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Posts posted by Laurence

  1. Whatever we say or do on this forum will not make any difference

    So leave off Charles.

    He is someone for the Highlands to be proud of

    His politics are opposite to mine but I respect his opinion, not like some on here.

    So give remarks like lies and bile a rest

    As I said the voters will vote and the politicians will have it so sort out.

  2. Oddquine


    You get nut cases in every level of politics


    Political parties are broad churches.


    Some people in the Conservative Party like Kenneth Clarke you can respect and have good judgement


    I think Ed Milliband you can rely on to be his own man and will seek to make things as they should be


    It will be down to the SNP to work with Labour not the other way round.

  3. Should football club owners be allowed to ruin a club in spite of what fans say

    Is the action of the fans at Blackpool justified.?

    What redress have the fans

    I am aware that Blackpool went into this season with only 5 professional players on their books

    To become a Championship team in England is a notable feat and should not be squandered


    Are fans important?


    On a day when I am over the moon about Bury's automatic promotion  I can only feel for the Blackpool fans



  4. End of seasons are always tricky for clubs with small squads

    Fatigue, suspensions, injuries, and young players on a learning curve

    However the manager has to realise, that  "closing the stable door",  "and running down the clock", is not a cardinal sin.

    The number of free kicks ICT  give away is costing the team  dear .  Especially towards the end of games. It can't be easy for such a small club, but there are players who should play , who sit on the bench. It all helps to give the others a brief respite.

    Any way best of luck to the team as they  enter the last lap of a very long race.

  5. Pacquaio v Mayweather


    Well I reckon there was ever only one winner


    But having said that Pacquaio was said  to have fought with a damaged shoulder, he was denied pain killing drugs


    Rumour has it though he took an unauthorised shot ( Newspaper talk) in his locker room totally unconfirmed though and probably not true


    Mayweather his said to be retiring now

  6. To Oddquine


    How can the Party born out of the Trade Unions around 2015 to fight for the rights of workers be classed as Tories

    How can the party that gave us The National Health Service

    That Gave us Family Allowances , Family Tax credits, The Minimum Wage

    That gave us the Legal Aid Act

    Equal opportunism acts for ethnic memories  Equal Pay for Women

    That Gave us Health and Safety at Work

    Brought Devolved Government to Scotland and Wales

    Sorted Out Government in Northern Ireland

    On The Green side  the Pollution Acts of 1948 and 1977

    together with clean water legislation

    Massive Extension to Comprehensive education by Tony Crosland

    Gay Rights, Decimalisation 1n 1967

    Under Wilson

    Liberation of Censorship Laws

    including Liberation, of Divorcé under the reform act

    Great improvements of Social Security Benefits

    Capital Gains Tax on the Rich

    Rent Acts , Protection From Eviction Acts

    Massive increase in Council House Building and School  Building

    Housing Slum Clearance Act

    Town and Country Planning Acts

    Social Security Acts

    National Insurance Act which enabled payment when out of work

    Under Tony Blair

    Tax Credits

    Introduced Civil Partnerships

    Banned Fox Hunting

    Over 60s local Bus Travel

    Doubled Apprenticeships

    Dads allowed Paternity leave

    Gift Aid of 828 million to Charities

    Restored City wide Government to London

    Record Number of Students in Higher Education

    Introduced Equality and Human Rights Commission

    Increased Child benefits by over a quarter

    Increased teachers by over a third

    Full time workers allowed 24 days paid holidays

    Built countless new Schools and Hospitals


    I could go on but if I am a fool for not agreeing Labour are Red Tories then you should take a good look at yourself and your prejudice

  7. AFC Bournmouth will be in that EPL. Think it will be the smallest Premier League ground in recent History


    AFC Bournmouth will be in that EPL. Think it will be the smallest Premier League ground in recent History


    There is talk about playing at St Mary's - Southampton


    quote Harry Rednap

  8. Bury are promoted 8 consecutive away wins

    I was panicking because I was told the play off final may be on the same day as ICT's cup final

    Over 2,300 Bury fans made the journey to the Wirral

    Now this famous old club can start the climb back to at least  "The Championship"


    With New Training facilities who knows?



  9. I don't know about NPL but in league 2 I am interested


    Anyway I have the champagne on ice as my boyhood team the Shakers are 5 mins off automatic promotion


    Southend losing - Wycombe drawing - As long as Tranmere don't score. Heart in Mouth time here



    Never mind folks. Another five years of austerity rammed down our throats. Another five years of foodbanks. Of poverty. Perhaps they'll even start pinching pennies from Charlies pension. Labour made it very clear on QT that they wont be in government so all thats left is Dave to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. If ever there was a setup in place to break the union this is it. I'm starting to wonder who actually lost the referendum. Did the NO campaign go too far and actually backfire on them because all they've demonstrated since then is total and absolute contempt for Scotland and its people.



    Alex get off your soap box


    Sure there are a lot of poor people


    But there are a lot of others doing very well, I suspect you are one of them,  I sure am


    Go to Glasgow stand on the street corner look at the cars, the delivery vans, look at the shoppers , look at the bags they are carrying full of goodies, . AS long as I can remember Glasgow as been full of betting shops probably the same people who use them go to the food banks. If you live in that area sure you would go for  free food rather than pay for it.  In this country we are far better off than most other places, tracker mortgages low tax, shorter hours than our parents worked. I am no Tory but I am a realist, You make it sound like there is no tomorrow unless we spend spend spend. The vital thing for the next government is to get people , who can, back into work, create jobs. With cheap oil low transport costs, This nation and the UK as a whole should do very well over the next 5 years, regardless of the party in control. Lets forget moaning about so called austerity and pull together. Too much grumbling for my mind. Talk about who won referendums, is not helping, Germany lost the war, but who is the kingpin of Europe now. Life changes all the time. Elections come and elections go. Sometimes you have the upper hand and sometimes you are crushed. The problem with independence was its finality, no going back, in five years there will be another general election and things will look different, they always do. I first voted in 1964 won by Wilson with 4 votes or so, 18 months later he went to the country and won by a landside , in 1970 he was ousted by Edward Heath, In 1973 Wilson won again by a minority government, after that he went to the country again and won comfortably. The next election  was won by Thither who won 4 terms, Finalised by Major who lost in a landside to Tony Blair. Don't get smug over success it can all change over a few years.


    No Laurence I wont get of my soapbox. I am as entitled to comment as you are. As for being well of. No I'm not. I get by but I have to travel to another country to work and pay taxes in two countries to get by. But, that aside, unlike you with your 'I'm alright jack' attitude I have concerns for those around me. I am concerned when those around me can only get zero hours contract employment. I'm concerned when thousands of young lives are being affected by poverty. I'm concerned about the dangers of having weapons of mass destruction on my doorstep. I'm concerned about the environmental impact of the overuse of fossil fuels. I dont look at my country and the world from behind a net curtain in my warm living room.




    Just pointing out that statements like pumping austerity down our throats are not right. True life is hard for a lot of people. But this still find there way to have all the trappings of a modern society not like the poor blighters in Nepal


    We are getting a society that moan and groan all the time


    I respect what you say about how you have succeeded in your life, working all hours, But I think you should chill out on the moaning


    With regard to the weapons , I carried a CND badge for years, But the stuff I am hearing now about submarines is a fairy tale.


    If the subs are to cost 100 billion they would have to be gold plated, The estimates put to parliament over the next 20 odd years range from 500 million to 700 million per year , gross about 15 billion  tops - Then you have to look at tax, as most of the spend is in wages between 20 and 40% is returned to he treasury. Again the engineering firms manufacturing the subs employ people and pay Vat and Corporation tax. Not to mention the cost of benefits if the project was cancelled.   At the end of the day if it stops the UK being blackmailed by Korea  or Iran it may be worth it?

  11. To be deadly serious   we could be heading not just  an hung parliament but stalemate

    The Conservatives will I think and so do the bookies  have the most seats

    Labour and SNP will not have enough seats between them to form any sort of viable government i.e 170 + 50  bookie talk

    The Conservatives will not get enough seats even with support of right-wingers to hold power for long 185 + whatever

    The Prime Minister of the outgoing Parliament stays as Prime Minister until he tells the Queen he has not  been able to form a government, whether he has the largest party or not. It is then down to the Queen to send for the next man down, who will have the opportunity to try for support.

    The problem is if no overall party has enough support legislation or no , the Queen will have to dissolve parliament and call another election.

    I think myself in any rerun of the election if it comes to that, people with have to decide if they are red or blue and stop pissing about with minor parties.

  12. I wish I would have been taught poetry of that quality when I was at school, or anything else other than religion.

    Goes to show Alex had a much better education than most people I grew up with

    I first came across the poem after I retired it was in a book in a guest house  in Campbelltown where I was on holiday. My wife who like Alex was very well educated  was reading it, and like Alex told me how she was taught  it at school.

    Unlike poles attract I am told

  13. Never mind folks. Another five years of austerity rammed down our throats. Another five years of foodbanks. Of poverty. Perhaps they'll even start pinching pennies from Charlies pension. Labour made it very clear on QT that they wont be in government so all thats left is Dave to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. If ever there was a setup in place to break the union this is it. I'm starting to wonder who actually lost the referendum. Did the NO campaign go too far and actually backfire on them because all they've demonstrated since then is total and absolute contempt for Scotland and its people.



    Alex get off your soap box


    Sure there are a lot of poor people


    But there are a lot of others doing very well, I suspect you are one of them,  I sure am


    Go to Glasgow stand on the street corner look at the cars, the delivery vans, look at the shoppers , look at the bags they are carrying full of goodies, . AS long as I can remember Glasgow as been full of betting shops probably the same people who use them go to the food banks. If you live in that area sure you would go for  free food rather than pay for it.  In this country we are far better off than most other places, tracker mortgages low tax, shorter hours than our parents worked. I am no Tory but I am a realist, You make it sound like there is no tomorrow unless we spend spend spend. The vital thing for the next government is to get people , who can, back into work, create jobs. With cheap oil low transport costs, This nation and the UK as a whole should do very well over the next 5 years, regardless of the party in control. Lets forget moaning about so called austerity and pull together. Too much grumbling for my mind. Talk about who won referendums, is not helping, Germany lost the war, but who is the kingpin of Europe now. Life changes all the time. Elections come and elections go. Sometimes you have the upper hand and sometimes you are crushed. The problem with independence was its finality, no going back, in five years there will be another general election and things will look different, they always do. I first voted in 1964 won by Wilson with 4 votes or so, 18 months later he went to the country and won by a landside , in 1970 he was ousted by Edward Heath, In 1973 Wilson won again by a minority government, after that he went to the country again and won comfortably. The next election  was won by Thither who won 4 terms, Finalised by Major who lost in a landside to Tony Blair. Don't get smug over success it can all change over a few years.

  14. Sorry I am so boring RiG, but it comes with the territory when  OAPs are concerned  I am afraid

    I know I get a little intense at times for which I apologise

    I am a Kansa City Chiefs follower with Charles my favourite running back ;   although I once took the Saints to win the Super Bowl at 40 -1

    I won about £800 that day

    I stay up every Sunday and Monday night to watch the games.

    Got two tickets for Wembley  when the Chiefs play the Lions as I also like Stafford should be a good day out.

    I am thinking of setting up a fantasy league this season for Caley Fans if I can get 10 people to join.

    I usually join American leagues and I do quite well having won a lot more match ups than I have lost. I usually use the handle Lochinvar or Young Lochinvar after the poem. I have decided to call myself Inverness City Slickers next league I join.

    This season I am going to enter a paid league which will be far more difficult than the fun leagues I usually join.

    The NFL fantasy leagues are not like soccer leagues there are no transfer limits. Drafting is in rounds, there are practice drafts so you can get the hang of it. They start to set them up after the training camp. The season involves 14 match ups then sudden death play - Offs

    Anyway as I am getting boring again anybody can see how it works on the NFL web site.


    I am also worried about the 49s problem is the coach has gone and  there is an unknown in charge so my son tells me, My son also tells me  the team as been ripped apart and will have to be rebuilt.  I predict a fairly dismal season for the 49s although time will tell, moving to a new stadium as gone down like a lead balloon.

  15. Every year the National Football League ( American Football)

    Draft from the colleges and Universities in America

    No 1 draft pick is by the worst team Tampa Bay Bucs

    The last pick is by the Super bowl winners New England Patriots

    This system is to try to bring equality to the league , when you consider the rookies get over 500,000$ US a year and the top players could get 40 million $ US a year this is a big deal and for lot of underprivileged players from  ethnic minorities this is the route to a good future.


    Not to be missed for the sensation and spectacle that only the States can provide , try not to miss it.




    Even if your knowledge of this game is limited it is a good opportunity to see a great spectacle  of the sporting agenda



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