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Posts posted by Laurence

  1. I bet there are some interesting stories about first goals to be told by forum members


    Mine was a strange one.


    I was on a football field just kicking about with my brother in law. I was 14 or 15 years old which makes it around 1958 long before subs and such like


    Then  the local team appeared most frustrated as they only had 10 men.


    My brother in Law who was an adult declined as he had to go home.


    They rather reluctantly asked me to play. ( being short of time and nobody else around )  I signed a form which was given to the referee because  players had to be registered before the match which was a cup game.


    They stuck a number 9 on me and told me to play up front.


    I  don't think they passed to me all the game. Most frustrating as I got into some good positions to score.


    Eventually we got a corner I thought hang back in the clear just outside the box as they looked too big for me in the 6 yard area.


    The corner came over and the ball was cleared straight to me. I just put my foot under it and lobbed it over the sea of faces in front of me. There wasn't an inch to spare low down but the top of the goal beckoned the ball crashed into the back of the net. The players looked at me in disbelief , before they came over with the usual celebration.


    After the game the reporter came over from the local rag and asked for the names of the scorers, as we had won 2 1. The captain looked puzzled because he didn't know my name. They came over with the reporter who took down my name. I was mentioned in the report. My teacher on reading it was most puzzled because he always played me at the back in school matches. "Scored a goal Banks in an adult game, wonders will never cease", was his comment with a twinkle in his eye.


    I can still after nearly 60 years can see that ball  going into the net and the look of astonishment on the players faces, all of whom were probably a good ten years older than me


    I'd be interested in your stories as a light hearted topic sometimes puts a human face on the forum

    • Agree 2
  2. Silver lining...


    Gimme the Hammers please...I'd much rather have a cracking day out against quality premier league opposition than a tie with a 'dross' outfit in the back of beyond just to have a better chance of a Euro win.


    A wee bit further than Broughton from Chorley but I could nip down the A11 on my bike with my kilt blowing in the wind  :ohmy:

    Good result for Norwich yesterday I suppose you will be peddling to Wembley as well ?

  3. Just out of interest can a team in Scotland get fined for turning out the reserves.

    It used to be the case in England but I think they changed the rule

    Although it is frowned upon because it could affect other vital league placings - are ST J and United fighting for 4th

  4. Waiting for the round and the draw is more like "waiting for Godot" ,

    Don't know where we are going too.this summer

    Warned my good lady we could be going far away but don't know where.

  5. I know Bochum it is just down the Road from Bocholt. I used to visit Bocholt a lot. We arranged games with their junior sides as part of Town Twinning. Very nice people from that area.

  6. The only scenes of flag-related violence that comes to mind is when the union flag hordes descended on George Square in September, attacking those with Saltires, so as usual there is no substance to these fantasies of the big bad nats setting aboot anyone.  


    Does seem like a recurring fantasy though: gruff, burly nats descending on CB's pad.


    Whatever floats yer boat ah suppose. 



    What a strange statement - An insult to the millions of people who have given their lives for that flag.

    Most probably members of your own family

    You should be ashamed

  7. They were making jokes on TV about West Ham ( Fair play entry) having to be back in training in the middle of June. Basically no hols for the players. 

    When will our guys who need a break, not to mention the others at the club, have to be back getting ready for the matches?

    Any new team members will need some sort of pre - season how can that be arranged?


    I can't seem to get booked on a bus.

    Can someone tell me how to book a bus from Aviemoor ? Please

    Laurence I have space for you. Well I assume it's you that has been emailing? I will sort so don't sorry but we are rushed off our feet. Off to the football, I will be in touch probably tomorrow. Hope this helps


    I now have my ticket , Thanks. My lap top was faulty and would not fallow links. My wife sorted for me on her machine.

    • Agree 1



    The SNP always strike me as the cuddly party

    The Young teenager who has got fed up of living with Mum and Dad's house rules

    It has found that going out on a Saturday night is good fun

    There is a cheery auntie who takes them out for tea and cakes, an old uncle who likes to make silly jokes.

    The teenager really would like to get a flat, be independent. Mum and Dad are not too keen on that

    They get there spending money every week, don't really understand where it comes from, they expect presents at Christmas, but most of all they think they know best, and they want to fly the nest. Full knowing if things go wrong Mum and Dad will always be there

    Poor analogy. I'd say the SNP were more like the 30 year old who knows it's past time to move out and start their own life but their parents won't let leave. But he can't afford it Needs to get an income

    He does, he's also been contributing more than his fair share to the mortgage and would like some of that to put down a deposit of his own.


    Bankruptcy would be around the corner . You can, run on dreams.

    • Agree 1

    The SNP always strike me as the cuddly party

    The Young teenager who has got fed up of living with Mum and Dad's house rules

    It has found that going out on a Saturday night is good fun

    There is a cheery auntie who takes them out for tea and cakes, an old uncle who likes to make silly jokes.

    The teenager really would like to get a flat, be independent. Mum and Dad are not too keen on that

    They get there spending money every week, don't really understand where it comes from, they expect presents at Christmas, but most of all they think they know best, and they want to fly the nest. Full knowing if things go wrong Mum and Dad will always be there

    Poor analogy. I'd say the SNP were more like the 30 year old who knows it's past time to move out and start their own life but their parents won't let leave.


    But he can't afford it  Needs to get an income

  11. The SNP always strike me as the cuddly party

    The Young teenager who has got fed up of living  with Mum and Dad's house rules

    It has found that going out on a Saturday night is good fun

    There is a cheery auntie who takes them out for tea and cakes, an old uncle who likes to make silly jokes.

    The teenager really would like to get a flat, be independent. Mum and Dad  are not too keen on that

    They get there spending money every week, don't really understand where it comes from, they expect presents at Christmas, but most of all they think they know best, and they want to fly the nest. Full knowing if things go wrong Mum and Dad will always be there

  12. This waste of space as you wish to call it seems to be good enough for you to live and trade in Laurence. But to further advance your historic knowledge the name Caledonia used by the Romans for the lands they couldn't conquer is believed to have come from the largest Pictish tribe in the country of Pictavia, the Caledonii.


    And finally Laurence the Scottish Nationalists dont want more than they are entitled to. They want what is rightfully theirs and what was taken from them by act of parliament and a handful of bribes in 1707.


    I was making a point that countries are not made in heaven It was a quirk of a military man to divide Brittania into two.

    You know as well as I do that .  No GOD  said that is Scotland and drew a map, In fact the Scots came from Ireland and drove the indigenous population out, or murdered them. The Romans also drove the Brits north so most Scots are descended from Brits that lived in the South.


    I go back to my point that why should an electorate of 2+ million dictate to an electorate of 23+ million .


    Regarding my move here is none of your business. I can choose to live were I want.


    I pay my council tax here so I can say my piece


    Anyway all the above is irrelevant


    Most people on this forum have long since made up their minds.


    If anyone is undecided remember D Alexander is 14 to 1 on to lose his seat. Vote Labour.


    It is plainly obvious that the slogan " stronger Scotland, is an attempt to get a better deal for Scotland 

    The Scottish National Party standing on a platform of attempting to get a better deal for Scotland. What on Earth has the World come to ?......




    Kingsmill for someone who is well education, you seem incapable at times of grasping the obvious

    Scotland is part of the British Isles


    At moment a greater proportion of the wealth of these islands is per person on the residents of Scotland


    These residents want even more there are only 5+ million of them the rest of the Union has 60 million people


    There are about 3 million voters in Scotland there are about 24 million voters in total


    Now logic defines that 3 million cannot dictate to 24 million


    If it those through a democratic quirk of seats in the assembly in the Palace of Westminster, some will see that as blackmail.

    It will be seen as grasping , to a extent that the Merchant of Venice, would be proud ot. This is not a TV panel game tey used to call top town. But it is serious.


    To stand on a platform to get an advantage over your fellow citizens for geographical reasons cannot be justified


    Once upon a time a Roman General marched through Britain he came to wild desolate waste land. It had no name so he called it Caledonia which I don't know Latin well enough but I suspect it means a waste of space.


    Countries on the planet where not God given and set in tablets of stone,  They developed to become sovereign nations. If these nations change that allegiance freely a new set up emerges, 


    So when a grasping Scottish king decided to move from Stirling Castle to the Tower of London  for the good life. You cant blame anybody else but yourselves.

  14. Alex Salmond in a TV interview claimed to be a socialist

    He claimed that Scotland would be good neighbours to England

    On the one hand I can tell him that a true socialist does not respect national boundaries, That is why many refused to take up arms in two world wars. The statement that why should a butcher in Birmingham shoot a butcher in Munich was used as a defence in a first world war tribunal

    Good neighbours that's a laugh. A guy doesn't steal his next door neighbours apples off his apple tree on the grounds he need them more.

    It is plainly obvious that the slogan " stronger Scotland, is an attempt to get a better deal for Scotland over and above its fair share. If that is socialism, or being a good neighbour you can't convince me.

    If someone can justify to me that a souvenir seller in Wick should have better life style than his counterpart in Lands End . I would be surprised.

    And on the good neighbourly front the scots cant even put members of a team in the football section of the Olympic games .

    Good neighbours , socialists , never.

  15. Alex


    I am not running the Quote as it fills the page


    Couple of points ( Not saying I don't respect your research ) .

    But it doesn't add up  - On the one hand you are telling me that the people of Scotland are broke suffering from austerity and on the other hand they are earning £26, 000 a year on average and paying mountains of tax.  I expect you have taken into account personal allowances , tax credits, and claims against tax like business do for expenses . So is it unbounded austerity ( put down our throats )  or a quite wealthy society with over half the population earning a decent wage. Putting 12 billion into the treasury and the other half  of the population using food banks.

    I suspect a lot of political expediency is at foot.

  16. Talk about putting words into other peoples mouths

    Say a misinterpretation often enough and every body believes it

    Nobody on this board called anyone a Nazi. The reference is general to the way Nazis went about getting public support. Charles is an historian, but it is well known that certain procedures influence peoples voting intentions. In 1932 Hitler was voted in on a wave public support on the testimony of the Catholic church to keep out communism.

    It shows that public support is not always correct. Symbols were used, propaganda was used.

    We all know when the brain washing machine gets rolling like a snowball you can get anyone to vote for

    Charles is just pointing out the similarities in approach I am sure he is not calling anybody a gangster.

    I know of no one who lives in Scotland and very few who don't are anti - Scottish.

    There are a lot of Scots behind your back are anti - English

    The Scottish paranoia with the Saltire is apparent every where. When I was a kid the only place you ever saw one was on a church.

    The Same in England you saw more Irish Tricolours than you saw the flag of St George. But all that is changing St George flags are starting to appear in English towns as well.

    I don't like it is smacks of the old parish pump brigade, or the wild western syndrome get the strangers out of town.

    The philosophy of a stronger Scotland, what does that mean exactly? Does it mean give Scotland more than it's fair share of wealth? If so it is patently wrong and grasping for every fast buck, for one region over another.

    The SNP know this there aim in life is to spread discord until the system cracks

    I for one don't want Scottish parliament to set its own tax. This nation needs over $40 billion just to stay as it is. Oil wealth is about £10 billion , so 30 billion has to be raised from taxation. In a country of 5 and half million I would be surprised if more than a million of them pay £1000 in taxes,

    Even if its 2000 it doesn't come to much. That is working within the Union. Outside the Union Scotland would have to pay for its massive import bill.

    The public have been led by the nose by a party within nothing to lose can say what it wants and thinks the tail will wag the dog.

    Ed Milliband will not put up with it I am certain

    I was in London the other day, a lot of people are coming round to the view why should 5 million control 60 million people one said to me " Let the buggers stew in their own juice".

    This how the SNP is ruining the goodwill between the nations. Everybody in England used to like the Scots, I am not sure now. There is a problem folks and elections and rhetoric like the SNP are pulling out is not helping.

  17. In Scotland


    Easter Road



    In England


    Ewood Park ( Only because I worked nights  in Blackburn) , Always wanted the away team to win.

    Used to go straight to work after the game.


    Spotland ( Rochdale) because my Grandad was a founder and first ever linesman.

  18. Well Done John

    Keep up the good work and bring back the cup

    I am not sure whether ICT have an  "Hall Of Fame" . If they do you should be in there

    Fantastic achievement

    As The Americans  say " An All Time Great".

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