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Posts posted by Johnboy

  1. Whatever floats your boat ! :001:

    Kcj... You'll have to explain "homo-erotica" to FBW, That little sweetie has led a fairly sheltered life and is not quite so worldy wise as you are - Think it would be best if you spoke to her - woman to woman.... :005: :005:

  2. Nothing wrong with a wee bit homo-erotica - liven the place up a bit...Thank you for sharing, Johnboy !! :021:

    Hmmmmm.... Still not really all that comfortable with "Homo-Erotica" - Kcj -

    Pleased to hear that you're ok with it....!!

    :006: :006:

  3. Johnboy,eh think you've been participating in the residue of yer Avatar a wee bit too much having dreams/nightmares like that.I can give ya the phone number of a man that might be able to help :011:

    Thanks for your concern, Hielandee - I think I'm ok now - :011: haven't had nightmares like that since the days of watching Freddy Mercury strutting his stuff with Queen... :010: :010:

  4. Good one Hielandee - Shame that Prescott still has all the money and the perks that go with the job - even his title -

    That fecking cabinet's still hanging on in there... they've gotta go ....soon....

  5. how the feck would any bird would want to shag him in the first place?

    Even if he is deputy PM (minister for hull-prob the biggest boringest place in Great Briton) he is still a fat ugly ****! :020: :020:

    I can think of one bird who might....!!! :015: :015:

  6. My first experience at around that age was with an older woman - not as old as you certainly - but it did leave me physically and mentally scarred & shattered...!!

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