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Posts posted by MrCaleyjag

  1. You can almost excuse younger players for acts of stupidity like that of the OTJ and Foran red cards however from experienced players you just can't. I don't mind players getting stuck in and showing a bit of heart and desire but both were bourne out of frustration and anger.

    It's definately something that TB needs to work on with the players, we can go on about officials and how it was/wasn't a yellow/red card but players especially experienced ones should know better and should be able to read the ref that is on show and know what he is potentially going to punish.

  2. Benching him doesn't do any good for the team nor for him as if you do when he is allowed back in the team he'll be even more pumped to get involved more and these things will happen again.

    This is part of his make up as a player and I think the only thing that TB can do is remind him forcefully of his duty as a captain and leader and try and curb that temper (if you want to call it that) is it isn't helping him, the team nor does it set a good example to the younger players in the team.

    I said in the matchday thread that it wasn't good enough from him and he should have known better, which I stand by, he'd have been off anyway as it was a yellow card offence at least so with that in mind he needs to start being more sensible.

  3. Penalty was for King holding Sutton. If he was holding then it's a pen by the rules - but where is the consistency? If a pen was given every time a defender held a player there would 20 pens every game.

    Brilliant effort to come back with 10 men from 2 goals down. I expect there are some choice words on the Hearts forum just now!

    I'd agree with you there however the league came out before the start of the season and said they were going to clamp down on it, the ref's official explanation was that he had seen a pull and that is why he gave it however the players and TB were so annoyed with it as part of the clamp down to cut down on the number of penalties possibly given the refs were instructed to give a warning or two before awarding any and yesterday that didn't happen.

    It'll be interesting to see of they is any consistency in this regard in any other games or from this ref in the future.

  4. Just switched on the Alba coverage forgetting it was on in time to see the red card, stupid tackle to make in a nothing area from an experienced player on a yellow card as it was. He was clearly annoyed by the ref not awarding a free-kick already and stupidly lunged in and followed through high. Even if it wasn't a straight red it was a certain yellow so he would have walked anyway and can have no complaints.

    Not good enough from a player of his experience who should be, as captain, setting an example to all those around him.

    A blot on what appears to be a very good performance certainly in the second half and a great point.

  5. Not sure we're ever going to learn from past mistakes, last week we concede on the stroke of half time (symptomatic of last season), week before another late goal when we just needed to see out the game, last week again have a player sent off for stupidity then today captain marvel comes back, gets booked and five minutes or so later gets a straight red card for a reported over the ball challenge!!

    Until we cut this out we can't expect anything from games I'm afraid as much as it pains me to say :ohmy:

  6. I agree with CaleyD, can we really afford the players you have mentioned?

    I actually would only have taken one of the above that you mentioned, Hasselbaink and not for goals either as he is not a proven out-an-out goalscorer nor was he prolific at St Mirren but his overall game would have been extremely beneficial for us.

    Whether we like it or not a loan deal for a goalscorer is the only way to go but then who wants to let their goalscorers go unless they are young and not proven yet.

  7. Part of this post typifies the exact reasons that I haven't posted on the board since the end of last season no more so than Forza's attack on CallieAnne and I hope you feel suitably embarrassed by some of your content. Caleytillidie you have actually started what should have been a good post and on the whole it was but you haven't actually stated what you are going to do, yes you go to games and that should be applauded along with the others who make the effort to but to attack those that don't so blindly shouldn't be.

    This post should have been about raising ideas which you should have started but didn't and upon those, who know more and do a damn sight more, raising ways that you can get involved you dismiss it questioning what help you could do - how do you know without making the call?

    Caleyjag and myself haven't been this season, we didn't go to many last season and to be truthful the only reason is money, we are saving for a wedding and once in a lifetime honeymoon and to be honest see that to be more important than travelling along the A96 from Aberdeen every fortnight and spending the best part of £100-£150 all in - people's priorities change also as well as how they feel about our game as a whole.

    Come next season we will be back and will attend a lot more games like we did the season we were in Division One and the season after but no one can come on here and tell us that we are not entitled to stop going nor should we be ashamed of not going either, if you want to pay for our tickets or our wedding then please do so and we'll attend but until then think about the reasons behind why people don't attend. Over the years we have paid our monies and in fact Caleyjag has since 1994 and even before the club was Inverness Caledonian Thistle but right now it'll be the radio and Geoff n the boys on tv for us.

    Caleyjag just through a very interesting idea at me while I was typing this - she follows a guy on Twitter who is going to the Wigan v Chelsea game tomorrow, he paid £22.00 for his ticket to sit level with the halfway line!! I'll leave you with that thought.

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