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old caley girl

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Posts posted by old caley girl

  1. OK to clarify so no one gets sued. There is help avaiable whether to stop smoking or cut down as in this case. If you were admitted to hospital you will not be able to smoke and help would be provide on a short term basis. No one is suggesting that this should be done without the advice of a Gp, smoking advisor or pharmacist. I'm sorry I replied to this topic probably the poster should keep smoking and talk the club into providing an area for this purpose. Anyway I think as a smoker you would be hard pressed to prove your heart attack was due to any other cause.

  2. I actually thought this topic was all a bit of a storm in a teacup. However, last night I had the misfortune to be sitting beside someone who spent the whole game moaning about and at Grant Munro. He could do nothing right in the eyes of this gentleman and I swear even if he has scored a hat trick it would still have been wrong. Why do people do this? I know you pay your money but a bit of support would not go a miss from some quarters.

  3. If addcition is really the problem here you can use nicotine replacement products eg gum, lozenges or patches whilst at the game.

    If you read the warnings on the packs of nicotine replacement therapy it can be extremely dangerous to use these and tobacco products in conjunction with each other. Snuff is passable, for me, as a stopgap during the match, snus is a far better replacement but as said before it is illegal to sell snus in the EU.

    There are patches on the market that you can smoke with also as a one off once a while mixing these products would be ok. people do it all the time.

  4. I think a lot of the booing was towards the ref not the team but I think folk (maybe wrongly or not) are frustrated about our ability in front of goal certain individuals would rather pass the ball (or the buck sometimes) than shoot at goal.

  5. Have yo say I felt a bit sorry for the people serving today as they were taking a lot of flak. I spoke to the lady that served me and she said there were a lot of other events being covered by the company today and that they had been misinformed by the club re the size of the crowd. I can only assume they thought it was main stand only. I asked whether the other servery would be open at the next game and was assured yes. I do think however that the club would do better running the catering themselves. They cpuld charge more reasonable prices and the profit would go to the club. I did ask re this in the last boardroom banter but it appears the catering is out to contract. Maybe if the powers that be has to put up with the crap the fans do they might be a bit more sympathetic. Having kids the Kingsmills club is a no no so I'm glad LG enjoyed her pie but as for the rest of us a very frustrating experience. Maybe for once the club should be asking the fams what kind of service we want. By the way the only soft drink avaiable at 2.20 pm was irn bru so they did'nt run out.

  6. NO not Neils dad. This Donald was from Fort Augustus and probably played late 40's early 50's. He knew my grandfather George Munro who was chairman at the time so I think this time period was correct. I also believe he was a really good shinty player as well

  7. Funnily enough will have to give this weeks poll some more thought. Really do not know who to give any points to! Notice this has been viewed by 61 people and only 14 people have voted yet. Wonder Why? :rolleyes:

  8. and what game were you at then jaq7 did we not win today !!!!! most important but need a striker fast as i think it will change after that

    Agree dont think much has changed from last season where are the goals going to come from. I was all excited this morning about the kick off for this season but on arriving at the stadium there was a strange atmosphere like we really are not a big club anymore. I actually think they should have paid us to watch this afternoons fare. Missed my usual north stand seat and cronnies but on the plus side had a great view from section e upper in the main stand. At least there was no replay.

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