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Posts posted by Connie.Orr

  1. Too true Viva, we were verrrrry lucky. 

    My Dad, who was a Grant, had family generations back who lived in the area and he'd been told that no-one went out at night in case the beastie got them (this was 100 years ago kinda thing).  Apparently, there were trail marks on the loch-side and bushes & shrubs were flattened where they believed the beastie came ashore.....or maybe that was just a scary story!    :crazy07:

  2. Well CB, I know what I saw, my husband, three kids and a dozen others saw 'her' too, just a few feet from the wee 'beachy' bit in front of the castle.  I know something's there, doesn't matter to me what you think one way or another.  :030:

  3. CB -  One of the reasons people don't come forward with their photographs of Nessie, is that so many people question it or try to disprove it.  In the 80's I worked with a man who'd photographed it, when he showed me the photo I asked him why he'd not gone to the press with it (it WAS a great photo btw, very clear) but his view-point was that he believed what he'd seen was Nessie and he didn't feel he'd to justify himself to anyone else about it.

    As far as I know, none of the people who saw Nessie at the same time I did went to the press with the pictures they had and tbh I was so stunned at what I was looking at, I couldn't have taken a photo to save myself!

    I believe there's more than one "monster" - how could one single creature survive alone?  Could be some of these Lochs are, in fact, connected deep underwater somehow.  Who knows.

  4. Yes, very definitely.  I'm one of those who have seen 'her', two years ago or so at Castle Urquhart - my husband and three kids saw her too, plus about a dozen other sight seers - we all just stood and gawped.  Very still, very close to the Castle shore, saw her head and neck and she slid silently into the water.

    Wonderful, amazing and very special experience.

  5. Why all this division and strife between different peoples.  I look forward to the day when breeding has made us all genetically closer.  There will be no black. No white.  We'll all be just one light brown colour. We can cease our racial prejudices and embrace the the common ties that bring us closer...just like India and Pakistan have been doing for decades...

      :rotflmao:  Thank you, Cliff Richard!

  6. Aw come on!!  Scotland's faaaaaaaar too damned sophistocated to put a song in for the gay-clap-cr@p that is eurovision.  I agree that the UK should pull out altogether and let the less culturally sophistocated EU countries fight it out.

  7. Eh?  Who's Barry Lavety??    Talkin' about these super-huge people y'see on telly, they're so big they have to have walls knocked down and jvc things to get them outta their house and into hospital.

    When these people get so heavy the cannot actually get outta bed, who brings them their food??  If they weren't being brought food in, they'd HAVE to get up, surely.

  8. Along the same lines are these big people who're too fat and heavy to get outta their bed!  Who the ****'s FEEDING these people?!!...stop bringing the food to them, that might help.  These half-ton-dad types should get starved til they feckin' get up and get moving.  :008:

  9. Christian Dailly's hands....ahhh.....Who's you-know-who by-the-way??

    Can we count Craig Brewster in this SMEE??  Sucessful player in his day, a man's man, footballer's footballer he should be included. Please.  :001:

  10. Easy peasy, most of them are pretty annoying bbbbut ...

    Chick Young      :cry04: :cry04: :cry04:

    John Motson        :020:

    Canny wait for them to retire and get the **** offa the airwaves, they're both terrible.

  11. Hey wyness_is_god  I find sad old self in the same position as you've been recently...the head says 'No' the heart says 'Go!' and in between times y'think 'Why Not?!'    Only you seem to have made up your mind, wish I could!  All the best. 

  12. Ach, behave yirsel !!  No he cannot play, he might get hurted and I cannot allow that! .... maybe some of his team mates would go through him after all that's been going on, so best keep him in a suit on the sidelines eh!!  :021:

  13. And the next five games, or is it going to be four, should be all about team building. Using youngsters. Chopping and changing. Seeing who fits where. That way come the window we'll know where the shortfalls are and what we need to fill them.

    Completely agree, Alex, changing things around a bit is a good idea AND - in the spirit of staying on topic for CaleyD!! - might do wonders for team morale and ours if it works out.  It's certainly something I'd like to see Brew try out. 

  14. Well, how ridiculous was their goal???    Just our hopeless blinkin' goalie battin' the ball away like a wee feardie, only for Gretna....Gretna ffs to catch it on the un-necessary re-bound and score.  Fraser simply refuses to hold onto a ball and that's our reward.  Craig Brewster please, please I BEG you - get a real goalie in.

    I'm bloody LIVID man,  L I V I D . :angry05:

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