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Posts posted by buckett

  1. If Thistle had got into the Scottish League instead of Meadowbank, I wonder if their progress would have been as spectacular as that of ICT, and indeed Ross County.


    And what of Caley - would they still be in the Highland League? Would the Caley support migrate across the river to watch Scottish League football or would they remain loyal to their Highland League team? Would Caley in the HL still draw bigger crowds than Thistle in the Scottish League?


    Doesn't bear thinking about!

  2. What's an Alloa? Or indeed an Arbroath?


    It's a pity that some supporters need to pay homage to the original teams, even after all this time.


    What a pity we didn't start with a clean slate - a team called Inverness - no Caley and no Thistle, playing in a strip with no blue, white, red or black.


    As many have pointed out, the younger supporters only know of ICT - they had no allegiance to either of the original teams. They think of ICT as a team in its own right - not an amalgamation of two now-defunct teams, and that's the way it should be.


    As the years go by more and more supporters will be of this persuasion and eventually this ridiculous carry-on with strip colours will end.


    Sadly, by then, me and Charles will be long gone!

  3. This thread makes me want to shoot myself in the face. Same garbage from Bannerman every time - Self appointed merger expert.

    Off for a lie down in a darkened room.


    Isn't the purpose of a forum to enter into discussion on a relevant subject which interests you?


    And put your views and opinions across?


    Whenever the subject of the merger comes up, a lively discussion always follows, and Mr Bannerman is perfectly entitled to share his views, as are you and everybody else!

    • Agree 2


    Fact.....had any one of those teams gone it alone and been accepted into Scottish league system they'd probably still be a part time team wallowing in among the Brechin's, Montrose's and East Stirling's with, maybe, the odd foray into Div 2. As a part time team with a few hundred fans there would not have been the money to get us where we are now.


    Not a fact at all - just an opinion!


    And my opinion is that Caley, on their own could have done just as well as ICT have - possibly better because they wouldn't have had the merger baggage.


    As the only Scottish League team in Inverness they would have attracted just as much investment as ICT have and would have made it into the SPL in a similar timescale, attracting larger crowds as they progressed.


    Don't believe me? Look at Ross County!!



    No comparison. ICT have stayed, barring one blip, in the top league for near a decade. Compare when and if RC can do the same.



    No comparison!!??


    Perhaps I'm stating the obvious, but Inverness is a much bigger town than Dingwall, with a much bigger fanbase.


    And yet, looking further up your post, near the top, where you talk about a part-time team making the odd foray into Div 2 . . . . a few hundred fans!


    I think our neighbours across the bridge have long exceeded that status!


    Don't get me wrong - I like the way things have turned out with our merged team. But each of these teams could have gone it alone and achieved as much - no doubt about it!

  5. Sorry Buckett, I just can't buy into the notion that Caley would have done just as well on their own. Their fan base would have been so much smaller, Caley actually weren't that popular and indeed were even actively disliked  in Inverness outwith their own orbit, they would not have had the universal appeal that ICT had, would they have got in on their own in the first place?, and if they did they would only have had a fraction of the resources that ICT had. For instance, of the £4.8M stadium budget, at least £1.8M would not have been available to Caley since there was a lot of public funding they wouldn't have got and they wouldn't have had Thistle's asset contribution either.



    A very linear and simplistic viewpoint, Charles, which I'm afraid just doesn't hold water. 


    As you're probably aware, many years before the merger Caley had been trying to relocate with a view to Scottish League entry. I think there was a site in Carse which had been considered although the District Council had been very obstructive to this proposal. Had it gone ahead we would have had a Scottish League team in Inverness with a stadium within easy walking distance of thousands of houses and with room for expansion to accommodate the growing support. No need for £4.8M stadium budgets and no need for another team's assets. And with such an accessible stadium, attendances would probably exceed those of ICT now.


    I mention this because there are so many ifs and buts that you can't just make a statement like "it couldn't have happened without the merger". Of course it could!


    Also, I have to take exception to your statement that "Caley weren't that popular . . . actively disliked in Inverness." This is simply not true!

  6. Fact.....had any one of those teams gone it alone and been accepted into Scottish league system they'd probably still be a part time team wallowing in among the Brechin's, Montrose's and East Stirling's with, maybe, the odd foray into Div 2. As a part time team with a few hundred fans there would not have been the money to get us where we are now.


    Not a fact at all - just an opinion!


    And my opinion is that Caley, on their own could have done just as well as ICT have - possibly better because they wouldn't have had the merger baggage.


    As the only Scottish League team in Inverness they would have attracted just as much investment as ICT have and would have made it into the SPL in a similar timescale, attracting larger crowds as they progressed.


    Don't believe me? Look at Ross County!!

    • Agree 4

    The reason you are surprised to hear this is that the merger has NOT actually kept very many fans away from supporting ICT at all.


    This is and always has been a complete myth which a tiny rump of Cyber Rebels attempt to perpetuate through various social media, including on here, and when they occasionally meet face to face in plenary session in a phone box on Telford Street. It's a wee bit like the myth about Celtic supporters in Seville, except about 20,000 times smaller.


    If you are one of the younger members of the ICT fan base, let me summarise what happened from the autumn of 1993 in a very few sentences. (A more detailed account can be found in "Against All Odds" online on this site.)


    Some Caley and an even smaller number of Thistle fans objected to the merger and the manner in which it was achieved. It is important to understand that attendances at games in these Highland League days was tiny (a few hundred) compared with nowadays since in between a large number of new fans with no interest in the merger in the first place have come on board. In the case of Caley, it is also very important to understand that in any case, no more than 226 people ever voted against the merger, even though recruitment by the anti merger faction was exhaustive. Of these:-

    * Very many still came to games and even helped out behind the scenes when the club got under way.

    * Some more have drifted back over the years.

    * Some more have left Inverness as would have happened anyway.

    * Some more have died in the intervening 19 years, as would have happened anyway.


    The numbers in Thistle's case were a good deal smaller than that.


    So, almost 20 years on, this residual small fraction of what, by modern standards, was a very small number in the first place, is really a drop in the ocean. However the more successful Caley Thistle has become in its transition from the Third Division to the top quarter of the SPL, the more and more bitter this tiny awkward squad has become and also the more laughable their cyberfiction.

    As a result, this Christmas, with this highly successful team sitting where it is, there will rather more "Bah Humbugs" than usual in that phone box on Telford Street.

    The merger, fascinating though it was to observe, is long gone and its product is now riding high in the very top tier of Scottish football.

    So this Yuletide, beware men with "predominantly blue" Santa hats, telling fairlytales, bearing grudges and with back numbers of LSM sticking out of their predominantly blue santa suits!!!



    Told you someone was gonna get mad!!!




    • Agree 1
  8. Clearly the majority of readers the article is directed at will see Inverness as remote. I don't really have a problem with that.


    Perhaps it's not so much an attempt to belittle the city - more an attempt to put the achievements of the team into perspective.


    You can interpret such an article any way you want. I don't think there is any malice at all - maybe just an ignorance of how thin-skinned some Highlanders can be!



  9. When we win the morn

    I will die an go to heaven and feel reborn.

    One more big win agin the Dons is on the cards

    And the title will be in oor pocket and what will be left of THEM will only be shards. :laugh:

    In the style of the great Topaz MacGonagall :smile:

    • Agree 1
  10. Well, unlike many, I'm so glad the game is on Friday because I'll be able to see it, which I wouldn't if it was on Saturday.

    I always feel very apprehensive at derby games, and I've really hated the few occasions when we've been beaten by County.

    But I'm quite optimistic about this one, purely because of our unexpected gubbing of United and I think County will be somewhat demoralised after their 5-4 defeat but so nearly a draw.

    It's all about maintaining composure in this one - I think and hope that County will be overcome by the occasion and lose theirs!

    • Agree 1
  11. What a joke, people parking up on the verge (which I often do) cause no obstruction to traffic or pedestrians. What's the problem? Don't get me started on the chaos trying to leave the car park.

    They certainly cause obstruction to pedestrians who are often forced onto the busy road to walk round cars which have been inconsiderately parked on the verge and what passes as a pavement.

    Issue tickets to them too, I say!!

  12. There's something quite sad about all this. The fact is England has a population about ten times that of Scotland, so England is bound to produce more top athletes.

    I quite like this Team GB thing where we are all united against the rest of the world once again.

    What I don't like is this chip-on-the-shoulder attitude we Scots have developed towards our neighbours, where in football, for example, in the absence of quality in our own national team, we are reduced to hoping our neighbours lose and are quite proud of the fact we support whichever team is playing England!

    I am proud to be Scottish, but whereas Scottish patriotism is viewed positively, we dismiss English patriotism as arrogance.

    • Agree 3
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