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Kind of Blue

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Posts posted by Kind of Blue

  1. I'm having a repeated problem when I visit the forums. When logging in I can view all the forums as normal but when I select a particular Board or go to the Board panel, it only allows me to view posts as up to 2 August (it states that I logged in on 2 August). The only way I can clear this is by logging off and then logging in again but as soon as I select a particular Board I am placed back to 2 August again. Hope this makes sense but any help will be appreciated.

  2. Kinda Blue - Sorry, i didnt play for Suspect Device, nice lads though. I did play for A Gentle Sound though...We were made up of both Caley & Thistle supporers...you may know our singer Mark, whose dad is Jim Falconer, ICT Treasurer.

    We did the whole Madchester "baggy"jangly guitar summer of love thing thing...raves, 2 drummers, riots, bannings etc etc

    happy days

    I know Mark (he used to work in the market brae record shop) and I think I may have seen AGS play in the Ice Rink.

  3. BornCaley, I see that you were in Suspect Device - so you had the honour to play with the legends that are Malcolm and Paul (egg). I know Paul fairly well and saw Suspect Device play in Finlays many moons ago.

    Remind about AGS - who was in this band?

  4. Im pretty sure that Kenny is no longer at ROK

    Kenny is now back working with Tullochs.  He did a lot of good work as an ICT Director and it would be good to have him back on the Board in the future.

  5.   The thread title asks the question Why haven't we bult on promotion to the SPL and I feel the answer sits at an office in Tullochs.  Our majority shareholder is strangeling the club - He has demonstrated he is only too aware of this as well by appointing a puppet for a chairman.

    Jay_7, as far as I'm aware there's not a queue of individuals out there waiting to be chairman of ICT; and more importantly with the ability to invest significantly into the club.  Maybe you know of such individuals?  We'll never know just how much Alan Savage was prepared to invest if he stayed as chairman, but he would have some catching up to do if he was going to match the investment (including off the field staffing and other resources) made by Tulloch over the last 8 years.

    If David Sutherland was to ever withdraw his support from this club, then we would be facing a very bleak future indeed.

    Maybe you know of such individuals? - I do, some of whom would have done so long before now had we not had Sutherland acting the dictator in recent years.

    We'll never know just how much Alan Savage was prepared to invest if he stayed as chairman - No, Sutherland was far happier to see the guy invest ?270,000 and then chase him off....that's always a great way to encourage other investors too  :014:

    As for the suggestion that Sutherland should be allowed to do as he pleases just because he's invested money, it's laughable.  Next time your speaking to him, ask him just how much money he would make if/when he gets his stadium relocation plans approved and ask him if all the money he gave to ICT out of the goodness of his heart was a worthwhile investment.

    Maybe you know of such individuals? - I do, some of whom would have done so long before now had we not had Sutherland acting the dictator in recent years. - ok fair enough, but do they have the financial clout to make a serious investment?

    As for the suggestion that Sutherland should be allowed to do as he pleases just because he's invested money, it's laughable.  Next time your speaking to him, ask him just how much money he would make if/when he gets his stadium relocation plans approved and ask him if all the money he gave to ICT out of the goodness of his heart was a worthwhile investment.

  6.   The thread title asks the question Why haven't we bult on promotion to the SPL and I feel the answer sits at an office in Tullochs.  Our majority shareholder is strangeling the club - He has demonstrated he is only too aware of this as well by appointing a puppet for a chairman.

    Jay_7, as far as I'm aware there's not a queue of individuals out there waiting to be chairman of ICT; and more importantly with the ability to invest significantly into the club.  Maybe you know of such individuals?  We'll never know just how much Alan Savage was prepared to invest if he stayed as chairman, but he would have some catching up to do if he was going to match the investment (including off the field staffing and other resources) made by Tulloch over the last 8 years.

    If David Sutherland was to ever withdraw his support from this club, then we would be facing a very bleak future indeed.

  7. I wish him all the best and hope he performs as well as the last recruit from our feeder team.

    If Andy wants to get the fans behind him he should theatrically clap the crowd at every opportunity (as expertly demonstrated by Dean Macdonald and Liam Leogh) and this will soon endear him to the faithfull and he will be immune from criticism. 

  8. The explanation for this will make for interesting reading.

    I suspect we may be led down the path that its all because we broke the wage structure for one player but lets make this clear to those that might try that spin here and now .... A lot of people know some fairly detailed information about how his wages for two seasons have already been covered one way and another whether he is here for next season or not.

    The blame for any shortfall in the accounts cannot therefore be blamed on this one transaction. If there IS a substantial loss then I ask that the club do not treat the shareholders like mushrooms (kept in dark, fed on ****) but explain it without spin. Personally, I suspect that our abysmal cup runs will have had far more effect on the bottom line than one player.

    If the speculation is true that Orion financed the wages of Marius by purchasing shares, then the effect of this in the club's accounts would be to strengthen the balance sheet but it would not positively impact on the profit and loss account for this financial year.  So I suspect that the full cost of Marius' salary will result in a significant increase in the wages recorded in the accounts, and thus result in a loss for this financial year.

    I agree that our bad cup runs this year did not help matters, but most clubs (including ICT, as I understand it) do not budget for a decent cup run.

  9. And yet the one thing that we really should have done to redress the situation and give us a fighting chance from the off next season is getting rid of the main person responsible - and perhaps that would have happened if Savage stayed - the Old School ties are still well and truly secured at TCS.

  10. All the best Dennis and thanks for your great service to this club.  It will be very interesting to see how he does at St Mirren - will he and Dargo be able to replicate their deadly partnership.

  11. I also think it would be desirable to have a well connected DoF, but would the club be in a position to pay the going rate for a high calibre and well connected individual.  I've heard that Willie Miller is on ?100k plus at Aberdeen.  How many players could that sum account for at ICT? 

    The current DoF was given ?50,000 going by the last set of accounts I saw, so the difference between that and a higher calibre replacement isn't that big.

    I have the utmost respect for Grassa and the job he has done and the part he has played in getting us where we are, but just like many other areas of the club we need to step things up a bit and take the whole thing to the next level.

    One good set of signings, a youngster we get on the cheap or a decent player we grab on a free through a "better connected" DoF would easily cover the additional expense.

    The DoF was paid ?40,833 and this was in recongnition of 6 years prior service which went unpaid.  It is unclear whether he will be paid an equivalent amount this financial year - we'll have to wait for this year's accounts to find out.

    I think a DoF is a luxury for a "club of our size" - (copyrite: C Christie 2006/08) and I would prefer to the spend ?100k on two experienced players which could be the difference between top 6 or flirting with relegation.

  12. I also think it would be desirable to have a well connected DoF, but would the club be in a position to pay the going rate for a high calibre and well connected individual.  I've heard that Willie Miller is on ?100k plus at Aberdeen.  How many players could that sum account for at ICT? 

  13. Best finnisher without a doubt was Wee Stewartie! Some of his touches were sublime. If he had been of bigger stature...he would have been an asset to ANY team in Scotland

    I agree.  He was a class act and would have scored many more goals for us if he had avoided injury.  I was vey surprised that he was overlooked for the ICT hall of fame.

  14. Typical I.C.T. Myself and 9 other season ticket holders requested a reduced package pre split. We felt as we already paid for our seats we would be entitled to a reduction. We were told it would not be possible as the club would not even meet their costs. Strange that now we are bottom 6 and faced with fixtures against the likes of gretna the club want to reward their loyal supporters. I tell you what it stinks they must think we are all stupid, OUR group have arranged a night out in town where there  will be more than enough bars and restaurants happy to have our cash.

    Spot on Roby - hospitality must be empty before the real fans are offered a deal. ?50 will get you a better meal and lots of excitement in town.  :clapping03:

    Last season I tried to get a hospitality deal for myself and 7 other season tickets holders, but the commercial dept would not budge on the price.  As season ticket holders we're not interested in an "executive" seat so why can the commercial department not make an allowance for this in the price. The bottom line is that the club missed out on income for 8 people for a Saturday where the hospitality packages did not sell out.  Where is the sense in that?

  15. Hot off my e-mails:

    Robbo looks as if he is heading fer the Director of football job.

    There will be a lot more surprises before the end of the season ?

    IHE, Surely a man with your insight to the inner politics of ICT would know that Robbo has no chance of joining the club in any capacity as long as David Sutherland has the majority control.  Or is it just another wind up that we must decipher  :017:

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