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old caley girl

+05: Player Sponsor
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Status Replies posted by old caley girl

  1. 26/10/2011 - Feckin Grandad Johndo - would ya feckin believe it.

  2. 26/10/2011 - Feckin Grandad Johndo - would ya feckin believe it.

  3. happy that CTO is back up and running ....

  4. happy that CTO is back up and running ....

  5. Broke my right hand this am so will not be typing much

    1. old caley girl

      old caley girl

      no one unfortunately. Only fell and landed on my hand. Can think of a few folk Id like to puch tho lol

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. is nervous/exicted!!!! red bull and vodka 4 brekie!!

  7. 17 and a half hours to kick off - the tension builds

  8. Catching up on Masterchef :D

    1. old caley girl

      old caley girl

      have to say enjoying this series. think Neil is gonna win

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