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old caley girl

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Posts posted by old caley girl

  1. Small query - Does the man of the match announced at the end of the game have to be an ICT player or was whoever picked it being kind to our team. Also where is our man of the match poll on here? I know we were bad but ............

    I think so. Every game i've being to its being a ICT player so i think so. CaleyD must be out having a few drinks after the game. Be on tomorrow sometime i would think

    Hope Caley D is drowning his sorrows.

  2. OK I'll defend him except for today. I think in previous games he's gone about his job quietly but efficiently and has been an asset to the team. I think we need to give the new players a bit of slack while they settle in - but today he certainly was'n the worst on the park by any means.

  3. defo going to Partick next week with the kids. I know the players want us to get behind them but they did'nt exactly give us much to cheer in the 1st half did they? Personally I screamed shouted and sang right through the match.

  4. Bit unfair me thinks. All the signings are young and need to toughen up quickly and the only way that will happen is by playing them. Last week we were all happy with them and I think we need to reserve our judgement re the manager. I agree some things have been strange like leaving Lionel on the park today for so long but the disappointment of today will pass eventually. Here's to better days.

  5. Gutted. Cant believe the lack of passion today from the team. Thought they would be well up for it like the fans after reading what TB had to say in the Courier yesterday. Apart from being relegated I cant remember feeling this bad in a long long time. County just escaped relegation to div 2 last season for heaven sake. Only laugh of the afternoon was the "shoes off for Brewster".

  6. did'nt think he covered himself in glory today and was probably our worst player but I was shocked to hear some of the home support booing one of our own. Hardly going to help his confidence is it?

  7. All these queries have already been addressed on previous Announcer/PA related threads. This is the 4th thread on the subject this month!!!

    Sorry! But we have to talk about something to pass the time till Saturday. 2 more sleeps to go.

  8. Our seats were behind the dug out. Ref defo booked the wrong person. After this happened the 4th official came over and spoke to MM. Butcher turned round and shouted at the 4th official "It's not the world cup final we're playing here" and all around disolved into laughter and cheers.

  9. As far as I know all prisoners in Scotland with less than 3 months to live can apply to be released on compassionate grounds. The problem really is that the Scottish Prison Service has no health care provision for these kind of people. Actually after seeing the celebrations on the news last night when this man returned to Libya I kinda think I've changed my mind a bit on this. Perhaps it would have been more appropriate if he had been moved out of prison to somewhere local to die. I'm sure this would have made it easier to provide medical care and there would probably not have been all this fuss.

  10. OK to clarify so no one gets sued. There is help avaiable whether to stop smoking or cut down as in this case. If you were admitted to hospital you will not be able to smoke and help would be provide on a short term basis. No one is suggesting that this should be done without the advice of a Gp, smoking advisor or pharmacist. I'm sorry I replied to this topic probably the poster should keep smoking and talk the club into providing an area for this purpose. Anyway I think as a smoker you would be hard pressed to prove your heart attack was due to any other cause.

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