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Everything posted by Ayeseetee

  1. And your response to religious genocide would be...? Not Scotland's problem sorry we have our own problems let the americans deal with it alone.... Do you want to be associated with this place? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guantanamo_Bay_detention_camp Talking about genocide maybe the uk could stop selling weapons to isreal? http://rt.com/uk/180880-uk-weapons-israel-court/
  2. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/iraq/11038121/David-Cameron-Isil-poses-a-direct-and-deadly-threat-to-Britain.html Iraq war part 3 anyone? Vote no and pledge to kill another 140,000 innocent iraqi men women and children in your name!
  3. It will be 25 years until the next one (roughly) Unless something big happens like the uk leaving the eu when the majority of scottish people want to stay then expect another alot sooner! There hasn't been one in the past 307 years! What makes you think there would then be two in 25 years. Westminster will ensure this never arises again. 1979 - devoloution referendum 1997 - devoloution referendum 2014 - independence referendum We havent had the power for long and I would hope westminster could do **** all about another referendum (if it is a no) but you never know that whole iraq war wasn't exactly lawful or justified and no one is in jail.... except the ones in guantanimo bay yup that horror is still open. lol 3.3 stars.... https://plus.google.com/106568354491101775421/about?gl=uk&hl=en lol a uk citizen.... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2312284/Shaker-Aamer-Hes-cleared--devastating-secret-MI6-Iraq-invasion-means-freed.html lol warcrimes.... maybe you are right!
  4. It will be 25 years until the next one (roughly) Unless something big happens like the uk leaving the eu when the majority of scottish people want to stay then expect another alot sooner!
  5. Whats the world coming to? Stephen hawking and a load of english celebrities back a NO vote despite not having a vote thus trying to use their celebrity status to change peoples minds (both sides are guilty of this) Yet the most intelligent response to the debate from someone who doesnt have a vote is from a god damn CHUCKLE BROTHER...... http://www.holymoly.com/celebrity/news/chuckle-brothers-finally-break-silence-scottish-independence70246 kill me
  6. A Freudian slip, perhaps?! 'Independent' information is all you'll get on Wings Over Scotland! 1 Introduction "Scotland is served by 37 national or daily newspapers. Not one supports independence. (The only publication to back a Yes vote is a weekly, the Sunday Herald.) Newspapers have no duty to be fair or balanced, but when Scotland faces a decision as big as the one it’ll make on September 18th, the press being so overwhelmingly skewed to one side is a problem for democracy. Our website, Wings Over Scotland, is biased too. We support independence, because we think it’ll make Scotland a wealthier, fairer, happier place. We think Scotland will be better off choosing its own governments to solve its problems and make the most of its opportunities, rather than hoping that the people of Kent, Surrey and Essex might elect ones with Scotland’s interests at heart. We think the facts comprehensively back that belief up. But we’re not going to ask you to take our word for it. A very great deal of what you’ve been told about independence in the last few years by Unionist politicians and the media is, to be blunt, a tissue of half-truths, omissions, misrepresentations and flat-out lies. We want to show you the truth hidden behind those lies, but using fully-referenced and impartial sources that you can go and check for yourself. We’ll be mostly using the UK government’s own figures, the views of academic experts and Unionist politicians and officials, NOT those who support independence. On September the 18th you’re going to have to make the most important decision any Scot in history has ever made, and it seems only fair that you should be able to do it based on the real and full facts. Scotland’s media has only told you one half of the story. Don’t you at least want to hear both sides before you decide" Atleast they are more honest than the yougov polls that are sold to newspapers who want to pay for a catchy headline that sells more papers.
  7. Because if you notice that other poll is from march 2013 and is now closed alot has happened since. If we have the real thing in a few weeks this poll should be a bit more indicative of the final result so why does it bother you so much?
  8. Surprising news that 100% of William Hill punters in Dundee and Motherwell have backed independence http://www.inverness-courier.co.uk/Independence-Debate/Punters-backing-Scottish-independence-11082014.htm William Hill spokesman Joe Crilly said: “If the Scottish punters turn out to the voting booths as they have done to the betting shops, then we could well see a ‘yes’ vote when the referendum takes place in September."
  9. Please only vote if you are on the scottish electoral register but feel free to make a new poll for people that do not have a vote. also posting is disabled since we already have enough independence topics going.
  10. Whoops the truth slipped out http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/politics/boris-johnson-accused-letting-slip-4034087 "In an interview the bungling mayor of London railed against “ever more things we are giving Scotland”, and claimed that there is “no reason” for Scotland to have more powers. He said instead that tax-raising powers should be granted to major cities in England." Expect to see more "real" labour politicans coming out from under the right-wing rock in the coming weeks http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/local-news/no-thanks-its-yes-now-4036997
  11. ^ Dished out some swirlies IMO. Im 5 foot 8 and 8 stone and thats me as a 24 year old I find it hard to support my own wieght now lol it must have been worse back then swirlies would have been great when I was at school instead I got my head smashed against a brick wall and one guy walked up to me and poked my right in the eye
  12. And their pounds have no ties to British pounds! The most relevant pound is the poll showing that support for independence has taken a "pounding" since Salmond got his ass kicked by Darling. I had you down as more intellgent and mature than that.... congratz on being the 3rd best poster on the site btw Well the scottish pound will have nothing to do with sterling apart from the fact it would be pegged 1 : 1 with sterling so you said it yourself those other countries manage so can we!
  13. Fair enough I will put my hands up and admit that I interpreted it as an argument against.
  14. A blow to the no campaign as Piers Morgan voices his support in his usual style https://twitter.com/piersmorgan/status/497663830009597952
  15. So still being in the commonwealth after a yes vote means squat? p.s the queen will still be head of state in an independent Scotland so it will be under the british crown like the above countries it just wont be a part of the uk http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/foreign "situated outside a place or country; especially : situated outside one's own country" So it would be england in our eyes that is the foreign state not scotland by that logic although it is flawed on both sides and I doubt either country will think differently of each other either way the vote goes.
  16. I don't see the no camp stopping anytime soon and it is not nearly as bad as the 200 that wrote a "love letter" to scotland.... Tell that to all these countries that are not part of the uk Guernsey (in a currency union with the uk but is not part of the uk) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guernsey_pound Isle of man http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manx_pound jersey http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jersey_pound Falkland islands http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falkland_Islands_pound Gibraltar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gibraltar_pound Saint helena http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Helena_pound South georgia and the south sandwich islands http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pound_sterling_in_the_South_Atlantic_and_the_Antarctic Former pound users Australia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_pound New zealand http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Zealand_pound
  17. Disappointed with salmond on the night as I have seen what he can do Here is him ripping apart all 3 major parties and winning over the English audience in 2012
  18. Hope this helps anyone looking for more info from the politicians mouths (for what its worth) here are just a few I have found and they are between 0 - 1 years old! These should be covered by the fair use act for anyone worried about copyright problems.
  19. these are balls Grow some.... there I was thinking this might be a young ict fan asking for help dealing with bullys but nope FULL GROWN MEN
  20. I am all for a productive debate which your clearly not going to have so.....
  21. anyone wanting to watch the highlights just send me a personal message they are up if you know where to look. (same with future games on a saturday I can't post them directly on here unfortunately)
  22. Funny he says that when an independent Australia used the pound for 50 years.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_pound Here are just some of our options https://twitter.com/AdamRamsay/status/496979156992012288/photo/1 If most of those options are unappealing to you blame labour/tory/lib dem parties for forcing us to look elsewhere (for the time being I imagine there would be a quick change in tune if we agreed on something else)
  23. goal for hamilton but it is disallowed Edit: ok the bbc website doesn't mention the disallowed goal but it was said on open all mics "Big shout from Accies for a penalty there. Beautiful back-heel by Mickael Antoine-Curier puts Imrie in on goal. He tries to play the ball across the box and it appears to come off a Caley Thistle arm but the referee says no penalty. Then Antoine-Curier gets a chance himself but Brill saves well."
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