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Posts posted by Connie.Orr

  1. This sounds terrible.  I'm normally a Brewster fan but have to say that it sounds like Ian's at least had the balls to speak out and Brew's handling of various things has been dreadful.

    Let's we don't actually lose our most charasmatic player cos Brewster's ego's been dented.....it's all very worying.

  2. You old sweet-talker SP!!

    True, I may be old but can bend like a pretzel when required, fear no man and would happily let Brew be my boss.  :003:

    Mind you at 5 feet 2 and under 8 stone, I'm maybe a wee bit on the feeble side to be a goalie!

    More seriously though, this bad run we're on will change and we will get better results again...they just need to find some stability at the club and we'll see the results.

  3. I'd rather not get called a nutter for going through the evidence on a football website!

    Sure you've been called a lot worse on here!!

    It was a hoax, of course it was, everyone knows that the moon isn't made of the muck, dust and rocks that they claimed to have brought back..goodness' sake!

    The moon remains mercifully untouched. 

  4. I don't happen to think CB should be replaced but - CRAIG IF YOU'RE READING THIS.....please, please invest in a new goalie for pete's sake or I might barge onto the pitch and push Fraser outta the way and get on with the goailie duties myself....someone needs to show him how to do the job properly; it might as well be me!!  :001: oh yyyes!

  5. My opinions on Fraser are my opinions, based on what I see and hear at matches, on-line match reports and what little coverage we get on TV.  His hands flap about all over the place and he cannot holdon to the ball half the time - it slips past him or he bats it away from him rather than hold it.

    I don't like him as a goalie - its an opinion, that's all.  :016:

  6. Our goalie can only get better!!??!!    Let's feckin hope so guys but let's not hold our breath eh.  He's the weakest link in our team by a long way and lets us down again and again, despite the occasional 'good' save, what a waste of money he is.

    I'm not blaming him alone for our poor results, but he's not up to the job.  He's hopeless!

  7. This may have been raised before - haven't read all the posts about this BUT...could it be that the team aren't playing for the manager?   Dunfermline Athletic did that to Stephen Kenny when they had "issues" with their boss and maybe our guys are doin' the same.

    Also - we have the WORST goalie in the SPL by a million miles...he's raaaank, really really bad and should never have been signed imho.  He is completely incapable of holding a ball and let's everything slip through his flapping, floppy, girly hand.  Get rid of him and things on the pitch MAY improve.

  8. I remember when dennis first came to us and he was hopeless. It wasn't till Pele put him on the transfer list that he came tolife and the rest is history. Could it repeat itself?

    Helluva brutal way to make someone 'prove' himself.  It's a shabby way to treat a professional footballer who's worked hard for his club.  Shame on all involved.

  9. This Mills loony needs a good hard slap.

    How dare she say that 35 grand isn't enough to cover her daughters travelling expenses??  How come she's entitled to so much money when it seems that he made the majority of his cash long long before she came along anyway???

    And she wasn't in it for the money?  Liar.

    If I was Paul, I'd be doing all I could to get custody of my little girl.

  10. Right on DaleyD - I'd gladly pledge an oath to Scotland, be proud to in fact - but to pledge an oath to the Queen? Just couldn't do it.  The thought of our school kids having to stand with their hands over the hearts while they go through that every morning makes me sick.

    Hope this mad idea goes no further.

  11. Pretty sure that your son has the absolute right to go to the school that will most fully meet his needs and give him the most appropriate level of education too, even though it's not exactly on your doorstep (Children's Act 2004?).  Stick to your guns, get your local MSP involved if you have to - things will change then.  Good luck to you and your family.

  12. That is such a beautiful shot, Mantis, well done.

    Talking of having a camera at the ready when the perfect shot presents itself - please don't laugh at this guys but I (and many others there that day) saw the Loch Ness Monster herself at Urquhart Castle no less...4 camera phones and a digtial camera between us and not a pic of the beautiful beast taken.

  13. I took my dad to the shops the other day & we decided to grab a bite at the food court..that's when I noticed he was watching a teenager sitting next to him. The teenager had spiked hair in all different colours: green, red, orange, and blue.  My dad kept staring at him.

    When the teenager had had enough, he sarcastically asked, "What's the matter old man, never done anything wild in your life?"  -  in classic dad-style my old man replied  "Got drunk once and had sex with a peacock. I was just wondering if you were my son."

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