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Posts posted by Fraz

  1. Isn't it wonderful how a keyboard allows such insight into football management??

    I wonder why the club do not purchase, for Terry, the keyboards of Sonam and his backers - let's be fair Sonam and Co are at every training session, advising the physio on the progress of the players on his couch and are so aware of the match fitness, physically and mentally, of all the players?

    He, with his new keyboard, can also 'magic' a few wizards from Chelsea, Man U or maybe even the Arsenal boy making a scoring name for himself at the moment.

    Funding? That will come from the keyboard spectators who will rush to the park every week when van Persie arrives.

    Now, wait, something else is missing? I know the keyboard fly past of the red arrows every time we score a goal.

    A little team, in a little town, in a faraway place, with very little support who, if you believe the keyboard wizards, are a BIG team, in a BIG town,In the heart of where it matters and have the potential to draw in thousands more into the park.

    Sonam and co, get your head down on your magic keyboard and .... dream on!!

    I know, how dare people question the management team or players you'd think they helped pay their wages or something! If only everyone on CTO could just write positive things all day everyday for a whole season we'd be in Europe no problem.

    Seriously though, so people are not allowed to have an opinion on the management of ICT in a forum for err ICT better just shut the site down now then guys.

    • Agree 4
  2. I agree that it's not all Butcher's fault and the players have to shoulder some of the responsibility for their motivation and drive. I've only been at home games this season but the heads do seem to go down to easily for my liking. That said Butcher did bring in most of these players did he not?

    However it's all a moot point anyway - hes still got over 2 years on his contract and who could/would come in thats better anyway?

    Alex although I agree with most of your post I honestly don't think we have a team of 'very good players' I'd say reasonable with perhaps a couple of very good but in reality that's it (and it's all we can afford really). That is why it is so important that we have a team of players who give that 110% and battle till the final whistle IMO.

  3. If we did refuse entry to the away fans due to non-payment the dispute would surely be between the Rangers fans and Rangers FC in addition to ICTFC and Rangers FC. Not between the Rangers fans and ICTFC. To look at it another way with the car analogy- if I bought a Ford car from Arnold Clark and before it was delivered to me (and before Arnold Clark had paid Ford for it) and they went bust my dispute would be with Arnold Clark not Ford as they would simply say 'why should we give it to you as far as we are concerned it's not paid for'. Essentially the Rangers fans would be getting a service that isn't paid for. :shrug02:

    Bit of a moot point if the SPL covers the costs anyway mind! :thumbup:

    Proof of purchase is all you would need to get your car if it had been paid for and not yet delivered.

    I don't believe that it would be that simple, when MFI went under thousands of people were left out of pocket by hundreds if not thousands and not re-imbursed unless they had used a credit card. In fact recently i bought my wife a voucher for a company that is now defunct, she never got that chance to use it and apparently that's essentialy tough and I have the voucher and reciept.

  4. If we did refuse entry to the away fans due to non-payment the dispute would surely be between the Rangers fans and Rangers FC in addition to ICTFC and Rangers FC. Not between the Rangers fans and ICTFC. To look at it another way with the car analogy- if I bought a Ford car from Arnold Clark and before it was delivered to me (and before Arnold Clark had paid Ford for it) and they went bust my dispute would be with Arnold Clark not Ford as they would simply say 'why should we give it to you as far as we are concerned it's not paid for'. Essentially the Rangers fans would be getting a service that isn't paid for. :shrug02:

    Bit of a moot point if the SPL covers the costs anyway mind! :thumbup:

  5. I wonder what he will have to say about Grant Munro's performance on the day and over the season.

    I am sure Chic will point out to him that Munro has been the rock upon which County's success has been built this season whilst ICT have struggled at the back with about 15 different combinations.

    Even if he gets MOM, scores a hat-trick,creates world peace and a cure for cancer. TB won't say that he got it wrong (IMO).

  6. im keen for motherwells tune but with ict fc insted

    Maybe my hearing is going in my old age but I couldn't understand a frickin' word!

    When I was young (clap clap clap clap)

    I followed Ict (clap clap clap clap)

    ICTFC (clap clap clap clap)

    Is the team for me (clap clap clap clap)

    Doo doo doo doo ( jumping around optional)

    Thx for the translation, lol

    • Agree 1
  7. lets look forward when we have only people in the main stand because we have lost all the fans. that is the rate it is going at. people are just bored of football because its always celtic and rangers.

    p.s when caley where in the semi-finals with thousands of fans, where are they now??? and the other 2000 fans that stopped going to the old firm games???

    well theres no point in looking back your not gonna change anything

    and theres definatly no point in complaining about it

    If there's no point looking back why did you bring up RC's attendance at Hampden? Why analyse a game once it's finished? You're right it sure won't change anything but you can often learn from it for the future.

    Regardless, there were nearly 10,000 empty seats at Celtic Park yesterday when their team is on a great run and top of the league so it certainly isn't just us.

  8. Although I'm sure the England fans like TB very much from a personal standpoint and for what he did as a player. I would think that they, and the FA would consider him too inexperienced and lacking in management skills/track record from the higher echelons of the game to take on a job the with the expectations that come with being England manager. Perhaps as an assistant manager, but no more.

  9. Today's result could well be another nail in their coffin if you ask me

    What worries me if they do become defunct is that we will get an influx of local orcs appearing at TCS, let's hope not!!!!


    You crack me up....complaining about lack of support from the local area in one thread and hoping that we don't convert people to the cause and bring them in on an another!!!

    How exactly do you suggest converting one of them, once an Orc always an Orc IMO

    You maybe quite happy sitting next to union jack waving bigot but I'm most definitely not

    With that kind of attitude I can see now why you previously voted yes to kill of your previous team


    By not tarring them all with the one brush. They're not all as you describe but to describe them all as such is just to show yourself up to be as much a bigot as the minority who sing the songs and wave the flags.

    Exactly Alex, no different than someone saying all Muslims are terrorists.

    I supported Rangers in my youth, because my grandad did (my father had no interest in Football) I have no problems saying that, he also used to also take me to some of the Clach games. My uncle Ben (not the rice guy!) also used to take me to Telford street from time to time. Without going into the whole story (unless anyone really wants to hear it lol!) once I reached around 18 I lost Interest in Rangers and football in general for a few years other than going to the occasional Scotland game. I then started supporting ICT, going to away games mostly as I lived in Glasgow at the time.

    I suppose then dispite having a season ticket along with my wife for several years (since moving back to Inverness) I should turn it in immediately Dougal as I am a bigoted 'Orc'. I'll maybe ask my Protestant mother or Catholic father how big a bigot I am.

    In this case sir you are being a small minded fool.

    • Agree 2
  10. and again we are back to the atmosphere topic. im sick of hearing it.

    if you arnt happy with the atmosphere get up get behind the team and help the singing section out a bit.

    Where's the singing section ?

    Back of section E in the North Stand, it used to be in the back of section G but was moved.

    Yet theres still no noise coming from the new section

    whats the point if we try we get harrassed by stewards.

    you sing at a football game and you are the enemy to half the world it seems

    I'm in section F, so I'm not part of any designated 'singing section' but the lads did seem to be more vocal when they were back in Section G as opposed to now for some reason. Not a criticism just an observation.

    Luke as I've mentioned before from what I've observed this season in the North stand the stewards seem to be taking a lenient approach, I can't recall seeing them telling anyone to sit down and certainly not to stop singing! Happy to be corrected if in fact the stewards have ben mis-treating the vocal support this season.

  11. The announcer this week and last was different from usual as he has been away so I'm guessing the stand-in chap doesn't have much experience and may have been a bit nervous, hence the slip ups, but he could have sounded a bit cheerier no doubt. I believe TB may actually have an input to the songs that the team come out to, so they might be his choices.

  12. and again we are back to the atmosphere topic. im sick of hearing it.

    if you arnt happy with the atmosphere get up get behind the team and help the singing section out a bit.

    Where's the singing section ?

    Back of section E in the North Stand, it used to be in the back of section G but was moved.

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