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Everything posted by Huisdean

  1. Unless you know this for a fact, stupid pointless comment. There are too many snide comments like this being made on here without any substance behind them. Even if directors were going to Germany, this would have to have been planned months ago before all this happened.
  2. My thoughts are similar but, on the other hand, if we don't get some cash into the club, it might go into administration anyway. Will take the weekend to think about this, buy a lottery ticket and If Scotland win, will seriously consider renewing my season ticket!
  3. I think there needs to be some realism here. The fans have demanded, and got what they wanted. Gardiner is leaving and some are unhappy that he is working his notice. Well he either works his notice or we pay him off so either way it's a cost. As I said in another post, fans now need to start putting there money where their mouth is, in buying season tickets etc. Club need to get these season tickets on sale ASAP to generate some revenue. Some fans won't of course until everything is resolved to their satisfaction but by then it maybe too late. I also have a nagging doubt that all the anger generated by fans over the issues will actually be transferred into revenue for the club.
  4. Well the fans have got what they wanted, the removal of Mr Gardiner excepted. As such, we, the fans need to now put our money where our mouth is and buy our season tickets/merchandise etc. In return though, the board need to get someone from the Supporters Trust on the board to demonstrate they will listen to fans at long last. To reiterate however, fans need to back the club with the same passion they displayed over the Kelty move and also financially.
  5. Therein lies the problem. He is an absentee chairman who has let Gardiner dictate things. No-one will step forward to replace him while Gardiner is there so the chairman has one simple task, sack Gardiner and maybe someone will take over. This would also get some fans back onside.
  6. Wouldn't be surprised. Young players were already told to train on their own, away from first team, by Ferguson. They were therefore becoming very disillusioned. As for this ridiculous proposal, well I'm afraid that's me done with the club. I was at the first league game in 1994 and a season ticket holder for over 20 years. I cannot realistically renew my season ticket after this.
  7. Make no mistake, Hamilton are there for the taking but only if Ferguson picks the correct team. As people have already said, People and Lawal have to start and Longstaff needs to be dropped as he is offering nothing. Not convinced that Macgregor is the saviour some posters think (they're going on past reputation imo) but if things not going to plan, he needs to ge brought on earlier than he has been. If Austin Samuel's is fit, I would be tempted to throw him on later in the game as he has real pace which we lack. We also need to go at Hamilton from the off and put them under pressure as I think they will struggle. Their pitch certainly helped them last night as it was awful.
  8. What's the issue here. As a season ticket holder, I'm happy to pay for the play off games. I certainly had no expectation that it would be included in my season ticket. I guess the club have got it wrong in terms of what they stated but given we need as much revenue as we can, so you need to pay. As an aside, interesting to note from the Courier article how the Championship have been stitched up by the Premier league.
  9. I think the criticism of Ferguson is way over the top and, realistically, the club cannot afford to pay him off. Without doubt he has made mistakes but he is learning his trade and his lack of knowledge of football at this level didn't help. There gave been signs in the last few games that he was starting to make things work. Don't forget the mess that Dodds left with no real strikers apart from Billy, who let's face it, isn't as sharp as he once was. I think we will win through the play offs and if we do, the hard work will start to get a team together next season. Don't forget, some posters on here would have been happy with Imrie as manager.
  10. Yet again absolute joke of a linesman and referee have cost us. Referee and standside linseman are simply not up to standard. Will we ever get a decision as it also looked like we could have had a penalty at the end of the first half yet inexplicably the ref gives a foul to Morton.
  11. We haven't played like this for at least the last 6 games. Players will go for it I'm sure, just need that bit of luck that was missing against Raith. I do genuinely think we are playing better recently but it's taken far too long for that to happen. Need desperately to get the first goal tonight.
  12. What exactly will a boycott if spending with the club achieve. It could seriously damage the already poor financial position of the club. If it succeeds in removing the CEO and Chairman, then their replacements will inherit a much more difficult situation and so the finances worsen even more. The club needs investment for sure but how we get that I don't know. Greater fan investment similar to what happens at Hearts would be great but, being realistic, cannot see the numbers adding up for ICT. Maybe there is a simpler solution to all this and simply more of our fans could actually turn up for games instead of endlessly moaning.
  13. Deserved win in terrible conditions at times. Thought we played at a better tempo today and created a lot of chances. Arbroath were poor but some of our interplay was really good and sharp. Samuel fully deserving of MOM but was kicked and held the whole game with no protection from the ref. Officiating was really poor again, do we actually train referees any more or are they just allowed to make up their own decisions.
  14. Not the same thing at all. I don't park at the stadium because I think £5 is ridiculous and also getting out of the casr park can be time consuming. It's also easier for me to get home by parking in the Longman. Happy to give the club money buying food, merchandise etc but draw the line at paying £90 minimum a season for parking.
  15. Totally agree. It's the same with not keeping at least one man up the park when the opposition had a corner. All that does is that if we clear the ball, it's going to come right back into us and also invites more opposition players into our box. Basic basic tactics that Ferguson needs to see and change.
  16. We are not quite as one dimensional dimensional as stated. There have been signs in the last 2 games of what we are trying to do but the problems are further further up thee field as little or no support for Billy or McAllister today. Anderson tries and does well but Gilmour Gilmour sits far to deep at times. As for Shaw, what has happened to him?. He has been dreadful yet never seems to be subbed. Definitely missed Samuel today and that might have made a difference. Must win game coming up next week so Ferguson needs to start earning his money and stop the baffling substitions.
  17. Off topic slightly I know but surely thus is the time fir all ICT fans to start turning up and supporting the team thereby generating some more cash for the manager. Fully appreciate that the recent home games have not been the most exciting but , to me at least, it just seems like giving some fans another reason not to attend (not that some need one). If we get relegated, don't think we will, then that could be the end of full-time football for some time, so it's up to the fans to get behind the manager and team Moan all you want at the board but at least turn up to help the team.
  18. Agree with IHE. The other main problem is the lack of pace in midfield and up front. That seriously needs to be addressed but we also sit far too deep at times. It is quite common for Ferguson to be urging the players to get further up the pitch. Get that sorted and done with pace will surely help.
  19. The quote given to me was that Welsh was behaving like Communist Shop Steward, preventing certain directors speaking directly to the players and dictating everything go through him. This did not come from any directors or players but from fellow season ticket holders I have known for many years. Cannot categorically say these statements are true but have no reason to doubt the sources.
  20. Welsh had made it clear he didn't want to play for the club again and everything had to go through him from the club. Good servant as he was, the club cannot be dictated to by a player in this manner.
  21. How can Max Anderson be cup tied when he hasn't played any Scottish cup ties this season?
  22. How is this helping the team. It seems that we have a core of "supporters " who profess to support the team but won't actually attend any games as they believe, in that doing so, they give support to the board. What garbage, if more fans actually attended games, instead of finding reasons to not attend, we may be in a better position financially and be able to challenge the board more robust. Whatever you think of the board, the majority have invested substantially in the club, with little hope of any return. True, they have made mistakes and communication is terrible but they have put their money into the club. It's a pity some fans don't want to put theirs into the club because they don't like the board or CEO.
  23. Have to disagree on this. Wr are a much better team with Welsh in it and he has been sorely missed this season. My understanding is that he played with an injury at the back end of last season and this has been the problem for the start of this season. Don't know if the injury sustained at Nairn is a similar injury. Doran can also still do a job for us in the Championship. His latest injury is a hamstring one which can happen to any player. Ferguson had obviously thought he was good enough to start the last 2 games.
  24. Meant to say Dodds but perhaps Dodo is more appropriate
  25. Definitely 442. Dodos has seen sense at last. Shaw the best player on the park by a country mile. Need a second goal though and probably would have had it but for a horrendous decision by the far side linesman for offside against Brooks.
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