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+05: Player Sponsor
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Everything posted by Fraz

  1. Another question would be if Butcher did an (unlikely) u-turn would Grant still want to stay and play for him?
  2. I've no idea what the dressing room dynamics are like but I very much doubt we'd be better if Foran left, Hayes wasn't playing either but I'm sure noone wud not want him to go. Not sure why Butcher can't see his way to keeping both Foran and Granty in the team.
  3. Just back from the game, what a cracker for my 7 week old's first footie experience! Every player bust a gut out there and we could have scored 6 or 7! Excellent performances from Dorran, Rooney (ah feck it the whole team) but especially MOM Granty who scored a cracker and was a rock solid in defence, not bad for a guy who knows he ain't wanted! Cud someone please explain why the feck Terry doesn't feel he's an asset to the team again? One of the most enjoyable ICT games I've been at in a long time!
  4. I'm struggling to see what TB is doing, particularly offering Duff a contract and not a couple of the others (GM & RD)! We are very short of cover from experienced players particularly in defence. As far as I know no-one has signed a pre-contract aggreement with us and therefore even if Terry has people in mind for certain positions there are no guarantees that they will come up here,.Unless perhaps he has some kind of 'gentlemans aggreement' with them and is staying quiet? Ultimately a club on a very tight budget like ours will struggle to attract players of a much higher calibre than we have (lost) as unless there is an injection of cash. I's not likely the bright lights of Inverness will be enough! To me that means chancing on up and comers or older players/fringe players. I dunno, maybe Terry can use the lure of yet another Tesco to shop at as an incentive. Hope I'm wrong.
  5. Missed it due to crying baby! Was there explanation for the exodus? Plans/players for the future?
  6. This is rumour of course but I heard that Hogg's missus wanted to move elsewhere, but maybe he wasn't offered a contract anyway.
  7. If that's true, all I can say is WTF! :amazed:The only pre-butcher regulars left off the top of my head wud be Esson and Tokley. Big difference here. If Rooney is indeed going then it's because it's the player's choice, not because Terry doesn't want him. I believe he was made a good offer and the ball is/was in his court. I see.
  8. If that's true, all I can say is WTF! :amazed:The only pre-butcher regulars left off the top of my head wud be Esson and Tokley.
  9. I maybe going senile, but did Grant ever get a testimonial?
  10. I hope it's false that Duff has been offered a contract!
  11. Shocking that Grant is being told that he is no longer needed! So Duff is good enough but not Grant or Russell. Both are ICT through and through, experienced, dependable and relativley young. We don't have a huge squad to lose players that will not be replaced one way or another therefore incurring signing on fees etc. I really cannot see the logic here other than he doesn't like for whatever reason most of the players that were here before he was. I can only wish Grant the very best for his future, your services will be sorely missed.
  12. Yeah I just heard that too. Looks like TB doesn't want most of the players that were there prior to him becoming manager.
  13. You need a faster grapevine....Butcher confirmed that's exactly what would be happening in his press interviews last week!!! A faster car and woman would be nice too!
  14. Heard on the grapevine that more players will be told their future in the coming week.
  15. Some GIANT SEAGULLS about! Save from Langfield, great Sutherland shot!
  16. Great shame if he is indeed being let go. Adds stability and steel to our team that I don't see from some of the other players who are played in his place. If Butcher is going on about players fighting for contracts etc then I really canne see what Duncan had done wrong on the park as in my mind he has always been one of our most reliable guys. All I can think of is that his face just doesn't fit and to shun such a long serving player for that IMO is at best unfortunate and worst petty and unprofessional if he is doing a job on the park. Maybe he just slept with Butcher's missus! Regardless, if he is away I wish him the very best and every sucess in whatever the future holds for him.
  17. I worked in Shettleston for 4 years for Glasgow City Council (my old office burnt down!), not sure what street this is on but it will be interesting to see how it turns out. I'd have put money that Bridgeton would be more likely for a royal street party if anywhere in the East End!
  18. For the record, the assistant referee is restricted under Law 6 to what they may do, but the actual application at each match will be under the direction of the Referee who retains absolute responsibility and authority throughout (Law 5). This explains why an assistant who will indicate fouls on the pitch one week will not do the same the following week - it depends on the brief that they get given by the Ref before the game. So just because they can have the roles and responsibilities outlined in Law 6, does not mean that the Referee has given them the authority to use it. They could, for example, be restricted to offsides, ball over the line and substitutions. Remember, these people are qualified referees in their own right but may be under training for the higher leagues by having this support role, although some are happy to remain as assistants as their area of "specialisation". When I left, the SFA were developing a system where you had to chose to become one or the other, but I am not sure if that system is still in place. Regarding waiting for the Ref to indicate the direction of a throw-in or goal/corner kick, this may also be part of the direction but could equally be that the assistant did not actually see it and believes the Ref did, but if neither saw it or are both unsure, the Ref has the responsibility to make that call. When I refereed, that was the brief I gave - if you are certain then raise your flag and I will indicate, if not, wait on my call and raise to support. If I give it one way and you are certain it is wrong, raise and hold and I will change. I have to admit I never realised this, thanks for the info. I have always presumed that the assistant refs duties and responsibilities (and limits therein) were standard from match to match so as everybody's role's were crystal clear. As this would seem to be the most straightforward way to do it. I realise that the ref has the final say in all matters but I honestly cannot remember the last time when I've been at a game where an assistant has disagreed with the refs decision. Theres no way that they happen see all the refs correct decisions but miss all the wrong ones! If they don't know what happened fair enough. Are there really refs out there who say "I don't want you two to indicate if there is an offence commited that I miss or judge wrongly, just leave it please"? IMO not letting your assistants 'assist' fully in order to make the game as fair as possible would be quite frankly ridiculous. Maybe I should have gone onto referee training like my old PE teacher Mr Clark said I should!
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