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Posts posted by buckett

  1. Regardless of who we end up with, with our track record he'll either be good for the team and be poached by a bigger team, or he'll be sh!te and either stay or be sacked.

    Might as well start booing him straight away!


    (Glass half empty at the moment!)

  2. When the dust has settled at Easter Road, it must be worrying for the Hibs supporters to know that their new manager's track record for loyalty means that if there's a marked improvement in the team's performance, he'll quickly be lured away by an even bigger(!!!) team and they'll be left in the lurch.


    Better then to hope for poor to average performance so that at least their new manager is likely to stay for a while.


    What a dilemna!!!



    And in any case, Guy Fawkes Night is a summer celebration in southern hemisphere countries like Argentina and Chile since November is early summer down there.




    And what better pastime, of a summer's eve, than a spot of fishing!


    :lol:  :lol:

  4. I'm getting really bored wth this thread!

    And yet you continue to post on it, thus keeping it alive.

    Sorry Charles, but I think you're as addicted to "Merger Talk" as everyone else who's posted on this thread!

  5. I think we all know, deep down, that a go-alone Caledonian FC would have fared just as well, if not better than ICT have done.


    And unlike some on this forum, I see no harm in reflecting on what might have been. Except of course that, somewhat irrationally, it clearly upsets some people!



    And regarding wisdom, well, maybe there's hope for me too in years to come!!

  6. Charles B. why do you hate Dougal so much? He's different perhaps, but so are a few others, including Scarlet who is so different when he is on form that even his Daddy Pimpernel can't cope with him, so he shakes his bright and breezy head and just walks away carrying an "I surrender" flag in his right hand hoisted high. 


    What would happen to this site if everybody who had a different opinion than yourself was thrown out at the first statement?  I welcome different opinions than my own because that's why I come on here and furthermore, if I can't justify mine without descending to acidic, viperish, vituperative put-downs, then Scarlet is in real trouble.


     And what difference does it make whether a poster comes from Inverness and does not understand the local vernacular that well or from Germany where, incidentally, I note that  at least one intelligent poster comes from and does tune-in to this site very well indeed? Why do you have to  go "joupeen over the gate" instead of simply jumping over it ? Is this some rite of passage from intellectualism to common-manism that you feel is necessary to convince other posters that you are just another ordinary guy in the street thus justifying your opinions and language and getting their tacit support.


    Forgive me Charles,  but I get the impression that you only go after those in this way whom you consider to be  vulnerable and perhaps not the favorite posters on the site but when up against a stronger opponent you tend to backtrack and joke your way out of the morass that is forming around you that frankly is of your own making. No doubt in your profession, being an icon of  admiration from the students, you have a hard time adjusting to the real world in which the average man or woman has to grit it out  facing challenges from adults, not children, which tests their will and attitudes to the limit. I have always yearned for a place in cloistered academe as my glorious fantasy but, alas, alack , it has always been Scarlet's fate to have to face the rough and tumble of life's brutal realities and never wear  a mortar board and gown to earn respect.


    As for  Dougal I don't know how he has lasted  so long on this site in the face of such unfeeling rejections of his views  and frankly I admire his persistence and his spirit. And if you study his remarks carefully enough, without allowing your emotions to get the better of you, then there are some interesting references and views expressed by same, de temps en temp.

    Dougal is a burr under your saddle, Charles, and long may it continue and you should just hope that he doesn't one day come after you with such intense sarcasm and ill-considered remarks by way of riposte or we shall see at that point how long you stay in the field of battle to suffer the slings and arrows....  


    Anyone who doubts that wisdom comes with age should read this!

    There's even hope for CB and IHE in years to come!



    • Agree 1
  7. Clearly too late for this year but can we try very hard next close season not to have yet another tedious endlessly repetitive merger 'debate' ?


    That would be a great pity. It is clearly a subject that many find interesting enough to contribute to - look no further than the "Merger Talk" thread which has recently stretched to over 400 posts.


    Tedious? Obviously the opinion of a small minority! I don't think those who posted find it tedious. Otherwise, why would they post and keep the thread alive???

  8. Caley at Telford Street today would have been hitting the 7-8K attendance mark.



    Doubt it - wouldn't be much different from what ICT are getting now.


    That would be missing the point though - who'd have thought you'd be trying to wind up the same prefect 40 years on!!!


    :lol:   :lol:   :lol:

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