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Posts posted by davie

  1. I was watching/listening from the TV gantry and it sounded OK over the PA (10/10 for effort!). HT scores would be the only suggestion. Talking to the crowd is BRILLIANT. No other ground does it (I think)... I would just not be so quick to silence the dissenters (the away fans love it!). That is all.

    I think issuing him with, say a .357 magnum as well as a microphone would make dispatching dissenters really quite fun. I'm sure they don't do that in any other ground in Scotland (maybe Greenock....) The away fans might not love that quite as much

  2. Dont let the bestards get ya down CD - feckin good on ya and keep it feckin going. A lot of peeple have complained about the lack of atmosphere at TCS and at least you are trying to up the craic and get some of the sad sweetie rustling whingers to take part - as far as I am concerned - even if you wound them up it was feckin worth it.

    ICT's own Fat Boy Slim :024: :024: :lol:

    Fancy making it a double act in the near future :(

    I thought it was more like slim boy fat.............

  3. I dont have much of a problem with swearing , kids hear as much in the playground

    What annoys me is the so called fans who whinge & moan about their own team

    What results do they expect with so much negativity :angry:

    Did you do anything to create some positivity? If not then you are as much to blame.

    As for the swearing, deserves it's own topic really, I was listening to Off the ball on the way home and a couple of callers mentioned that the poor state of our national side could have a lot to do with the lack of kids using parks to kick a ball about. Could this be because so many parents are wrapping their kids up in cotton wool and not letting them leave the house in case they hear the odd bad word? Get a grip people, the raised emotions that are part and parcel of football lead to the odd sweary word coming out. Complaints about no atmosphere, complaints when we have atmosphere. At least we don't have our kids listening to hate filled bigoted bile at TCS.

    I think you summed it up there by saying "the odd sweary word"... i think any reasonable person expects to hear a few sweary words in most walks of life most certainly including football... i think it is totally unreasonable however to expose children to an environment where every 2nd word they hear is a swear of some sort... i certainly dont hear any of my friends swearing in front of their kids in that manner... maybe thats the way i have been brought up and the friends i choose to keep... but i would like to think that I am fairly normal... so why should going to a football game be any different... we had season tickets last year also in the north stand but in a different section and there was never an issue,,,

    Maybe its a sad reflection of society in general that most people nowadays have such a limited vocabulary that they have to resort to foul language to express themselves... i can also see that most fellow ICT fans find it acceptable, so maybe im wrong... but it is certainly putting me off and so i thought i would have a rant on here!!!

    PS - You also mentioned: At least we don't have our kids listening to hate filled bigoted bile at TCS. - what was being shouted at one of our own players today by a few mindless numpties was a disgrace and could have been deemed an offence under the law

    Please go rant somewhere else. I am driven to industrial language on occasion at TCS, same as 98% of people who go there. I don't want our game sanitised. I do, however want these numpties to shut it. I also want those who moan incessantly at these games to voice their support. Just once. You'll see it feels quite good, honestly. Booing them must make players amazingly motivated to play for Caley. I'm off to rant somewhere else........I'm a reasonable person.

  4. Jeez you lot are hard to please. I didn't see too much "amateurish rough stuff" or too many indications that we will struggle this year. Midfield were OK, but they need to gel. Eagles does not yet know where his strikers are going to be, Sanchez needs to tough it a bit and Rooney needs a bit of confidence. Foran was just plain unlucky on a couple of occasions. What was lacking was the final pass and a cutting edge. There are enough indications that it will come, especially when Odiambo and imrie et al are fit again. We also miss Tokely in an attacking role more than I thought we would. Terry getting his finger out? Give me a break.

    We WILL beat Dundee next week.

  5. Im doing a blog about this season and I have done an update on it

    Click the sig to get their

    Dunfermline v Inverness

    That is a link to just the the Pars Match

    I know this is advertising but this is the best place to try and get views and comments on a Caley Blog isnt it. Please read and tell me what improvements I could and should make

    Also the hopefully next big thing in Football Updates. PIE WATCH

    Thats really good pal. Its good someone came up with this. The Pie watch is Brilliant :blink:

    Pie watch, I like it. Any room for a contributing pie expert? I tried last week to get Chalkie fae the Highland News to use the headline "Dunfermline shafted by Cox" but he wouldn't. Keep scoring Lee, and I'll keep trying....

  6. By demoting Gretna to div 3 the SFL killed that club. The one buyer who could have saved the club, kept it full time in Div 1 and ensured the livelihoods of a lot of people, pulled out because of the demotion. So, seeing as that the SFL have not learned a thing from this, is it right to put another club in the same position when, given time, they may recover?

    Alex, if this had been the first time that Livi had got into deep doodoo, I might agree with you. Their creditors have put up with a ton more than this clubs ever had to or will have to. If Livi fold, it gives someone else prudent enough and ambitious enough to take their place (I've no idea who that would be) No grudge against Livi, it's just that they don't have a divine right to survival. Ask any dinosaur.

  7. Difficult one, and if he does have aspergers, then that's precisely why he wouldn't know right from wrong (or at least have seriously compromised judgement) Google it before you label the guy. More interesting is why the USofA feels the need to pursue this, and to be perceived as being vindictive towards a citizen of your best mates. It's just a loss of face thing.Say no, it'll blow over.

  8. Im a Catholic, and i think that the Strip clubs and **** should be alowed. Why do you think there are so many druggies in Ness? Its because they dont have a Strip club to go to!

    I think you are getting strip clubs and shooting galleries mixed up there DC.

    More than possible. I live in Dornoch. Its the quiet life for me :blink:

    I agree with yiou completely. there's nothing wrong with Poles dancing. They wear very nice costumes that would even go down well in Dornoch (average age 104)

  9. why was my last post edited by the mods? F*** sake cant say anything on here without it being sensored :blink::lol: :D :D

    Eh, it's censored lad. But there should only be two censorship rules about abuse:

    None about ICT

    Loads about everyone else, especially dingwallian throwbacks, George Burley, Referees, C*unty, the lack of a border crossing at Beauly etc.

    There, that's a nice Mod. friendly list

  10. That was embarrassing - left me speechless. However, I have a perverse taste for norgie football, and they have been up for this for weeks. Also helps that they are mid/ late season right now. They also have some really good youngsters coming through as well as the likes of yon fella Carew.

    We, on the other hand, have nothing and the only cogent comment GB can make on that is "if it could go wrong, it did" feckin' right it did George. What happened to planning? Did you not consider the fact that we might go behind? Did you not consider that you might get the odd injury, especially this early in the season? Did you not figure somebody could get sent off? Things go wrong, and managers fix them with plan B. You went straight to wheels coming off.

    This campaign is gone, but George needs 2 wins or be quietly disposed of in the summer. Personally, I'm going for the latter.

  11. I might have started this, in the matchday thread. What I said was, no matter what, you don't abuse (in whatever terms) your own players during a match. It had nothing to do with language, authoritarianism, moral outrage or anything else (please, get your own bandwagon, mine is full). I shall be at the County game shouting and probably swearing with the best of them. I shall poke merciless fun at our northern cousins.

    I just won't do it to our team of Highlanders, Englishmen, Central Belters, Irish, Frenchmen and the rest.

  12. There must be more to it this....

    It's not like Allison's the first player we ever signed with a County connection.

    He's not. If the guy is a county fan, so what. If he's argued/ fought with someone about it so what. What got me was the "f off Caley don't want you" and the "F'ing gypsy" stuff. We ain't that discriminatory are we? we ain't that small minded are we? This is my last post on this rubbish. Great game yesterday, great result, great support. Yet again tainted by morons, that are even being defended in some other threads.

  13. I'm glad someone else noticed. The people chanting this stuff need to be challenged. I registered my disgust at one point, and I'm happy to discuss it with any of them who feel justified with giving the abuse to Kyle Allison that they were.I'll be in the North Stand as usual next week, and the Innes beforehand. I know that most of you are just bairns, but this is unacceptably ignorant and just not on.

  14. Just back, interesting reading here. Rooney was slow and one dimensional. The only shift he put in was in lasting 90 mins. Sanchez looked nae bad. At least he turned and put the ball into channels - unfortunately for a guy who couldn't run fast enough to exploit it. We need Foran back. We did miss Roscoe today, no runs from deep and Grantie was immense. Also thought that Bulvitis was good. Star for me was the support - Hat's off to you. Great numbers, great voice but why oh why did you have to screw it up by shouting abuse at the sub keeper. You know who you are and you know you did. If he wears a Caley shirt, he deserves your support full stop.

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