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Posts posted by MrCaleyjag

  1. Wonder if Terry reads these forums. If he does then maybe for the next game he leaves Golobart in and plays

    Piermyer, Tokely, Golobart, Shinnie G


    Foran, Ross, Davis

    Tade, McKay

    And, of course, Esson in goal

    If Terry reads these Forums then maybe he should take some advice from the fans before he decides to turn on one, regardless of what the fans are saying they pay their money and are entitled to voice their opinions. He must also remember that he is the face of the club and therefore any unneccessary exposure especially in the face of bad results will be picked up on straight away and be focussed on more, he is working and must keep a professional head on regardless of his feelings.

    The best thing he could do is apologise in some way for his actions towards said fan(s) I wasn't there so can only comment generally but it is not the sort of behavior I expect from the manager of my team. I am still 100% behind TB but if he is losing the head how does that portray to the players as well.

    • Agree 1
    • Disagree 1
  2. I could understand the idea if our traditional weekend was a Friday/Saturday but not when it is a Saturday/Sunday, Spain play the majority of their league games on a Sunday night but that's because a Spanish weekend is Sunday/Monday and the only reason games are moved to a Saturday night is for tv but mostly they fill these slots with the teams that are playing in europe the following midweek, this is an idea that works for all but in Scotland this is lunacy.

    When would fans rather go to games? A Saturday afternoon at 3pm or a Friday night at 7.45pm? Did they take into consideration we live in a country that has crappy weather and coming into the winter when it is cold and horrible at night hardly anyone will want to freeze their bits off on a Friday night as opposed to a Saturday afternoon.

    Our game is going down the toilet so fast and no one has a clue what to do with it, these ideas are only serving to drive more and more people away. This is a stupid idea someone has come up with to justify their position and justify their job. If it were for tv either like it is with Championship games in England or Rugby League I could maybe understand it but it's not.

  3. I have to say I actually agree with Dougal as well and say that I think it's too early to tell, you could take the stance that our record so far this season is poor then the signings haven't worked but that would be foolish in light of the fact players have to settle in and also the amount of injuries we have had.

    Once we get a settled 'fit' team and squad who have played together frequently I will judge but until then I'll abstain from making any opinions.

  4. The only reason I am not with BT for the phone line and internet is due to having previous issues with them and I said back then they would never get my money again.

    Saying that Sky are trying my patience severly. Finally we have had a date for the activation of our line and broadband, the 19th Sept!!! So from registering for the home move on the 25/26th July and moving on the 26th August it takes until the 19th Sept to have the line active. Overall a total of roughly 8 weeks (55 days total) to sort something that should have taken 14 days before we moved and 14 days after we moved.

  5. I never like to be negative towards the national team and always support them but unfortunately don't see us qualifying as much as it pains me to say it. As far as I see it we are too quick to look ahead al the time and question can we do it, the way the Scottish game and the national team is sitting at the moment the best we can do is concentrate on one game at a time and go from there.

    Each international win boosts the co-efficient which ultimately helps out with so called 'easier groups' the further up the rankings you go as we all know, for that reason we must start taking one game at a time and if it all comes together then great we'll be in a far better position.

    I genuinly believe our management team looked at the games and said before the away game to the Czechs that they can take a point away we'll win at home, look how that backfired as well as his infamous 4-6-0. They should have went into the away Czech game much more positively with only that game in mind then taken it from there but they didn't. Apparently much thought went into how the games were arranged and when we played them to suit our chances, it really hasn't worked at all. Maybe FIFA need to go back to dictating the fixture list and we deal with it from there taking one game at a time like club football.

    **Edit - because I can't spell properly

  6. I suppose it depends on how you look at it with regards experienced players or younger players? There's got to be a blend and possibly Terry is looking at it from the angle that a typical starting eleven would include Esson, Hogg, Tokely, Foran and possibly Tade as well then that would be enough experience to be then complimented by younger players, also taking into account that Ross has a fair bit of experience now even though he is still young.

    The problem may come from injuries occuring to the senior players in the squad, lets hope though that this doesn't happen. He is possibly thinking longer term here as well and if these guys impress there could be every possibility that he may try to bring them in on a permenant basis all boding well for the future of the club. Buy them young on the cheap and sell them on later and make a profit, it's the only way really we will grow financially as a club at the rate we want as fans.

  7. "We have got ourselves a hard working young man who will be ready for first team action, but will need time to settle in here. - taken off the Cochester FC official website from their manager.

    I hope he takes heed of those words especially the bit about settling in, he didn't exactly give himself a lot of time while up here and whatever was said by the club to get him up here it is now apparent to me having left Watford that he would do anything to get first team football without actually working hard to get into the team. Will be interesting to see what happens if he doesn't get picked straight away.

    Maybe his agent has a lot to do with it as well and has been bending his ear a lot.

  8. We lost the first 7 games of an SPL season once - joining the dons in holding that record (i think) and still finished 7th or 8th.

    This is not the worst start we've ever had. Yet.

    Let's hope we can address it very, very soon.

    BTW, Roger - told you so!! :nanananana:


    Ok so of all seasons in the SPL this is how our first 5 matches have went.

    2004-2005 - with 3 points.

    P5 W1 D0 L4

    Beat Ross County in League Cup

    Finished 8th

    2005-2006 - with 8 Points

    P5 W2 D2 L1

    Beat Alloa in the League Cup

    Finished 7th

    2006-2007 - with 3 points

    P5 W0 D3 L2

    Beat Dumbarton in the League Cup

    Finished 8th

    2007-2008 - with 0 points

    P5 W0 D0 L5

    Beat Arbroath in the League Cup

    Finished 9th

    2008-2009 - with 7 points

    P5 W2 D1 L2

    Beat Arbroath in the League Cup

    Finished 12th and relegated

    2010-2011 - with 4 points

    P5 W1 D1 L3

    Beat Queens Park and Peterhead in the League Cup

    Finished 7th


    2011-2012 - 1 point

    P5 W0 D1 L4

    LOST to Ayr in the League Cup

    Finished ??

    We are potentially only one win away from being in the same position as we were in four of those seasons then.

    I think the fall out has came from the way we ended last season and the sense of encouragement and joy fans had from last season, we fully expected the team to kick on from that. There is nothing to say that we will not as there are 33 games of the league season still to go but I just think it is the nature of the defeats and performances that have people asking the questions they are.

    • Agree 1
  9. Agree with ICT and Old Caley Girl, I can't actually find one quote on here that says he must go. Can anyone actually provide me with one from this thread or even the site that says he must go?

    We are all fans of the club that care about them a lot who pay our money to the club in some capacity or another and are entitled to be asking questions, that is what we are doing asking questions and voicing concerns and sicussing the current climate of our club.

    • Agree 1
  10. I tend to agree with Renegade on the whole with his suggestion about players possibly not being trained properly and thus resulting in injuries. A dislocated shoulder can't be put down to that but a players conditioning and fitness has a lot to do with the type of injuries they will be more suseptable to. Their recovery would also come under this as well and we may well be rushing players back to early.

    As well as this we have a lot of players who need to bulk up and work on their upper body strength, I see no obvious sign of prgression with these players on this front. Nick Ross and Jonny Hayes are just two that spring to mind as being knocked off the ball far too easily, against Aberdeen Jonny went down at least three times that I counted and stayed down before getting up and carrying on, all looked like very innocuous challenges.

    Taking it to the extreme Brewster believed in fitness so much that he neglected a lot of other important parts of training but maybe it would be interesting to see what his injury record was like. I am no way saying we go down this route again as it is about striking a balance between the two but maybe our balance isn't quite there at the moment.

  11. As bad as the start to the season has been maybe this was actually the over-riding result that the players needed to get them sorted, get them focused and stop them from feeling sorry for themselves. There comes a point where we just have to say right enough is enough and start getting it right.

    For these guys the only thing that matters or the only thing that should matter now is winning and doing well for the team, it is their job, a very good one at that but at the end of the day they are terribly underperforming and need to sort it out quick.

    We have no time for people to feel sorry for themselves or feel embarressed or down, step up to the plate and be a man, start making the difference that you undoubtedly became a footballer for but start doing it as a team and start playing for each other, show some urgency and self belief and stop trudging about with your heads hitting the floor. I don't want to see players heads go down if we concede a goal or huff and puff if we misplace a pass, I want to see some fight and some encouragement for others and take a bit of pride in what you do. Start fighting as a team and you'll win as a team, start thinking as an individual and you'll lose as an individual.

    Terry if you ever needed a stronger word or team talk than you do now you could do a lot worse than make use of the above.

    • Disagree 1
  12. Can we for once play to our strengths and learn from what hasn't worked this season and play players where we know they are better suited and not where we think they should be playing just to make a formation viable. An attacking 4-3-3 for me, it's a home game so we need to take it to them:


    Piermayr Tokely Hogg G Shinnie

    Ross Tansey Morrison

    Sutherland Foran


    Bench: Tuffey, Golabart, Doran, A Shinnie, Greig, Polworth

    - Back 4 almost picks itself, dropped Golabart as we need experience at this time, players that can give belief and get the boys in front of them organised.

    - Three in midfield with Tansey in the middle dictating the play, not running about aimlessly putting too much pressure on himself. Morrison on the left of the three complimenting his left foot and likewise with Ross on the right of the three.

    - Three up front but a wide line, Shane has looked powerful and good on the ball running in from the right, Richie last season played out left a lot and on the whole did well including winning a lot of high balls and knocking them inside, if we must persisit with the long ball at times put him in an area he can win it and not on the backs of the two central defenders, make them work rather than make Richie work. Lastly Tade up front picking up the balls from wide, play him as the striker he was undoubtedly bought for.

    Bench: sorry Golabart we need experienced heads just now, Doran hasn't done enough for me, A Shinnie was awful against Aberdeen

  13. First of all, a big hank you to Harry. A round of drinks on the house for all the Caley Thistle fans in the bar! :twothumbsup: (all 4 of us). Fantastic hospitality. Another thank you to Steve at Harrys other bar who gaves us all free shots after the game and supplied us with our carry out for the train back to Glasgow!:twothumbsup:

    Work beckons for me at 9 but i'd thought i'd post my comments before I collapse into bed. One word for tonight... pish! Absolutely pish! We didn't deserve anything and we were all over the place. I praised Roman after the Aberdeen game (despite the mistake) but he was dire tonight. He looked lost and struggled to string a pass together. (i'm picking him out because he is new and naturally folk want to hear how he played). However he wasn't the only one to have a howler. Where do i start with the performances?! To keep it brief, i'd say that the players that played well were:

    Tokely. Played great in midfield and had a shot hit the post.

    Tade. Came on with about 12 minutes to go and made a few good passes and got into a few good positions. Best i've ever seen him play.

    Other than that, most of the team huffed and puffed away and did feck all. Tuffey had a good save in the 1st half and could do nothing about the goal. Other than that, he had nothing much to do.

    What concerned me the most is the lack of ergency, Or first subsitution was with 12 minutes to go and for the whole match we played with just 1 up front. At full time, the players trudged off with heads held down and apart from Tokely and Butcher (and maybe one more) none of them acknowledged the fans.

    There were 22 fans in the away terracing and 14 in the stand. Thank feck I got a free ticket.

    The same thing happened in Aberdeen on Saturday, Caleyjag and myself stayed down the front and clapped everyone off expecting them all to do the same and only Terry and Richie even acknowledged we were there, yes they were down and disappointed but at least make some sort of half hearted effort to thank the fans for travelling to the game and acknowledge they were there. We clapped you off until you were down the tunnel, give us the respect we gave you!!

    Just tipifies the atmosphere and belief that there is within the squad right now, most of them looked sorry for themselves rather than rallying round each other. On Saturday the only player to go over to Golabart after the mistake/goal was Richie, what happened to our team spirit and team loyalty, they need to start rallying as a team and that means sticking together with themselves and with the fans also.

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