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Posts posted by Huisdean

  1. Granted, this was a pretty poor game, and while Utd played some pretty football, they offered no real goal threat until they scored. There was a definite push on Innes(?) but only Tokely seemed to appeal. Maybe the team had given up appealing to the referee by that point as they got nothing all night. Someone stated earlier that Tokely was lucky to stay on after being booked ealier. True but then again he should not have been bokked as his tackle was mistimed, nothing else. Utd players were falling over at every opportinity (Goodwillie and Conway especially) and after Gomis gets a talking to be the ref for persistent fouling, goes and commits at least another 3 with nothinh happening. Truly a dreadful referee and, had Utd not scored from open play, I feel sure they would have got a penalty. Every week we seem to get a referee who is worse than the previous week, and while it didn't cost us this game, it didn't help and we sure ain't getting any breaks from referees at the moment. Don't know how the refs treat us at away matches but might this just contribute in some small way to our home performance when we suffer from poor refereeing constantly.

    Anyway, as for the game, obvious to me that Munro is not a left back and he either moves back to central defence or is dropped. Tokely's distribution, along with almost everyone else last night was poor, and Conway was taking him to the cleaners on occasions althouigh he was not helped by Nick Ross not tracking back to help him. Nick Ross needs to man up a bit and start to tackle otherwise he is not offering much at the moment. I actually though Innes and Hogg came onto reasonable games and were not seriously troubled until after the first goal when we started to chase the game. Innes may be up to all sorts of tricks but at least he is street wise which a lot of our players are not. We get the things that Innes does done to us ona regular basis and if refs cannot be bothered to clamp down, then you fight fire with fire. Midfield was poor apart from Cox who had his best game for a while. Duff didn't produce much, Hayes was obvioulsy rusty from being out and his touch was generally poor but it will come back. Dorans looked like he could do something and it was unfortunate he got injured as Nick Ross offered little threat in the time he came on and cannot play central midfield. Rooney should have scored his one real chance but apart from that, service to him poor and not a lot he could do. Foran, good in parts, dreadful in others nothing more to say.

    The problem of playing with an unsettled back four is causing problems now as is a settled midfield. Duncan needs to come back in but I don't think, and I maybe agree, that Terry think Cox and Duncan compliment each other in midfield. For me however, Duncan every time.

  2. We simply have to play our strogest team add that means Esson. Sentiment cannot enter into this and those who think Tuffey should start ahead of Esson just because he has started the two cup games so far are deluding themselves. We have to try and win this game, and while Tuffey would not let us down I am sure, Esson is by far the more experienced keeper.

    • Agree 2
  3. A good [erformance all round and Doran looks like a real find. Not convinced about Hogg, still looks a bit of a plodder and for me, Tokely outshone him easily. Once again however, Dani Sanchez made a real difference when he came on and gives the team a different attacking option. Hope his injury is not too serious as he deserves a run of games and certainly should play ahead of Eric, who, sadly was very poor again.

    • Agree 1
    • Disagree 1
  4. According to all the stats sites, Rory McArdle was the only Don booked - in 38 minutes.

    Blackman definately booked in first halg and it was Vernon who deliberately handled in the second. Seceral Aberdeen players were guilty of kicking the ball away when decisions went against them but no action taken. Referee didn't cost us the game but very very poor standard of refereeing especially in last 2 games.

  5. Didn't see the sending off but if Terry is saying it was justified then so be it.Cannot help but pass comment on the officials. The ref was probably worse on Saturday but not by much on last nights. McArdle's tackle was a definite red card but the linesman didn't even raise his falg and don't think the referee was even going to blow for a foul had the whole home bench not erupted. Other incidents have been mentioned like the player not getting booked for celebrating his goal in an inflamtory manner and the deliberate handball by Vernon. These may seem petty but Russel Duncan was booked for doing a similar thing against Aberdeen a couple of seasons ago and Rosscoe was booked for a similar handball incident earlier this season. Absolutely no consistency from referees and the standard is the poorest I have ever seen.

    As for the game, we played as well as we have for some time now and played some good passing football. Rooney had a massive game although he should have scored at least one of his chances. We probably made as many chances in that game, and certainly more clear ones than Aberdeen, which is good but we ned to take them. I am confident that we will soon.Shinnie, Duff, Tokely, Foran and Sanchez all had good games. For those slagging off Foran and Sanchex, but mostly Foran, what game were you watching. He ran him self into the ground and while not at the top of his game, cannot be accused of not trying. Some negatives however, how Nick Ross stayed on when it was obvious that Russel Duncan needed to come on is beyond me. He was totally overpowered in midfield which did lead to alot of pressure being put on our defence and was not snapping at players heels like Duncan would have done. That was such an obvious move for Terry to make so poor judgement there. Innes is a liability and should be on the bench as back up only. No pace, little awareness and awful distribution, he will cost us goals.

    Luck has certainly deserted us at the moment but you could argue, we had lots of luck earlier in the season. We do need a win however and the Dundee Utd game could just be the spur to kick us on.

  6. Further to my earlier post, and picking up what Mike has said, I am not advocating cheating. To me, Sutherland was definately fouled and had he gone doww, would the referee have been more likley to give a penalty?. Given the ref's performance on Saturday, it's doubtful but to me it was a penalty whether Sutherland stayed on his feet or not. Put this another way, if the Hamilton player had stayed on his feet, which I think he could have, would a penalty have been given?. The guy knew he had no chance of getting to the ball and went down from the slightest of touches, to me, definately not a penalty.

    I still stand by what I said about being bullied by the likes of hamilton and the guys who sit beside me all agreed. We let them dictate what happened in the match, they tested the referee to see what he would give/let them away with and played on that all afternoon. Add on blatant timewasting, which they have done everytime they have come up here and I really hate the way Hamilton go about their business and would shed no tears if they were relegated.

    As I have said, not advocating cheating but, and I have said this since we were first in the first division, sometimes we are boys against men and we really have to wise up and become more streetwise. The only guys thta come close to doing this at the moment are Innes, and I don't rate him as a player, and Foran, both who have been around a few teams.

    • Agree 3
  7. As someone has already said on this thread, it didn't take long for the knee jerk crew to get some nonsenese posted. Yes the home form is shocking and the team is definately not firing on all cylinders just now but all the teamas go through a bad patch and we just have to keep plugging away. The players that were being rightly praised earlier in the season don't just become bad players overnight and they will come back.

    Personally, I think some of the team need a rest but with the small pool of players we have, this cannot happen. Foran does not look 100% fit to me and it would be interesting to know if that was the case so some of the posters here can let up with the over the top critiscm of him.

    Two other points, well three actually. There are still some fans on this site who show unbelievable arrogance at times. This is a hard league and we have no divine right to win games home or away. Look at the results every week and see how difficult it is for teams to win at home. Second, this result has to be taken in the context of who the opposition were. Hamilton are the worst team I have seen for blatant gamesmanship, diving etc and we were bullied by them today becuase we are not stretwise enough of a team to do the same to them. We have to toughen up in that respect (and give them Innes as he would fit right in with his jersey pulling antics). Lastly, abd I don't like saying referees cost us a agame but this time I think the referee did. Not convinced about the penalty for Hamilton but too far away to be 100% sure but definately a penalty for the push on Sutherland late on. Some of the referees decisions were an utter joke and we got very little from him all day. Where he also almost cost us the game was he gave a foul for handball against Duncan, which it never was, and from that Hamilton ended up hitting the post.

    A kick back against Terry's quote that the SPL don't want us. Time for a Celticesque paranoia scenarion maybe!!!.

    • Agree 2
  8. The thing I can't get is that the 10 team league will allegedly bring in more money but the proposal is for a two tier SPL of 20 teams so what money goes to the SPL 2 teams?. That must take a chunk out of the extra money.

    Second point, if it has to be a 10 team league then the finacial revenues should be split equally amongst the 10 clubs, and I include gate receipts amongst this. This would create a more level playing field for all teams as you need all 10 teams being successful to make a good league. I can just imagine the majority of clubs agreeing to that!. Where is the leadership required from the SFA/SPL, oh I forgot Henry McLeish and Neil Doncaster. Says it all really.

  9. Two simple things would help to make Scottish football more cpmpetitive, and hopefully more attractive before the leagues are evn tinkered with

    Go back to sharing gate receipts so money is distributed more evenly

    Share TV monies equally between the clubs.

    We simply need to make the leagues, in whatever format, more competitive and this would go a long way to doing this. Chances of this happening however - none.

  10. I think Adam has to really think this through very carefully. He has really developed as a player - why, because he has had a consistent run of games. If he moves to another club, and does not play regularly, his development will suffer although he will earn more money.

    Surely it is not impossible to put something in his contract giving him the option to move if a "bigger" club came in for him which would enable him to sign a new contract with ICT.

  11. I wonder how much of this coaching thing is a red herring. We probably have more coaches in the game than ever before but the quality of football has not improved nor, more importantly has the skill levels of the players. I think the caoches in Scotland have got things wrong, and blame for this must be laid at the feet of the SFA. In my opinion, our coaches (whether it is at individiual clubs/community coachesetc)basically come through the SFA system. While this is better than no coaching, it seems to me that they do not focus on improving the techniques of players but more on systems/formations etc. I get embarrased when i see some players try to control a ball, are so one footed it's untrue and these are skills which can be coached, relatively easily but we do not seem to do this. Improving the technique of a player is the one thing that will lift an average player and make him a much better player. I would use Kevin Keegan as a great example of that as he was not a naturally talented player but worked hard at his game and got the rewards due to him.

  12. Pretty much agree with everything that has been said and this was a bit like the Hamilton game. St Johnstone did what hamilton did to us, stopped us playing/going forward by constant fouling and both teams found a referee who would let them get away with this. How Duff and haynes got booked while Jody Morris got away with trying to slice Hayes in two, I do not know. Yet another poor refereeing display and I think we should have had a penalty as well.We got what we deserved however and no more.

    I have said this for many years now but I really think some of our players need to get a bit more srteetwise and start sussing out what the referee will let them get away with. St Johnstone sussed out that the ref was weak and just fouled our player when there was any danger. We really do need to wise up at times.

  13. I feel some of the reaction to this game to be way over the top. Yes, 6-0 was embarrasing and I feel sorry for the fans that were there but our main focus has to be to stay up. Posters have queried the team selection but what if we had played our strongest team and lost more to injuries, then Saturdays game would have become even more of a risk for us. A win against St Mirren will be a great boost and help us survive in this league at the end of the season. You also have to remember that out first choice defence has been decimated by injuries and players are being played out of position. I am sure that certain players were re-signed purely as cover and to be used sparingly (Golabek for example) but things haven't worked out that way. Where are we supposed to find additional players and pay for them with the budget we have, some players will not sign if they are going to be on the bench every week. Perhaps if the people of Inverness turned out in greater numbers to support their team, we would have more resources but that is another story.

    Better teams that us have had thumpings from Celtic in the past and come back from it. Finbally, cast your mind back to the first game of the season when it was almost our strongest team that faced Celtic, it could easily have been 4 or 5 nil that day but the ball ran for us. It didn't last night.

    • Agree 1
  14. Don't think we can afford to play 2 wide midfield players like Ross and Hayes at Parkhead. Personally, I would give Nick Ross a wee rest and play Hayes as I still think he needs games to make up for the pre season he missed. I would also play Sanchez, if fit behind Rooney as we need players who can hold the ball and not give it away. For that reason, for me, McBain has to play as well so.....












    Appreciate it's hard to drop certain players but it's horses for courses at the moment. This is a nice to win game but overall, nor as important as Saturday's game

    • Agree 1
  15. As usual, some of the posts here are picking on certain players and Rooney in particular as got it in the neck from some. As some posters mentioned, little or no service to him so he was trying to do everything himself and that impacts on his game.A few digs at Sanchez as well, why?. He had a much better second hald and put in some good crosses. Always likes to try and play football which is more than can be siad for some. linked up well with Eric several times and the introduction of Eric definately lifted the pace of the game.

    None of the new signings really stood out although Blumenshein didn't look comfortable on the left. Jury still out on McCann but he needs to show a bit more.

    As for our defence, if the centre backs play like that in the SPL, we will suffer. No pace from Munro and Tokely and both skineed early on. Poor positional play from Tokely as well sometimes. As for Nick Ross, had some goos touches but someone needs to take him aside and get him to a gym. He is far too lightweight and needs to bulk up if he is ever going to really make an impression.

    All in all, a reasonable start but much work to be done.

  16. I think the big difference this time in the SPL, not just for Adam Rooney, is that our strikers are a bit more experienced and we have Ritchie Foran. Foran is vastly experienced at this level and makes a huge difference to the team when he plays. An experienced front man was what was missing from Brewster's team in the SPL last time and it cost us dearly.

  17. Like most posters, I agree that this season has been more entertaining than some in the SPL because this is a genuinely competative league and most of the teams do not come to defend unlike the SPL.

    What is important, if we get promoted however, is that this time we make some progress in the next two to three years in building a team/infrastructure/fan base to enablle us to kick on in the development of ICT. After the first couple of years in the SPL the last time, I feel we stagnated and didn't move on as we should have. This cannot be allowed to happen but requires some ambition and vision by the board. Do they have this, only time will tell.

  18. Had to respond to this as I am gaurded but becoming increasingly optimistic. Dungdee have had a good 90 minutes and no more and to take 15 out of 15 would be asking a hell of a lot at this time of the season - especially away to Plastic Whistle and a doubler against bitter rivals Raif within a few days. If they get 10 out of 15 they would have done well.

    Irrespective of the Cellic score the pressure of games on Tinkerville is just too much - they have been unfortunate that the weather and their cup run appears to have put pay to their title challenge and I felt that they would have been one of if not THE main contender.

    Queens dont have anything to lose but I doubt if they will look at it as anything to win - psychologically that can mean a lot.

    Dundee and Chisholm would have had an even bigger boost if ICT had fallen to Raif and/or to Morton. We are scraping wins but that is a very positive thing at this stage at the season.

    We were in a position where we could not afford to lose any games or drop points - that is no longer the case - we are now in a position where we are in charge of our own destiny and this team has been berated and at times in the season written off - That is a real psychological angle to utilise. I bet if you ask tokes and co they would feel that winning the league this season would be a far greater achievement than in 2004.

    Every game is the most critical of our season - the last gasp winner versus Raif and the scrap at Cappielow showed the committment and the motivation of the players. I suspect that you are also confident but more gaurded than I BUT I would go as far as saying that three points on Saturday could just be enuff to get us through. I would even take a point at this moment in time.

    But then Dumbfarmlife becomes our most critical game of the season - and then Hair Untied. I really want the title to be won before the final day as that is where we would be at our most fallible - plus Dungdee have a hoodooo over us.

    So lets move on to palmerston and be as loud as we can be - BRING IT FECKIN ON.

    Seriously, how old are you? I had assumed from your username that you would have been of an age to have supported Caley in their Highland League days, but having read the above post, I'm beginning to wonder if perhaps you're a teenage boy.


    This will make IHE's day!!. Johndo may act like a teenager but it has been a long time since he has been one

  19. Seems to be that, with the exception of the tactical genius which believes the Samoan rugby back seven would be the answer to our prayers, this news is very much welcomed.

    And the personal insults begin. How nice.

    Here's the thing though, who'll turn out to be right in the end? We shall see.

    Who knows Renegade, and this is not an insult, but a bit of positivity from you would be nice. I seriously have to question why you support ICT at times with some of the negative comments you make buit everyone is entitled to their opinion and I would never stop you from giving yours as that is what sparks healthy debate.

  20. Sorry.... I think anything less than promotion back to the SPL would have to be deemed a failure. The players (and management) know full well that their careers, future prospects, remuneration, etc, are hardly going to be enhanced by another season, or more in Div1. That should surely be more than enough incentive for all to battle tooth and nail for every available point remaining in this league.

    It's just a wee bit premature to be thinking about new contracts of any kind just because the team has enjoyed a run of 7 league games without a defeat.

    Hope that doesn't sound negative - I still believe it can be done barring injury problems, suspensions etc, and if it happens I'll be the first to admit I was wrong to doubt the capabilities of TB & MM.

    And the world you inhabit is where outside the planet earth?

    Yep.everyone knows their careers, future prospects, remuneration, etc, are hardly going to be enhanced by another season, or more in Div1..but you do kinda have to think that every other team in Div1 is not endeavoring to get up there....and you kinda have to think that those teams are prepared to forego their aspirations to allow ICT yours.

    You can battle tooth and nail for every available point remaining in this league...but other teams are going to do the same. ICT has no divine right to immediate resurrection...whatever some fans might think.

    Strikes me that it is much more sensible to offer new contracts to the nucleus of a team for next season, whichever league it is in which they might play......otherwise next season, we will have three players and no management.

    That seem a sensible way to go?

    To me it does, to the baord, whoi we need to convince, who knows?.

  21. You've got to remember here that ICT are/could be/would be the ones who set themselves up for a possible fall. They were the ones marketing themselves as the team who would go "straight back up" and if ICT fail to do that, then they have failed and should they fail, they have only themselves to blame.

    And if they hadn't said this, people would have been queing up on this forum to slate the club for no ambition. I seriously wonder why some posters on this forum support ICT.

  22. Why would QOS pay for hotel and travel and want a game called off someone putting 2+2 the gether and getting 5 and trying to deflect any blame. anyway it's time to move on its happend and its done with l.

    no-one is saying they wanted the game called off .... just that their manager was (allegedly) not that upset at the referee's decision to call it off. but you are right, its time to move on, plenty more threads to misinterpret :P

    Totally agree with Scotty that it is time to move on with this topic. However, as a parting shot, this situation again highlights how some of our support are only too happy to name call the club for this postponement and it saddens me that so many take great delight in attacking the club at every opportunity. Not for one minute am I suggesting the board/club have been blameless on other occasions but on this occasion, for anyone to blame the club is utter nonsense. What I would like to see happen from this incident however is for the SFL/SFA to explain the referee's decison to call the game off if, by all accounts the condition of the pitch was improving all the time and it was playable by 1500. As QoS were already either here or almost here and the fans probably almost here, then that would have been the most sensible decision. It really beggars belief that organisations like the SPL/SFL/SFA continue to treat fans in this way when attendances are dropping like a stone and football is dying on its feet.

  23. I don't think 1 defeat and 1 victory in our last two games could be described as "consistency".

    Since when did two games = consistency. What is it with some of our so called supporters, are you ever happy Johnsboy?

  24. What I cannot understand is the curreent lack of information from the board (make that direction as well) over what will happen at the end of the season. We are still in with a chance of promotion but if that fails, and we lose a lot of players, we could seriously put at risk our chances of promotion next year as a lot of new players would need to be brought in and they would take time to gel.

    Surely the board can see this but the silence is deafening and also very worrying. I am not a shareholder and don't know when the next AGM is but would hope that shareholders and the Supporters Trust bring this up. Could an EGM even be considered?.

    One of the main reasons we survived in the SPL when we were first promoted was that we had very few changes to our team in the first few years when quite often, the newly promoted side changes many of their playing staff with, quite often distasterous results. Conversley, we are probably where we are now because we didn't start to change the team early enough and move players out and new ones in.

    It's a funny old game.

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