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Posts posted by Connie.Orr

  1. CRAIG GORDON!  That's the bloke - don't fancy him tbh, got nephews his age y'see.

    I did see a game he was goalie-ing in for his new club and he was terrible - Alex's right, the Premiership mebee isn't for him and could do worse than come up to us.  Raise his game like. 

  2. Hey gimme some other kinda challenge - like going over to Canada for a wee touring holiday and not getting a speeding ticket.  When I was there a couple of years ago I was driving up and down the freeway between TO and Ottawa over the speed limit and never had any probs....wwwell everyone else was doin it - didn't want to slow people down.  :023:

  3. Yes, it IS a long way from Laurel Avenue.  Wish I was there right now - it's too hot here the day!

    Away with you!!  None o' this "it's too hot here" stuff - get yersel back here pronto boy and bring some of that hot sun with you, bit bloody chilly round here! 

  4. Poor Iain - glad to hear he seems to be OK, scary stuff indeed for one of our favourite and most entertaining players.

    Maybe there's a wee lesson to be learned here guys - never take a lift from an ict player !! 

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