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Posts posted by Connie.Orr

  1. Road works slowing folk down on the A9 southbound, unfunny, resurfacing the road there ... Gordon Brown agrees with the suggestion that Maggie Thatch should get a state funeral when she dies ... petrol prices continue to hike themselves up and up ... some Scottish oil-workers are a bit stuck on an oil rig in Russian waters somewhere (something to do with viasas or something) ... Donald Trump has sold one of his properties (miami??) for a record amount of millions of millions of dollars ... it's getting a wee bit darker a wee bit earlier here too ...  brainiacs in Edinburgh are gonna charge people with gas-guzzling cars lllllloads more for their parking permits in and around the town ... job cuts in the construction company Stewar Milne coza the effects of people not buying new houses ... I could go on, Tug, but you're probably asleep already!  Oh and it's been nice and hot over most of Scotland for a couple of days, think Aberdeen got to 24 or 25 degrees today, about 22 here in sunny Crieff.  Jealous??!!    :022:

  2. Fair comments, tm4tj & kb - I usually prefer to support the team positively and often feel the players get a hard time - I've never made a negative comment lightly (if ever), so we'll see how Mickey and Ryan go eh.  :021: 

  3. Well RIG, I just don't think much of him as a goalie.  He bats the ball back into play far too often, when I feel he should hold the ball and let players get back, away from the goal area - one example, I also think he's slow and cumbersome whereas most other goalies are a bit more nimble and on their toes.

    Again, just an opinion and I know many other posters don't agree with me.  To be honest I'm looking forward to the new season now CB's brought in an alternative goalkeeper - hope he uses him!

  4. Alex - it's an opinion that's all.  Something we're all entitled to express I believe!  It'll be interesting to see what happens there though, with Esson & Fraser.

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