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Harry Chibber

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Posts posted by Harry Chibber

  1. You said that no-one is stopping me from having an opinion, well look at the thread titled "BUTCHER MUST GO" and look at post 16 from Red Card in Warsaw, looks like a name-call to me so unless its dealt with I WILL leave this site :cry:

    on you go mate.. could do without reading this 5hite

  2. Not sure about that (not I don't think it's a good idea more I'm not sure how it would work) but there is a "league table" for reputation at the following link in case no one has stumbled across it:


    I was off to flyer until I predicted the result last weekend... and to think I was only trying to prepare people for the worst... just as well

    Cracking article from cyril + 1 green dot :)

    • Disagree 1
  3. this expectancy is exactly why we will lose this game and to top it all off Imrie will score the winner.

    Hope you had a couple of quid on that .... it would be the only thing that would be bearable !!!

    no. wish I listened to my own advice, instead I convinced myself (and lots of my work colleagues) that this was too good a betting oppertunity to miss and am now ?100 lighter and have to face a lot of unhappy people on Monday.

  4. Yes, well done Adam :twothumbsup:

    I particularly liked this quote:

    He said: ?It is a nice achievement to score my 50th career goal.

    ?Throughout my whole career I have been aiming to hit that mark and I am glad I have got it out the way. Hopefully, I can double that in the next few seasons with Caley Thistle.

    I hope the board are considering a contract that will match his ambition..

    ... there are already clueless old firm fans at my work asking about him & with his scoring record from last season continuing it wont be long before other clubs come knocking.

  5. You may have seen the back of the sun. With AEK's tie being switched to rivals Panionios. Their fans broke in last night dug up the pitch and smashed the goals. It now looks as if AEK will be chucked out and Dundee Utd get a freebie shot at Europa glory. Im all for that. The more games they have to play the better. There is a possiblity of a 2 year ban and a large fine. lololol @ any utd fan that travels to Greece to see nothing.

    had a good laugh at this today at work.. hopefully some Olympiakos fans decide to do the same tonight and United can get a bye to the group stages

  6. If the object of the Chibber exercise was to bring us back down to earth then job done !!!

    We have played pretty well in each of our opening two games but we need to make sure we are up for every game .. be it the "big" games against the OF or any of the other perpetual top six teams, or be it against our fellow bottom feeders. If anything these "bottom six" games are more important as some of them are literally 6 pointers.

    I hear what you say HC and its hard to argue against you but as others have said, Billy Reid has not yet had to deal with ICT under TB, only under CB which was a different animal. I would also add one thing to our mindset that may make us stronger mentally and that is fear of relegation .... If any of our players need motivation they only need to consider the uncertainty and anguish they experienced two seasons ago and that should be enough to give them that extra jolt .......

    I'm actually trying to curse use to win..... if you get me

    Something Tel managed to do last season was win consistently and for the first time in a long time we dealt with the pressure of being favourites going into each game, something Brewster struggled with. I hope that momentum can continue into this season but we can't expect to have it our own way against stronger opposition. As I said, I'll be delighted if I'm wrong (so will my wallet) but as the scarf would say "I have a bad feeling about this"

    anyway, it's about time I posted something that got some red dots :cool:

    • Disagree 4
  7. Ok, so we have all creamed over the terrific result against United and to an extent our first half display against Celtic. We didn't fluke the result at Tanadice, it seems (from what I've read, seen and heard) we played great football and scored 4 excellent goals. If you take into consideration our opponent, Hamilton, have conceded a whopping 8 goals in 2 SPL games and just been knocked out of the cup by 1st division Raith Rovers. On top of all that they are set to be missing captain Alex Neil (injury) and their best defender Martin Canning (suspension), they sold their best midfielder, McArthur, during the transfer window and Billy Reid seems to be experimenting with a new formation.

    there is a lot (^) in our favour and I'm even tempted to stick some cash on @ evens with the bookies for a home win but this expectancy is exactly why we will lose this game and to top it all off Imrie will score the winner. We haven't beaten Hamilton since they made it to the SPL, Billy Reid knows how to beat us, a bit like Calderwood did at Aberdeen.. I don't know how but they just know.

    Hopefully me posting this will soften the blow when we lose and all the renewed optimism turns to numerous posts regarding Tel's inadequacies.

    ... and if I'm wrong then we'll all be happy :)

    • Agree 1
    • Disagree 8
  8. the away games are always superb

    Yes, but it helps enormously if we are playing well and winning.

    For example, I don't recall any aspect of the 4-0 drubbing at Falkirk being superb, on or off the pitch. On days like that everyone just sits quietly and thinks "why the **** did I bother coming to see this p1sh?"

    Was that the game Rooney was denied a blatent penalty or when Black was sent off at half time, or both???

    either way they both were probably more enjoyable than the majority of home games I've been to since we ereceted those stands. Even the last game of the season against Dundee I felt I was trying to enjoy myself and organised fun just doesn't seem err fun....

    as I said , I'd prefer my money was going to our club but I think I'll be spending the majority of my cash on away games this season.

  9. Glad to see McNaughton back in the squad, seen him play for Cardiff this season and he was the best player on the park.

    Good balance to the squad, defence looks the weakest but centre mid and attack looks alreet

    Get Esson in instead of Dilks though, I'm all for scouting talent for wherever you can get it but we have plenty of Scottish keepers more than capable of deputising for McGregor & Gordon... we don't need to be drafting in England rejects.

  10. Completely agree IHE, the away games are always superb and probably taken to a new level after that Ayr game. Was gutted to miss us thrashing United but there is no chance I'll be missing Hibs, especially if we manage to take points from Hamilton on Saturday as well.

    It annoys me that atmosphere can't be recreated at TCS because I'd much rather my money went to the club but I don't have enough pennies about to waste on obligation so in future I'll be using what I have to enjoy my football on away days

  11. See all this moaning about the stewards why don't you complain about them? No point talking about it on here. We all know that these guys, especially at Tannadice, are a complete joke, but if you ever want anything done about them then you need to go further than slagging them on on CTO I'm afraid.

    pfft ... whatever RIG

    just type harder that's my sort of affirmative action

  12. Well done to everyone who attended the game, was gutted I couldn't make but you were all heard clear as day on the radio.... almost drowned out the constant drivel dripping from Spence's mouth

  13. Peter Ridsdale is a curse on football. Now-a-days when they go on about fit and proper owners they should have just as stringent examinations for chairmen and boardmembers. He single handedly destroyed Leeds who had to drop to the 3rd tier of English football before Ken Bates (of all people) managed to steady the ship.. all because he was "chasing the dream"!!!

    Although Leeds over spent their means this excuse was actually accepted at the time because they reached a Champions League semi final and it's only now, with 5 years of recovery, and his neglect for a different club's finances, Ridsdale's name pops up again. He stood down at Cardiff at the start of the season so he can't take the blame for Bellamy signing but it's clear the damage was already done.

    Motherwell are well within their right to take legal action, and hopefully they win. This demonstrates exactly what is wrong with football at the moment

  14. Just been speaking with a Celtic fan who travelled to the game, he think's we're gonna get relegated but since he's a buckie swigging, shaven head, overgrown disgrace for a human being... I'll pay little attention.

    As for the game, it's hard to be happy with a loss but it's fair to say we made a good account of ourselves. If Jonny Hayes had a few more games preseason we would have been far more offensive in the second half and maybe pushed them back a bit further but he seemed to struggle with the pace of the game. It's also hard to take when to think what sort of impact Foran would have made to the game, no disrespect to Ross but we really lacked someone to help Rooney with the physical battle.

    Esson *****

    Perfect performance from him. Possibly the best I've seen from him in an ICT shirt

    McCann ***

    Young energetic player, you could tell his confidence isn't all there after having a long time out with injury but he could be an excellent signing for us this season.

    Gillet ****

    First chance I've had to see him play and was impressed. Liked a challenge, worked hard and made a couple of important last ditch tackles.. excellent debut.

    Tokely ***

    He was caught out of position on a couple of occasions because of his lack of pace, his attempt to get the ball off McCourt before he scored was a shocker but he was solid in the air and made some crucial tackles throughout the game. He did a lot more good than bad but hopefully he can get some consistency in future

    Munro ****

    Solid throughout, his passing was excellent for once. 1 point where Maloney put him on his erse at the byline but he was one of my top performers.

    Duncan **

    Did well the first half but went missing in the second half... when he did get the ball he gave it straight back to Celtic. Not his best game

    Cox ***

    Thought he was the heartbeat of the team in the first half but if you are looking for someone to blame for the goal I'd probably point a finger at him. When a winger cuts inside a full back you need the midfielders to cover and Cox didn't get close enough to him...

    Odhiambo ****

    Looked excellent, like the rest of the team, he seemed to tire in the second half but I'm sure he'll chip in with some goals this season

    Hayes ***

    Couple of great runs in the first half but he was dead on his legs for the majority of the game. Looking forward to him ripping teams this season

    Ross ***

    18 years old, starts first game of the season against Celtic... credit where it's due, he never looked out of place in the team and did a lot more good than bad.

    Rooney ***

    Worked his erse off and did the best with the service he had.


    Proctor *

    Not a winger

    Blumanshite *

    Not impressed so far.. maybe not fair to judge after 5 minutes but looked as though he didn't fancy it as soon as he walked on the park.

    Sutherland *

    Not enough time on the park to judge

  15. You have to admit that the defensive line up has to be given time to gel and get to know each other but I have real concerns about the personnel.

    As I see it Gillet and McCann are traditional full backs. McCann is solid enuff defensively and rarely leaves his blades of grass but is not exciting going forward - but then again he had the outlet of Hayes - and we need a right back who defends and covers - but he did not appear to cover inside yesterday - perhaps that was his instructions. Gillet has pace and an attacking penchant - I think that the is going to be a real find - but again yesterday he stuck wide for the most and again gave little cover inside - although Fortune played wide all day.

    Hopefully the full backs will learn to push forward more with Cox and Duncan responsible for the cover. At the end of the day I would prefer to see Proctor in at right back.

    I can count at least 3 occasions that either McCann or Gillet came from wide to make crucial challenges inside the box. You can't have it both ways that they push forward to support the wide men and also come inside to protect the centre backs. Both players gave an excellent account of themselves when playing against 2 attacking wide players, unfortunately, the 1 occasion McCann let McCourt cut inside him lead to the goal... even then it was Cox that could've done a lot better to prevent a shot coming in.

    I was really worried about the "partnership" of Rosscoe and Granty - They may well be solid in the air and in the tackle but the central defence looked extremely shaky when peeple ran at them and Cellic got in behind far too often. Rosscoe just doesnt have the pace any more and he started going deeper and deeper - evidently for the fear of pace and movement. Granty should have been shouting his head off at the other defenders and pulling them out but he appeared to decide to cover them and that kept us deep. Granty isnt exactly quick over the ground and that is why we need the likes of McCann and especially Gillet to be tucking in.

    Granty has never been as good since the Machine left - He appears to have gone from season to season as the one out and out central defender - and although he has done his bit, especially last season - he is given too much responsibility and I would give the vice captaincy to Esson and get him shouting the odds. i am afraid that I would give Innes a run instead of Rosscoe.

    Having said all that it is without doubt that if amateurs like maself have these reservations that seasoned ex defenders like Terry and Mo will sort this out in training and on the SPL pitches.

    Agree about Rossco, he was caught out of position on a few occasion because he was so eager to push up the pitch and help attack. Tel will hopefully tell him to be more disciplined in future and it shouldn't be an issue... only happended on a couple of occasions mind and for the rest of the game I thought he was outstanding.

    Honestly don't know how you can get on at Munro.. he was probably my pick out of the 4. He even played a couple of inch perfect diagonals to Hayes!! Captaincy should only be questioned if there is not enough commitment or orginisation, both of which we had plenty of on Saturday.

  16. Yeh we didn't get the dream start we were all hoping for but I think everyone of us can have hope that there is more to come from this side. Gillet & McCann were excellent. Ross gave a good account of himself, as did the Odhiambo.

    Unlucky lads but I have faith this will be a good season for the caley army :)

    keeping it positive... I'd like to hear what other fans were happy with today???

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