a sudden transfermation in the last half of the season, just like that. And 70 points will only be enough if Dundee colaps from the 39 theyve got in the first half to 31 or 30 in the second half. Oh yes AND if QOS, County and Partick also come back to us.

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