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Row S

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Posts posted by Row S

  1. 30 minutes ago, Red White and Blue said:

    With the club on a tight budget and having to pay out to release Yogi, it might make sense to retain him as assistant and appoint Foran as manager thus freeing up a wage for another player and not having to pay more money for a new assistant as well as giving Foran an experienced voice to work alongside him.

    Eh? I did have my concerns when he replaced Latapy.

  2. As usual the SPFL have not fully acted on this. All very well deducting 3 points from United but say that as it's too close to the end of the season it's impractical to replay the game. Apart from the fact that both teams wil probably not have 11 first team players signed after this Saturday, there will be no appetite to play it. Still, 3 more points would have guaranteed us 7th spot.

  3. 70% possession in first half but mostly in our own half. I can't believe we didn't get the break through in that time. Then when we did get back into the game our momentum was affected by the red card and change of shape with the substitutions.

    If ever there was a time to play Dave the Rave it was tonight with Josh being moved to centre back. Devine was found wanting with all three of their goals. I hear he has been offered £3k a week plus a car to sign a new contract. I didn't think we could afford any more than 3 bags of sweets and a toy car, which is about all he deserved after tonight's performance.


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  4. 5 hours ago, ictfcsince94 said:


    Well it was good to see him back in the squad. I noticed after that reception and the half time warm up he didn't get to warm up again. Was Yogi worried he was getting too much affection from the fans?

    • Agree 3
  5. Disgraceful they way this has turned out. Just over a year ago his injury before the Cup Final was seen by Hughes as a major blow to our prospects of winning it. I'd bet on him signing for County, which would be an even bigger blow to us.

    • Agree 2
  6. I think I can count on one hand or even two fingers the number of times this season we have put in a good display of old fashioned attacking football at home. Both games were probably against Aberdeen as well.

    We were absolutely woeful in going forward tonight. Once again we ended up with no strikers on the park at the end. Mutumbo the one who looked most likely to create something was also hooked at half time for Vincent, a player who can't wait to leave.

    This approach cannot continue especially for home games. It is so poor to watch and will see our attendances fall even further.

    All I can say is thank goodness the outdoor bowling season starts this weekend.

  7. Win tonight and then v Killie and we will have no play-off worries. What an incentive all round. We can then assess who is good enough to win a new contract and be with us in the Premier League next season.

  8. Yes you're right there. Setting aside the first 20 minutes of Friday's game the Jambos seemed to show no ill effects versus the Sheep. Also hope we can turn them over on Tuesday to put us 10 points clear of Killie.

    • Agree 1
  9. Losing late goals and points along with Hughes's very late or too late substitutions have been a real bug-bear of mine this season. If we had been comfortable in 4th spot on 48 points, stayed there and Celtic win both the League and Cup then we would be heading to Europe again.:cry:

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