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Everything posted by HeScoresWhenHeWants

  1. What about McKays first v Aberdeen? That was a great move, set up with a quick back heel by Draper then McKay did amazing to get round the defenders and finish.
  2. Should we not just make this into some sort if activities days? I think having a FIFA tournament and then a kick about would be ideal for my age group. I was just thinking why don't the different age groups sit together on the supporters bus once we possibly have these activities that may help us know each other more? I think if we all know each other then we will be able to speak more and sit together at matches. Just an idea but I love the thought of this.
  3. Yup, they have a few new ones such as Flood and I just heard that DU have bid for David Goodwillie! Hmmm interesting transfers going on
  4. So this is all the pics we have so far and I still have no clue what it'll look like after all these but it should be out soon (well hopefully...)!!
  5. ermm i don't think they will be advertising beanie hats yet It might be part of the kit? Na I'm joking, I think it is the socks
  6. I remember when they scored and Adams little celebration, then all of the Caley fans just started leaving. All of a sudden we went up the pitch and scored and Adams had his little tantrum... Ahahahah good memories
  7. Well it's a good trip to Arbroath so ill be going ( what I mean is that I can see Caley play down south in pre season)!!. Hopefully we do get a pre season to England, I'd love that as my holiday, Alton Towers and then see Caley!
  8. I'm 13 and I would be really interested in all of these, the future singing crowd! I agree that the fifa one is a good idea and the 5 a side football :D
  9. Going by the comments on Facebook and Twitter they are going to announce very soon, possible in the next week. I assume they are waiting on delivery before they can announce it and let us buy it. Aye hopefully
  10. Looks like he's joined a club with no goal scorer and that is going to finish bottom six *cough* again *cough*.
  11. The main question is when the flipping heck will they actually announce the kit?!
  12. I was just looking at some reports on two of our new signings, Ben Greenhalgh and Danny Williams. Ben Grrengalgh looks set to be a great signing IMO, he's got skill, a bit of pace, good technical player, good dribbling and good at set pieces, especially corners and free kicks (we've been missing a good free kick taker for quite some time now but he seems to be able to get them up and over the wall which we've not had for a long time. I've read that he has scored quite a few free kicks). I haven't heard a lot about Danny Williams but he seems to be really highly rated and his manager at Chester FC seemed to be desperate to sign him permanently as he was on loan there from Kendal Town. These two seem to look really promising, mind you Ben Greenhalgh played with Inter Milan so that's a good sign, plus both of them are young. We have them on one year contracts so hopefully they will play well and it'll be another well done to Mr Marsella :D
  13. In the words of Mrs Brown, that's nice ;)
  14. Think you could be right with that one. These two photos add together and look like the same material. They both have the black template on them but where would that fit in?
  15. It looks like the badge is on a black template and then there's blue.
  16. Na mate, if Vigurs was still with us it would of been a different story. Just the same as if Hayes or Tade were still here, this season would've been a lot lot different
  17. Only the first 500! Hahah, im one of them! Yaaaas
  18. I think they'll be aiming for the League Cup as most teams usually take that competition as the diddy one and aim for a good Scottish Cup run, although everyone enjoys a good cup run whatever the competition! I just think we learnt from last year and will play really well in it this year imo
  19. That's why I'd rather have strength than him with his doddering two goals! Na I'm joking, he was good in midfield and yeah your right, two goals but tbh he was the only one that could really shoot and score last season from 25-35 yards other than Shinnesta v St Midden
  20. Good thing about this is that season tickets holders get 10 quid off!
  21. Me too, Draper has the strength, Jones has the long shot. I think in the middle I'd prefer strength.
  22. Well there isn't a transfer news page but if you just go onto BBC Scotland's page it just gives you news. Here ya go. Any thoughts btw?http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/scottish-premier
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