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Posts posted by Fraz

  1. I hear this morning they have confirmed the A96 is also to be dualled although i never heard a completion date.

    Begins in 2016.

    Great news, but what about in places like Nairn? They couldn't make it dual carriageway through there. I can't see it all being dual carriage way unless of course they make a Nairn bypass?

    A bypass would be a bonus, at least then you wouldn't have to go through the crazy amount of traffic lights there are now scince the improvements.

    I believe that the A96 improvements would not be complete till 2030!

    Now is the time to start a campaign to get the A82 dualled to Glasgow by 2100. :tongueincheek:

    Seriously tho, at least those in power are finally noticing that people live north of Perth and that a decent infrastructure is required to support them and business up here.

  2. Hi

    Was getting a page (copied & pasted below) from Cloudflare everytime I tried to access the site from around 5.30pm till about 6.30pm today, also tried from my smartphone but the same thing happened.

    Edit - forgot to add that if you click on the link after 'if you believe that the website is live'

    it does to take you to CTO.

    Website Offline, No Cached Version Available

    The website you are trying to access is currently offline. The most likely causes are the server is down for maintenance, there may be a network problem, or the site may be experiencing excessive load.

    The site uses CloudFlare in order to help keep it online when the server is down by serving cached copies of pages where they are available. Unfortunately, a cached copy of the page you requested is not available, but you may be able to reach other cached pages on the site.

    If you continue to receive this error after you believe the site is back online, you can retry a live version of the site.

  3. Winter tyres are great but not everyone can afford them, although I think some places let you 'rent' them and they'll store your normal tyres till after the winter. Our car is a manual but one of the work vans I drive is an automatic (it has no winter mode). It is harder in the auto to feel the vehicle as its about to slip like you can in the manual and take action, all I can say is to take it easy and be gentle with it, if you feel it is going to slide, ease off, correct and try again gently, try to keep your revs down as much as poss. If you come to a complete stop on a hill though it can be difficult to get going again, but better that than sliding into oncoming traffic!.

    Get your existing tyre treads checked, any decent tyre place will do this for free, get a second opinion if you are told they are too worn, just incase someone is taking the P. Is your car rear wheel drive? They are notorious for being bad in the snow!

    My tuppance anyway hope this is of some help.

    EDIT- Crap spelling.

  4. I dont think the road needs to be dual carrigeway the whole way...i think even 5 mile stretches every 10 miles would make a huge difference....but not gonna argue with it being dualled the whole way. Hopefully the A96 is next coz thats an infinatley worse road!

    TBH I'd prefer the A82 to be done before the A96 but at least the run to Perth will be safer and quicker in a few years.

  5. i just think more backing needs to be given to butcher by fans on this forum instead of looking at the 2 players he got rid of look at the likes of meekings, a.shinnie, piermayr, tansey, and tade, who have all done well for us so far, munro on his own would not keep us off the bottom of the league no 1 player can have that much of an effect its a team sport

    munro was 3rd choice centre back at the end of last season, he isnt as much of a loss as people are making out

    i just want to move on from this whole subject, its getting old. its a new dawn at tcs and its time to look forward and not back

    TBH I think Butcher gets a great deal of backing from people on this forum and that us ICT fans on the whole have been more understanding and patient than fans of many other teams would be in a similar situation so I really don't see your issue there. However you can't say that you should back a manager with blind faith and agree with everything they do, unless of course that's your genuine view. Some people might disagree with substitutions, team selection, formation, signings etc that doesn't necessarily that they hate Butcher and everything he does. Dunno if you are still at School/College/Uni or out in the working world but just because someone's the gaffer doesn't mean their always right, trust me. Surely some people can look at the evidence so far this season - the results and say well maybe he should have done (and do) this and that?

    IMO out of the signings you mention a couple look good, a couple look mediocre and one I just canne decide WTF I think.

    If you are tired of the subject and wanna move on save your energy and just stop posting (on that particular topic, not everything obviously lol)!

    As for a 'new dawn' I'll wait till we start racking up points and stop propping up the table before I start buying into anything close to that!! I suppose though 'It's always darkest before the dawn' :biggrin: :ictscarf:

    • Agree 2
  6. munro and duncan are gone time to move on

    if hogg hasnt replaced munro then we have a reliable young 19 year old in meekings who will

    im not going to sit and whinge about what butchers done by getting rid of munro because i dont think it matters he done alot for the club but everyones time comes to an end.

    I'm not sure if this post is a general comment or a response to mine, regardless it's not just about any particular player however yes some do of course stand out but a general lack of foresight/planning, knowing decisively who he wanted out but having no idea who he wanted in. You don't quit your job and sell your house without a plan of what you are going to do next, do you?

    I agree Meekings looks a prospect so hopefully he will help plug the gaps that have been left.

    I so happy that you are not going to whinge at TB's decisions because because 'you don't think it matters' but the facts and evidence so far this season would suggest otherwise, of course if we were sitting in sixth or seventh place no-one would be complaining (probably).

    Ironically you seem to mention Munro & Duncan more than anyone! :tongue:

    • Agree 1
  7. Our defence has looked suspect all season, this of course has not been helped by injuries forcing some changes and other signings. However there has never seemed to be a plan for our defence, Hogg left (partly down to his wife not liking it up here I believe) but couldn't get another club elsewhere so was happily welcomed back near the end of the transfer window if memory serves (but sometimes it doesn't lol), indicating that he wasn't in TB's plan for the defence anyway. Just as a defender who actually wanted to stay was told cheerio. Rumour of course - but I've also heard from more than one person that Hogg's wife is Butcher's god-daughter, and if true I'm sure that had nothing to do with it :tongueincheek:.

    I would def agree that part of the problem this season was decisions made at the tail end of last season / close season which have now come back to haunt us. Essentially - fairly sweeping clearances without a clear vision or identification of the players who will replace them will be, as that 'trialist' game was evidence of. I agree that older players have to move on and new players come in but regardless if the outgoing player is Grant Munro or Danni Sanchez then surely the incoming player needs to be at least as good if not better, if they ain't then why bother trying to get new players for the sake of it and then having to wait for them to gel in the hope that they will improve?

    I hope things do improve very soon as we are fairly lucky that a few other teams are playing rubbish and defeat has a way of becoming a difficult habit to break.

  8. I see David Weir is threatening to leave Rangers in January if he doesn't start getting game time at Ibrox so if he does leave, is it possible that we could sign him in Jan on a short term contract or am i way off the mark here, please tell me if you think i am going to far here?

    Would imagine his wages would be a little steep for us and I don't reckon he'd come up here anyways to quite possibly finish his playing career. In theory though good defender despite his age and I'd have no prob if he came in to shore up our leaky defence for the second half of the season.

  9. Would be great IMO with the derby and all. Perhaps we'd lose a little in sponsorship/advertising? Overall tho it would be positive for footie in the Highlands, but most of all it would wind up the central belters who would have to travel up and that's a gift that just keeps giving.

  10. butchers motivated, experienced, and inspirational he also bring publicity and spreads the name of inverness caledonian thistle around britain just by being here what else do you want??


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