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Posts posted by mainstander

  1. What the club needs is SERIOUS investment,

    When someone makes an investment in a company they normally expect a return. What serious return are you sugesting here for the serious investment you want. Or do you mean that the club need's a large free handout from someone who is prepared to subsadise it?

  2. My link

    good to see we havent been totally ignored by the bbc for the season highlights reel. could watch grants goal again and again. though i think johnny will look for any excuse not to be reminded of his dancing :nanananana:

    So these will be there because their goals against the OF then?

  3. im sure i heard the Council will not budge and help them out...so they will NOT be going up. Its all to do with The Northern Meeting Park. Cricket seems to have priority....but as far as i know...its for municipal use.

    I heard on Radio Scotland this morning that the Junior FA have knocked them back for promotion even though theyve won the league because they havent got a pitch. I thought they were looking at the Highland council getting them a pitch at the Bught. I think they cant get the Meeting Park for the whole season because the cricket gets prioraty. So it looks as if cricket is more important in Inverness than having a football team in the junior Super League.

  4. I think Butcher should make a desicion and stick to it rather than dangling carrots

    I dont for one minute think this is a carrot or was ever intended as one. Do you not think its more likely that TB made what he genuinely thought was the desicion but he immediatly realizes theres quite a lot of reaction against it from fans and so on when its made public. Then this is stoked up even further such as on this forum and by Grants goal and great performance so hes maybe wondering if a change of heart might actually be a decent idea. Also who knows what the reaction has been within the club.

  5. Quite enjoyed the cheeky slagging of Ross County mainly because it involved Catriona Shearer :blush:

    I'd watch anything with Catriona Shearer in it...... even the news. :tongueincheek:

    Duncan Shearer looks more feminine than her! She's a dug!

    If I could spell "misogynist" properley I would call you one.

    Your not a farmer by any chance?

  6. Seems that once Brown had stopped laughing and calmed down a bit, the inevitable response was given . . .


    So Craig and Archie knocked it back. No surprise there then. At there time of life with there careers just about finished Id imagine they are quite delighted with there deal at Motherwell, sitting nice and handy in the top six with the fans loving them and with a good set up nice and near home.

    Why on EARTH should they want to go off up to Aberdeen sitting right at the bottom of the league and with no money and with a set of fans who will turn on them within half a dozen games if they dont start shooting up the league.

    I sometimes think Dons fans live in phantasyland. They still think their a big club and that managers will knock each other over to get in the door at Pittodrie. But what has realy happened is that they have slowly drifted down and down and are only a shadow of what they were. In that process they have gone through a shedload of managers and some of them quite good(such as Calderwood and Smith.) But because nobody has delivered what the Dons still seem to expect they have all got the dunt. You realy have to ask if the Dons job IS actually all that bigt a deal for any manager.

  7. That article is no more that a few paragraphs taken from his newly released autobiography.

    So it looks like the same thing as Shearer slagging off Pele the other week in the Sun. Just a stunt to plug his book and taking the most contravertial bits to get people to buy it.

    • Agree 1
  8. I would have gone 5-4-1 with Proctor and Tuffey DROPPED for Esson and Duff. I didn't mind seeing Shinnie and Sutherland on but again regarding Shane, he was playing alongside Ross who isn't a Striker.

    Tell you what i reckon. Mahonio is starting a whispering campaign on here to undermine Butcher becaus he wants the job himself!!!! The quote is a dead givaway, isnt it? Mahonio is your man!

    Either that or Terry should be REALLY worried becaus "mahonio" is actually DAVID F SUTHERLAND in disguise!

  9. He is apparently suing for £100 000 for having his throat slashed.

    Maybe somebody should sue the clown who botched the job - for neglagence!

    God its a prison and you cant get somebody to comit a murder properly. They could have saved the taxpayer thousands over the years.

    "Bunch of criminals in 'ere" as Norman Stanly Fletcher once said.

  10. It was the first weekend of a new SPL season and ICT were up against the Champions and title favourites. I opened up my copy of the Sunday Times hoping to read some considered opinion of how the league might shake up this year and, in particular, how ICT's performance against the champions suggests we will fare in the top flight - are we potential top 6 material or is it the relegation dog fight again?

    As for the match report itself, again, it was all about Celtic. In 26 column inches Alexander could not spare a single comment on how the SPL new boys performed or what their prospects were. It could have been Celtic against anybody.

    Of course, we are used to the Old Firm bias of the media but to me, this shoddy piece of journalism has hit new lows. It is worrying that journalists should write such shallow reports in the first place but even more worrying that editors in a so called "quality" newspaper let them get away with it.

    How was the match and the prospects for the coming season reported elsewhere?

    I took a look through one or two paper's and it was all the same. These were not reports about a match between two SPL teams. They were reports about Celtic. Interesting one in the Sunday Post where the reporter did go as far as to make comment about Johnny Hayes's early efforts down the "left flank". Jings crivens helpmaboab - that would be CELTICS left flank then!

    Says it all but I realy dont see anything worse in what was in the papers yesterday than in days gone by.

    PS - Celtic arent the champions.

  11. Well we will need to do without him for 3 weeks apparently. Heard on the radio the knee injury has re-appeared and he's definitely out of the celtic and utd games.

    You've got to be kidding???

    No hes not kidding! I heard it too on the BBC Highland news at 1 oclock. It said he'd had minor surgery and would be out for 3 weeks. TB said he hoped to have him back then. Early next month i think it said.

  12. from the rumours i hear Grant is to too seriously injured.. four stitches in his foot after some clown stepped on it

    Which one ? Bennett or Sutherland

    So let me get this right. Your saying that Grant Munro calls his feet "Bennett" and "Sutherland"?

  13. I was sure Id heard this before so I checked back in the archaive and theres a whole thread called NEW CAPTAIN started by SORTED away back on May 10th with the following post:-

    Apologies if this is elsewhere but heard Charles on the radio this morning saying we have a new captain for next season. Granty is being replaced by Richie Foran.


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