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+05: Player Sponsor
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Everything posted by Fraz

  1. Sorry to get involved again, you guys really do improve the atmosphere as far as I am concerned and are a welcome part of the crowd, but how many slaps do you need on the wrist? There have been bans handed out to some of you, some of your number have ended up in court (wrongly but the sheriff did state that he had no doubt sectarian songs were sung that day ) I would have thought that this would be warning enough that you are pushing it. Recently your behaviour has been without fault, until the Dougie Imrie stuff, can you guys not just toe the line all the time? It would be a wonderful world if everyone could behave impeccably all the time, having taught children and worked as a youth worker trust me when I say this would be great. However this is the real word in the heat of the moment people (adults and children included) can do and say silly things. I presume you have a child you take to the games as you sit in the family section, do they not ever misbehave even if it is out of character (1% of the time) but going on and on about it seems like an over-reaction to me. The songs were naughty lets move on and get behind the team together - cuddles all round!
  2. "On a side note it would be great if more people joined in with the 'Section G lads' songs." I'm sure they would if they were less offensive or intimidating words used. If people walked up the High Street and shouted some of the things chanted at a football match they would be arrested, same should apply in the stadium. I can swear with the best of them, but when the words are used in an agressive/intimidating manner then expect some folk to be put off by it. Spot on. I'm not suggesting that people should be encouranged to sing tunes that are a bit close to the bone. Maybe I'm going a bit deaf at the ripe old age of 30 but the vast majority of songs sung that I hear are not offensive, but few seem to get involved with these either. Having formerly lived in Glasgow for 8 years I've seen / heard far worse in the street! Apoligies if i've quoted this wrong, just decided to end my lurking!
  3. Since when was the SPL all 'family friendly' with sweetness and light? With OF games, Rangers - Aberdeen; et al. Not the most friendly environments I would assume! As I sit in section F with the better half, I heard the Imrie chants, but as far as it goes it was hardly the end of the world as we know it. The performance worried me more than the 'slanderous chants'. On a side note it would be great if more people joined in with the 'Section G lads' songs.
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