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Posts posted by Laurence

  1. Too much Xmas pud the day before , Methinks


    It was right through several big teams including Manchester City, had bad games, they should take more water with it.

    Back to normal on Saturday I trust.


    Away teams often get  good results on Boxing day. I remember two years ago when we were doing quite well in the league, being stuffed  at home by St Mirren on Boxing day.

  2. I know Ed Joyce  Scored a lot of runs for both Ireland and England , but I'm not sure if  he got a century for both countries. He was quite a star in the One dayers.


    It was thought at one time that Andy Goram  ( fast bowler) would maybe  play for both Scotland and England at cricket. However the Rangers management stopped him playing cricket for Scotland. It was thought he would get injured.


    That may be a quiz question ( Name the Rangers player who played football and cricket for Scotland ) ?

  3. Pardon me for asking the obvious but how did this thread become a Laurence cricket thread?


    Alex - Pardon granted –


     It was because if you must know that  I suggested that Alistair Cook the England cricket captain, who recently passed the number of centuries scored by any other England cricketer throughout history, would in my view be a strong competitor, for the award next year. My suggestion sparked off a tirade by people who don't like cricket, having a go at me, and at the sport. Quite unfounded I thought.

    It appears that if a suggestion on this forum that is outside the main stream of thought, it attracts a sort of lynch mentality of abuse.


    Not unexpected I feel , maybe I’ll learn one day to keep my ideas to myself, the amount of time and effort  I use to explain my reasons is beginning to take it’s toll.


    Prejudice at this level is difficult to endure

  4. Well said. However, not all of the current young generation should be tarred with the same brush. Not by a long shot.



    Thank you - I agree or my 44 year old son and my 36 years old daughter would get quite cross with me


    Regular refrain is " shut up Dad", I don't know why? lol


    Anyway I can still beat my daughter at Badmingtion, but don't tell her I said so


    Happy Christmas to all

  5. Get thee to Palestine - Numpty





    If the cap fits !


    You come on to a public web site you are particulary rude. You show no respect to the people who set up this forum, they provided a platform for discussion


    If you do not wish to discuss it is particulary rude to yawn and make fun of the poster


    I come from a different generation to you ( I think) where we had to work long hours, we had poor schooling, we did not have the oportunies that people have today, but most of all we were taught to respect older people

    • Agree 3
  6. Because it can't be played in rain, or snow, or wind, or poor light, or rough grass, or any other conditions you will find in Scotland!

    Can't be played in Scotland


    Did I give my donation to the Elgin Cricket Club, at the ICT car boot sale by mistake?


    Or was the game I watched over Elgin way an aparation?

  7. If its waffle, Face a cricket ball at your head doing 90 miles an hour

    Stand in the slips for six hours watching every ball doing a similar speed, then having to catch it like a flying brick, not parry it away like a golie.

     Play nearly every day of the week with  no rest like a soccer player


    Bowl twenty overs at full pelt running  thousands of yards in a day


    If there is any other sport more demanding I would like to know about it


    This is not to mention the upire who has to concentrate on the flight and bounce of every delivery.


    I don't know when you lot will respect I know what I am talking about.

    • Agree 1

    I well remember the waitress chiding us to leave the Invernes-shire girls alone.  We were never short of company that's for sure.


    Was this in your "Men Behaving Badly" phase?


    You could say that, hardly a man only a boy though.  Always in bother, I think the expression “Jack the Lad “fits

    It all changed when I met my lovely wife and she made me grow up, and do something useful

    When you get old and you look back, it’s like your life is some sort of novel, very surreal



    Coffee or hot orange in the Rendevous after B B bible class on Sundays.  late 40's / early 50 's.

    That was long before I was born :ohmy:



    The Rendezvous was one of my favourites too.  I think it was still there right up to the 70s at least.  I remember treating my old mother to a high tea there in the mid 60s, and she was horrified that it had cost 7 shillings and sixpence (37 and a half pence in today's money). 

    I also liked the ice cream in the Ness Cafe, next door. 

    A few of the chip shops had seating areas too, Pagliari's in Academy street, the West end in Eastgate, and I think the Young street one.  Isn't it strange how fish suppers always seemed better in one's younger days?

     I must have been around 17 or 18, I had a Norton Jubilee 250 twin bike. With a mate of mine I travelled North from Heywood which is now in Rochdale on a two weeks camping holiday ( cica 1960) . I can remember distincly Inverness town centre and on the roundabout or nearby  ( somewhere were the Jarvis hotel is now ) , a very nice restaurant I think was the Rendevous , no objection to bikers dressed in black leathers..

    Being bad cooks for our age, we got most of our fodder there. When I moved up here some 50 years later was I disapointed to see my old watering hole was no more . Instead a ruined town centre the planners have a lot to answer for.  I would leke to vapourise all the alterations.

    The other week I noticed a small back St cafe'  low and behold, " The Rendevous", I did wonder if there was a conection. Imagine my amazement to read this post.

    I well remember the waitress chiding us to leave the Invernes-shire girls alone.  We were never short of company that's for sure. Like something out of Greece.  Long before Olivier Newton Bomb. Nothing ever changes.

  10. There is nothing better than winning and there is nothing worse than losing to travelling people. The bottom line is that TB has finally thrown away the la de feckin da coaching manuals of the modern day and returned to some of the old fashioned thinking. He has finally settled on a system and he clearly also now knows the chosen first eleven and who to replace them with.

    He has also thankfully abandoned the equally nouveau crepe of squad rotation. In his hey day playing game after game was the norm and there was none of this garbage that professional footballers get feckin burnt out if they play more than one feckin game a week.

    Terry is probably relishing the luxury of having fit and available players on a regular basis but he may as well enjoy it whilst he feckin can. I say we play the same team over and over again as long as we feckin can.

    So lets feck the gypos, lets feck the Arabs, lets feck Dungdee, lets feck Midden and lets go out of 2012 in style and fecki St Jones Town as well. And lets first foot Tinkerville and start 2013 off in feckin style again - and lets pray that we play the same feckin starting eleven over and over again.

    I dont know what feck means, but lets phuck the lot of them - roger and out

  11. I remember a while back when I was setting up my web site I was told to put the product first in your web title or domain


    For instance I sell books, lots of major companies sell books so you are behind the eight ball for starters


    You cold have a web site entitled for the sake of argument


    www.Invernessbooks.co or you could call it




    I dont know whether it's true or false but the second one would search easier than the first


    you can steal another companies search which I think is illegal but I know it's done.


    Again going back to books, you could write Amazon books on the first line of your web site, so any one searching for Amazon may get your web site


    Again I have no idea if these things work.


    weather forcast for Tuesday is pretty grim

    I suppose if I get a ticket I can call it a donation to club funds if I cant get over the tops on the A9

    I am very happy today as my son in law has got his spouce visa and will be allowed in the Uk to live with his wife.

    Just make sure he supports ICT. :P


    He Lives in Istanbul  I think his team is Besikas ( If spelt right) I am working on it, I bought him his Inverness scarf for Xmas

    My Daughter is expecting in February, she says she is coming here to be near her mother for the confinement. Looks like I will be the Grandad of a Scot.  If male will be qualified for Scotland, England , or Turkey . That's a thought



    It reminds me of the old marching   song of the first world war.

    "Wash me in the water that you wash your dirty daughter in,, and I will be whiter than the whitewash on the wall."


    Geez Laurence I didn't know you were that old :ohmy:


    Not quite but I sure feel it

    or don't feel it , but that's a different matter

    I am actually only 21 lol

    It's true though Rangers are being whitewashed, ready for a return.

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