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Everything posted by collectiveaction

  1. If observations are honest then I feel journalists are well within their rights and in my opinion this would be appreciated by most of the readership who are no fools. Any "blocking" of news from the I.C.T camp would be temporary as you've correctly pointed out I.C.T needs local coverage. Circulation figures wouldn't really be affected by a temporary block as football fans also buy The Courier/ Highland News for a number of reasons. My mum loves football but couldn't live without it as she's always keen to see the births,marriages and deaths!
  2. You're correct! Too many local "reporters" don't want to make waves and are happy to live in their comfort bubbles. By including posts from this website, they are, in effect, getting others to do/say what they haven't got the balls to. Any good journo requires to be objective.
  3. "I'm so hard, I can make you collapse just by looking in your direction."
  4. Check out www.theotherfootsoccerschool.com A coaching concept that I.C.T u-8's - u-12's are working with.
  5. Makes a lot of sense to put CC in temporary charge. If he enjoys it, handles the pressure and results are decent then it could become permanent. Well these are the three things that CC that he didnt have that made him want to leave months before he did, Only a lot of work by Grassa made him change his mind. Eh....I did say "If"
  6. Makes a lot of sense to put CC in temporary charge. If he enjoys it, handles the pressure and results are decent then it could become permanent.
  7. Are they going through a hard time as well, what about Mo Johnson for ICT :018: Any chance of borrowing that banner? :thumb04:
  8. Agreed - Far too important! This situation won't improve and could develop into a Dundee Utd no win for ages sequence. Can't be allowed to happen and I'm sure the powers that be know it. Question is - Have they big enough cahunas to make a decisive change early doors?
  9. Definitely Aberdeen and it's not just when they are winning.
  10. So how many fans do you think will travel?
  11. First game of the season this Saturday and what a bonus it would be for the team if we could muster 1000 fans. So "big this game up" to your brother, sister, mate, your mate's mate, your auntie, your uncle, your biological dad, your new dad, a random stranger and anyone who can travel just over a hundred miles. I recall a first game of season at Dunfermline when Caley fist ventured into Division 1 and there must have been 800 there. So upwards of 1000 for the first game of this season is achievable.
  12. I'm aware that he was up here on trial at some point in the last 8 months whilst still contracted to Man U. Now that he's been given a free by Man U (last week) does that mean we may be interested in him again, as a fee won't be involved. Eh.....or was he just deemed unsuitable?
  13. Angus? Nessie? ICAT? Which ones the best? Only one way to find out......................FIGHT!!! :021:
  14. Has ICAT been "put to sleep" :019:
  15. He's not getting the best out of the players at his disposal.
  16. The guy who got us to the highest ever S.P.L position ! He's now had a chance to reflect on what went right and what didn't.
  17. Can anyone help with this query? What were Caley and Thistles average crowds in their last couple of seasons? I seem to recall about 300 or 400 for Caley and 150- 250 for Jags. Could be way out with these figures though.
  18. You're right as longs as it looks the business.
  19. I'll pledge a tenner towards a flag if it has red and black in it.
  20. This is a winner for me. Supporters groups are sprouting up all over the UK with 90% of them using the Ultra tag. Clan is different, relevant and will be more of a talking point. :clapping03: :021:
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