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Posts posted by Laurence



    With or without fans like us, he would be better off elsewhere and so would we

    He is a nice lad but he is far from good enough to play for ICT, . We need players who will get stuck in, this is a physical league, we can't afford passengers.

    Feckin hell, never saw Andrew Shinnie getting 'stuck' in very much, and were we glad to have him last season.

    You dont have to get stuck in (which he actially did), he scored tons


    So you are dismissing my opinion.

    I have been watching football for nearly 60 years , I have run junior teams and been a ref.

    I think I know a good player when I see one

    This guy lacks a lot of what it takes

  2. When I was a boy all the major clubs in England had several very talented top International players from Scotland

    Names like Bobby Collins, Denis Law,  Dave McKay ,  Alan Gilzean ,  Kenny Dalglish . I am reminded of the Liverpool team who won the European cup, with a team  made up totally of Scottish and Irish players, ( from memory) .


    There were scores  more mostly born in Glasgow or around Glasgow. Even my own boyhood team Bury had Roy McLaren in goal two Scots at fullback Robertson and Conroy centre forward Bill Calder , and Jimmy Hubbard signed from Rangers on the wing.

    Now to see that Celtic has  only 5% of young Glasgow talent in its ranks is very disturbing. No wonder Scotland under 21s lose to teams like Iceland. Hardly a bastion of population.  Maybe all the Youngsters are playing for Rangers. It was nice to see so many youngsters turning out for the Gers last season. Where as all this talent gone? It is not just Scotland England's shocking performance in the Under 21 world cup only highlighted how poor the young footballers are right across the British Isles. I don't know the answers , you really can't blame the schools, My own son now 44 was a first class goalkeeper, 6'4 and captain of London University, when he went to Layton Orient and asked for a trial he was told to get lost, it was down to the club to spot talent , not for players to put themselves forward.  I only mention this because a lot of clubs can't be arsed finding players they let other clubs do that and get them on short term contracts, ( like we do), usually when the top clubs don't want them anymore.


    With or without fans like us, he would be better off elsewhere and so would we

    He is a nice lad but he is far from good enough to play for ICT, . We need players who will get stuck in, this is a physical league, we can't afford passengers.

    Feckin hell, never saw Andrew Shinnie getting 'stuck' in very much, and were we glad to have him last season.


    Ha Ha , As they say in London " You are avin a larf *  You  just cant be serious, how can you compare Andrew Shinnie and Roberts. like comparing a race horse with a mule. For goodness sake !




  4. Every time I saw him go up for a header he was at least a yard off the ball.

    Every time when the team was hot under the collar striving to win the ball in midfield, he was seen on the wing hogging the touchline, miles away from the play.

    I was always glad when he was substituted and a guy like Morrison came on who plays with some blood and guts, and gets stuck in.

    A wide midfielder in this league has to be able to mix it. It is no good swanning about like a kid in the school yard, hoping to find a loose ball and score a goal, and impress the teacher.  Lets realise in this league football is played at a high tempo, and when you go in front you tackle hard keep possession and metaphorically  park the bus.  I just don't think Roberts fits  the bill he is just not hard enough.

  5. With or without fans like us, he would be better off elsewhere and so would we

    He is a nice lad but he is far from good enough to play for ICT, . We need players who will get stuck in, this is a physical league, we can't afford passengers.

  6. To play A.Shinnie or not is a big call and only TB can figure that out - it is all down to how he is training and what his attitude is - he can be the exact player that you need if your tactics are to defend and hit on the break.


    Should it not be I never felt more like swigging the booze when Everton win, and Liverpool lose?

  7. Seems that Charles Green is to stand down as chief executive of Sevco.


    The SPL has been a breath of fresh air this season without the union flag waving bigots. Scottish football as a whole will smell a lot sweeter once this buffoon who panders to racists and bigots departs the scene.


    You are not a bigot because you wave the Union Flag. Millions of  Brits died for that flag over two world wars including many Scots. Have some respect.

    • Agree 1
  8. Non event? I was in Derry last year and had a wonderful time. Are you not confusing it with Bury?

    Derry  - Bury  - a good  day out , but as Peter Kay would say


    Latvia - Latvia  - Latvia, or is it Garlic Bread


    Just renewd my passport before I might have to get a new Scottish one , with no  embassies or consulates to support weary  travellers





    It seems to me that 2nd place is a must if we are to avoid a long trip to some best forgotten Latvian place.

    I heard you went to Latvia last year but you've forgotten!


  9. I was a a bit worried of us qualifying and it being a non event, like playing Derry City or Sligo Rovers , so I looked at the fixtures for this year


    link below




    You can see the no hopers are in the first qualifying round, no team from Scotland played in that


    The next round you can see St Johnstone, and the competition is improving , but still a few 3rd ranked Scandinavian teams


    Dundee United played in the next round which was the entry point for Liverpool


    Motherwell and Hearts of course managed the Play Off Round.


    It seems to me that  2nd place is a must if we are to avoid a long trip to some best forgotten Latvian place.


    Just a thought?

  10. It is quite amazing that only three people voted against being British all those miles away. Yet I was talking to a guy in Jedbugh only 12 miles from Northumberland who wanted Scotland out of thr UK. Why ?  because he had been a miner in Mansfield and his hated for Margaret Thatcher still riled him all these years later.


    I disagree with the statement made by Mantis above in its entirety. Although the "sports" , pages of the Sun have an aspect a lot of building workers like to pin on their walls, I feel the Evening Standard , to be about as useful as the Glasgow Herald, a nail behind the WC door comes to mind.

  11. The inconvenient truth about Thatcher is things would have been much worse under Labour at the time.  Thatcher was only elected so many times due to the utter incompetence and unelectability of her rivals.  Same thing with Blair.  Labour/Tory opposition were so awful at the time that it took the Major/Brown governments to nearly bankrupt the economy to finally get rid of them. 


    I wouldn't say either were particularly loved or admired.  Or even the best party of the time.  The SDP had the most incisive policies but it was party political allegiance, rather than for the good of the country, that many refused to vote for them.  The results?  Thatcher or the Militant Tendency.  Give me strength!


    I rather think the banking sector had more to do with the  overspend then anything Gordon Brown did

    What do you think he should have done let investors lose their funds?


    Give me strength


    Although one has to have some respect for a great parliamentarian like Margaret Thatcher, I feel that David Cameron was well over the top waxing lyrical on TV last night.

    Somewhat hypocrital too. No mention it was the Tory party that gave her the boot from office. Do you remember the farcical  ballot for leadership of the Conservatives, Michael Heseltine thretening to fight against her, meetings in smoke filled rooms to rig the election in favour of  John Major.  margaret Thatcher crying as she left Downing Street.


    The Falklands conflict , the whole United Nations condemmed it, France sold misiles to the Argentine , Americal tried to it's best to pusude her  stop it. Agentine battleship topeadoed without warning ,  

    Nicola  Sturgeon would have a field day on her upside down  doll squeak of  "illegal wars", she uses as an excuse for independence. She shuld remember both Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were born in Scotland.


    Do you remember the Poll tax ?


    True you would expect David Cameron to make the most out of the demise of Margaret Thatcher , but the truth is she was no saint.

    • Agree 1
  13. Very sad indeed. Good luck.....I think you will need it. Dunfermline was always a good day out with the best pies in Scottish Football.


    Who is next I wonder?


    Ask not for whom the bell tolls ?


    It tollls for thee - John Donne

  14. I think it will be a shambles


    I think the play offs when the teams start at zero points  is a farce


    I think we should have a top league of two teams that play each other 38 times a season with no promotion or relegation


    A second division of 22 teams


    Forget about Glasgow let them stew in their own juice.

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