To put some perspective on the development potential (and ultimately the value) of the home and away car parks, here is an extract from the Highland Council's 2024 Inner Moray Firth Local Development Plan.
Use(s): Office, Business, Industry. Area: 2 ha Developer requirements: ............... detailed masterplan to demonstrate improved public realm, improved connectivity of the blue/ green network; and that the proposed new urban environment makes a positive contribution to the area; active travel improvements to connect site with Inverness city centre, including connections to emerging projects at Inverness Harbour; redevelopment of the site must not result in a net decrease in parking provision, any compensatory parking provision must be located in close proximity to the stadium, be easily accessible and have high quality active travel connections to the stadium; .................
In terms of parking, if the stadium remains then so should the parking or it is replaced with the same level of provision (related to its capacity) as close as possible to the stadium. The development of the land for other uses would also generate the need for its own parking.
Incidentally, the Club was supposed to have increased the parking provision when the North and South stands were built in 2004/05, to correspond with the increase in the capacity of the stadium. That additional provision was to be on land over the security fence from the away car park, between the travelers site and the A9. The Club was going to lease this land from the Council but it is not clear if that ever happened. RM might know though.