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Posts posted by Laurence

  1. This is an audit on a Referee , If the authorities ever challenge a Referees competence. We might as well all give up.

    The referee like Ceaser's wife has always been beyond challenge.

    Football referees have one of the most difficult jobs in sport. They have no T V replays their response has to be immediate and based on experience.

    They have to be able to do their work without fear or favour.

    • Agree 2
  2. Not sure about this as I working this afternoon with the TV on

    I thought I heard something that the first rounds of the Europa league were to be played beginning of July

    That makes the qualifiers' in June - If we as we hopefully qualify ( by winning the cup)  that means our lads won't get much of a off season 

    Any body know what's what

    We need to know with holidays to plan

  3. Was there any chance Meekings just stuck his arm out for balance. If it was deliberate his reactions must be the fastest in football any goalkeeper would be proud of

    The Ref has taken a lot of stick on this one, as a biased observer I feel in real time the Ref saw it and thought it was too close to call deliberate. Could someone who knows Josh find out if he meant it.?

    • Agree 1
  4. I wonder what Meekings had to say on this. There is just a chance he just had his arm out for balance; if it was deliberate he must have the best reactions in football., any goalkeeper would be proud of. Could be in real time the Ref thought the same.

    Mind you   I am biased

  5. I was just saying that the plight of so many people at stake, and the modern role of Turkey having the largest European army in NATO. It is the Turkish army that is the buffer zone between I S and Europe. Having a vital situation to deal with with refugees etc, Attacked  by the so called holy father, for the discredited Ottoman Sultans . I would have thought that the pope should be thinking about the modern Turkey and taking into account the large numbers of Christians that do live in that nation alongside the follows of Mohammed. No wonder Turkey is pissed off with the Vatican.

    Lenin had a point about religion being the opium of the masses

  6. Don't really remember my childhood, except sweets were rationed and life was tough, we played out all the time, football and cricket. Street fighting was the order of the day. At lot of cycling went on. The cotton mills pumped thick black smoke into the air. I remember when there  was fog about walking home from school coughing thick black mucus,  You literally could not see your hand in front of your face.

    I know we had a 12" Bush T V we watched the Coronation, to a house full of neighbours.

    My Dad paid £100 for it equal to 5 weeks wages,. He was a mill manager and very well paid.

    My first sporting memory was Milburn scoring for Newcastle in an F A cup final sometime in the early 50s

    I remember the advent of Commercial TV and adverts , most peculiar. Mind you the world was in black and white.

    I remember when we first got broadcasts from the USA a satellite named Telstar did that for us. The 1958 world cup was hardly covered, because live TV was impossible from foreign climbs

    I remember my mother crying when Churchill beat Atlee as she watched an early 1950s  general election , I suppose that sowed the roots of my socialism.

  7. Charles talking to an old mate of your tells me you were in the team that won  "Top of The Form" which was an old Radio programme for clever kids, well done. I wont argue with you again, as your cerebral ability is way above mine.


    By the way look at these odds




    Labour are now favourites for a minority government


    Labour 275

    Con 283

    SNP 38

    Liberal D 23

    UKip 6

    DUP 8 add to Con

    SDLP 3 add to Labour

    Sf 3 wont sit

    Green 1

    respect 1 add to Lab on a good day

    speaker 1 votes status quo

    P C 4

    Obviously does not add up exactly to the number of seats there are but I feel a good guide to the outcome

    The Tories will present the Queens speech. If it carries there will be a Conservative minority government

    What an absolutely absurd post.  Having made a prediction in which the number of seats identified was over 50 short of the actual number, you have taken a fortnight to come back and correct it and still have the number 4 short.  You state "Obviously does not add up exactly to the number of seats" but there is nothing obvious about it.  There is absolutely no reason why you should not use the actual number of seats and every reason why you should.


    Having got your figures wrong you then compound your error by getting your conclusion wrong.  On your figures and assuming the Lib Dems side with the Tories and UKIP also support them along with the DUP, then the Tories will have the support of 320 MPs.  Labour will get the support of the large number of SNP MPs, the Welsh Nats the SDLP, Green and Respect MPs.  That adds up to 322.  That means Labour might be able to muster the support of 2 more MPs than the Tories.  That makes the colour of the 4 missing MPs rather important don't you think?  I've also just read your later post and you still can't get things right.  You mention the 4 MPs who either won't or can't vote but you have already included those in your 546. 


    I see you also can't resist another little swipe at Kingsmills.  Kingsmills and I may disgree over the General Election but he is one of the very few people who actually does make "grown up" and well considered comments on this thread.


    Mind you, to be fair, your projections are considerably better than those of some of the political parties who on the one hand can't give any credible information of where the money for increased spending is going to come from and one the other, where the welfare savings will be made. 




    Well tell your beloved Kingsmill to leave my family out of his attacks, something he has never apologised for and something I won't and can't forget and your overtures will not change that


    A guys wife has nothing to do with Kingsmill

  9. My Dad once told me that England's toughest and thoughtful cricket captain was the bodyline series winner Douglas Jardine

    My Dad told me he was Scottish, but the wonders of the Internet indicate he was born in India.

    However Dad was probably right in his family were from Scotland.

    If anyone is interested in Jardine and that famous tour of blood and thunder there is a fantastic book , title " And then came Larwood ", very rare a copy will cost you in access of  £30 , but there are sportsman book club editions of lower price.  Best read  other than  Charles book " Against all odds ", By the way Charles just sold two of your efforts about going up Stephen's bray . Hope Stephen was happy with that.



    Labour 275

    Con 283

    SNP 38

    Liberal D 23

    UKip 6

    DUP 8 add to Con

    SDLP 3 add to Labour

    Sf 3 wont sit

    Green 1

    respect 1 add to Lab on a good day

    speaker 1 votes status quo

    P C 4

    Obviously does not add up exactly to the number of seats there are but I feel a good guide to the outcome

    The Tories will present the Queens speech. If it carries there will be a Conservative minority government

    Your arithmetic is still rather flawed. Mine is not great but I make that seven seats short.


    I make that 646 which is four seats short. In reality, if recent polls are anything like accurate, the Labour total will be somewhat down on that and the SNP total will be a bit up because Scottish Labour seem to be heading for a bit of a wipeout.

    It's going to be interesting to see what the Labour party in Scotland so to try to sort themselves out because when the UK party got into a similar unelectable pickle in the 80s, Blair reinvented them as "New Labour".... which is actually one of the root causes of the state they are now in.


    I wonder what impact this morning's major transport announcement from the SNP will have after Drew Hendry informed Good Morning Scotland listeners that the SNP could take credit for dualling the A9 at Ballachulish. :amazed:




    I suppose you  subject to the Mansion Tax hey Charles ?


    The root cause Charles is the massive amount of money used to bail out


    1) Northern Rock



    4) RBS


    Massive amounts of money to make sure investors like you and me  did not lose their money and life savings


    Nothing to do with welfare benefits nothing to do with bad economics


    I want to know when the treasury are going to get the funds back from the banks ?


    Simple as that, If we get the money back the country will be back in the black.


    4 seats don't vote you know 3 SF  and the speaker and anybody away in hospital I remember in the early 1950s they were wheeling chronically sick members through the lobbies.

  11. So dam sad

    ACL and MCL injuries can be fixed

    As Adrian Peterson record shows


    On December 24, 2011, Peterson was injured by DeJon Gomes and needed help off the field in a 33–26 victory over the Washington Redskins. He was placed onto injured reserve due to a torn ACL and MCL on December 26, 2011.

    For the first time in his career, Peterson failed to record a 1,000-yard season after playing only 12 games during the year.

    2012: MVP Year[edit]

    Peterson started Week 1, although his status was listed as questionable. He rushed for 84 yards and two touchdowns in his first game in eight months after his ACL and MCL tear. He passed Robert Smith to become the number one Vikings rusher of all time.[85] By Week 16, Peterson was leading the NFL in rushing with 1,898 yards and averaging 6.0 yards a carry. He also had 11 touchdowns, with a further 215 yards receiving.

    Entering Week 17, he needed 208 yards to break the NFL single-season record for the most rushing yards (2,105), set in 1984 by Eric Dickerson. That week, the Vikings played the Green Bay Packers needing a win to clinch a playoff berth. The game was tied at 34 in the fourth quarter when Peterson ran 26 yards, setting the Vikings up for a game-winning field goal with three seconds left. The Vikings chose the field goal, which sent them to the playoffs, but also left Peterson nine yards short of breaking the record. Peterson became the second player (Earl Campbell, 1980) to rush for 150 or more yards in seven games during an NFL season and had 1,019 yards after contact. He finished 2012 with 2,097 rushing yards, the second-most ever for a running back in a single season.

  12. I feel I really must protest about the Pope's treatment of incidents in Turkey
    which took place over a century ago
    I feel modern Turkey is quite right to
    object and I feel the pope should apologise.
    The Turkey he is referring to is
    now very westernised and is a member of NATO
    Why antagonise the modern regime
    with this unwanted attack .
    True the Ottoman sultans had a lot to answer for.
    That is why the new regime got rid of them
    The pope has to think about the
    perception attacks like this have on people who do not follow Islam.
    We could
    all go on about atrocities of the past, remember the Catholic churches support
    for Hitler that got Hitler elected, and the silence from Rome during the second
    world war.
    The pope not to antagonise the people of Turkey. He should
    praise Turkey for defending the border against IS. He should praise Turkey for
    the refugee camps in Turkey and the Humanitarian way those refugees are being
    treated. It's not great being a Christian in the Muslim world, but in Turkey
    Christians are better treated than any ware else in the Islamic world.
    Lots of people from western countries love Turkey as it is now, I feel the catholic
    church should recognise  the fact and work for better relations with Turkey and
    not cause divisions of this nature. I feel the pontiff is wrong on this aspect
    and he should take immediate steps to rectify a situation that should never have
    I was disappointed that in this news story on Channel 4 no one from Turkey was asked about this.
    News media should give a balanced view Turkey must be given credit for being in Nato


  13. Hi

    I was wondering does he need a full knee reconstruction

    Knee reconstruction is used a lot in sport these days

    Peterson the Minnesota Vikings running back had a full knee reconstruction and returned to run the next season for over 2000 gain yards I am told. 

    So does anyone know the true state of his knee?

  14. Labour 275

    Con 283

    SNP 38

    Liberal D 23

    UKip 6

    DUP 8 add to Con

    SDLP 3 add to Labour

    Sf 3 wont sit

    Green 1

    respect 1 add to Lab on a good day

    speaker 1 votes status quo

    P C 4

    Obviously does not add up exactly to the number of seats there are but I feel a good guide to the outcome

    The Tories will present the Queens speech. If it carries there will be a Conservative minority government

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