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Row S

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Row S last won the day on January 1 2022

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    ICTFC, bowls, rugby, real ale, red wine, traditional music, rock music & travelling

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First Team Regular

First Team Regular (5/10)



  1. What about the site of the 3G pitch at the UHI Campus that the national bodies said there was no funding for? This is a large area adjacent to the railway line and a footbridge (with future rail halt potential). There is access from both the retail park and the Campus with a future link planned near to it between Smithton and Inshes. A stadium here with a 3G pitch or even a full plastic one could serve the wider community, student population and the football club. The Council (Common Good Fund) might even contribute from the proceeds of the sale of the land at the current stadium.
  2. To put some perspective on the development potential (and ultimately the value) of the home and away car parks, here is an extract from the Highland Council's 2024 Inner Moray Firth Local Development Plan. Use(s): Office, Business, Industry. Area: 2 ha Developer requirements: ............... detailed masterplan to demonstrate improved public realm, improved connectivity of the blue/ green network; and that the proposed new urban environment makes a positive contribution to the area; active travel improvements to connect site with Inverness city centre, including connections to emerging projects at Inverness Harbour; redevelopment of the site must not result in a net decrease in parking provision, any compensatory parking provision must be located in close proximity to the stadium, be easily accessible and have high quality active travel connections to the stadium; ................. In terms of parking, if the stadium remains then so should the parking or it is replaced with the same level of provision (related to its capacity) as close as possible to the stadium. The development of the land for other uses would also generate the need for its own parking. Incidentally, the Club was supposed to have increased the parking provision when the North and South stands were built in 2004/05, to correspond with the increase in the capacity of the stadium. That additional provision was to be on land over the security fence from the away car park, between the travelers site and the A9. The Club was going to lease this land from the Council but it is not clear if that ever happened. RM might know though.
  3. Reading all of the above makes me glad I decided to stay away again. I won't be back until Ferguson goes because he isn't showing any sign of changing the style of play.
  4. No strikers signed then. Let's hope with all those midfielders Billy can play further up the park and take advantage of some forward passing moves. Ethan Cairns still not fit for a while yet? I still think Wallace Duffy could play up front.
  5. Still have a major task to get things back on a better footing, but at least AS is leaving no stone unturned. Re the development potential of land around the stadium: "Mr Cameron and Mr Morrison now own the lease on a potentially lucrative seven acres of land surrounding the stadium." The final/ adopted version of the Inner Moray Firth Local Development Plan does allocate the land (including the car/coach parks) for a mix of uses but is heavily caveated with various requirements, which will be a significant cost to developers to address. This includes redevelopment of the site not resulting in a net decrease in parking provision (for the stadium), any compensatory parking provision being located in close proximity to the stadium, be easily accessible and have high quality active travel connections to the stadium. Not an easy task in its own right.
  6. All I have read so far suggests this is one big scam. So what is the USA connection or have I missed that somewhere?
  7. I can assure you it wasn't him.
  8. Lol. There was an old guy in Lower E yesterday wearing a Rangers jacket.
  9. Sorry to see him go. I thought he was the best player Dudds signed. Another keeper next?
  10. Yet it looks like the Planning consultant employed by the club made a lot of errors with the submitted and missing documents. The difference between the name of the applicant and appellant for starters. Other Planning consultants were available but never asked.
  11. Perhaps I missed it, but did he ever get his testimonial match?
  12. The continuing silence from the club on the important issues continues to be deafening. I for one will not wait until early July and so will spend my money on something else.
  13. Welcome intervention from a Jambo.
  14. Gash awful! Thank goodness I'm playing bowls this Saturday.
  15. I think that might still belong to David Sutherland.
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