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Posts posted by HawkeyeTheGnu

  1. I wouldn't say that I was one of the flaming torch and pitch-fork brigade, but this last result has got me worried.


    Had I managed a team that had been horsed 5-0, the next time i played that opponent, I would have moved heaven and earth to show that the previous result had been an abomination. Even if it meant borrowing both Mourhino's buses and parking my own just behind them. I certainly wouldn't have tried to show that last time wasn't so bad by conceding more. And I wouldn't have compounded it all by saying I had a good plan because either;


    a. It wasn't good           or


    b. My players didn't carry it out


    neither of which would be a ringing endorsement of my managerial skills.


    Never mind, it could be worse. We could be Sevco or Hibs!

  2. Its a bit ironic looking back at the comments Butcher made early on in his Hibs tenure where he compared them to Marks and Spencer


    He was spot on. Out of touch, off the pace and living in the past. Sums up Hibs nicely.

  3. I don't see West Central Scotland will be much different whether Government be devolved or independent. I doubt Dave or Gideon give a shiney shight about Scotland in whole or part.


    And I would expect PS to react in their usual diplomatic way.


    Anyhow, given none of our defence have been even questioned after various comic episodes, I have no faith in the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act.

    • Agree 1
  4. At least, as arrangements stand at the moment, this social sickness is mercifully diluted by the fact that it exists in a wider community of 60 million UK citizens. One major concern in the event of a yes vote would be that this west central Scottish affliction would become a much more concentrated evil within a narrower and more limited society.


    I struggle to see how a yes vote concentrates this bell-endery. These - and I hesitate to use the word - people will return from whichever community they crawled and come out again as and when the ugly sisters clash whether it is the 17th of March, the 12th of July or the 19th of September.


    Actually, in the case of a yes vote could we not just deport the feckers to whichever version of Ireland they profess to love?

    • Agree 1


    Thing is i wonder what the board think about Hughes and the job he has done.


    They won't say in public. The first hint you will get that they are not happy is giving Yogi his P45



    The first hint's usually a resounding 'vote of confidence' is it not?



    That's more of a media thing. They ask if a manager is for the hook, the board say no, they are happy with the manager.


    The vote of confidence is a sign that others are not happy. The bullet is a sign the board ain't happy. And a media circus is a hint that Vincent Tan isn't happy.

  6. Rene's post #74 is pretty close to ideal without that daft shape on the back...but I'm not holding my breath.


    Prefer the thicker stripes myself, but something like that would be good. Daft shape on the back is so that numbers are easier to see, so you are unlikely to get that removed.

  7. Thought we looked much more dangerous when Christie replaced Vincent - we started attacking with more pace, and being more direct seemed to cause Aberdeen some problems.


    Watched the highlights, and part of me wishes Marley had gone down when Anderson had a tug at his jersey in the opening minute. Pretty sure we would have beaten 10 sheep men, and would have loved to see MacInnes self combust. Is it compulsory for football managers called Derek to be a loathsome tool?

  8. Was yesterday not c*unty's wear navy blue day?

    Did that memo not get to the players?

    White shirts. Just like the flag they will be waving as they slip back where they belong. At least Hamill and Adams will be able to renew acquaintances next season.

  9. Who should be relegated ?


    Hibs, for historical reasons.


    Who will it be ?


    St Mirren or Partick because they are pure gash, However, if bottle becomes a factor, there may be Embra derbies next season.


    If it was up to you ?


    Celtic, just to make it a competitive league. If forced to be realistic, Hibs as per point 1.


    Who should be promoted ?


    Queen of the South, many happy memories.


    Who will it be ?


    Dungee or Hamilton


    If I was up to you ?


    Queens, all day long.



    I was gonnae bother Caley100 for a bed on fri night but no cheap train tickets from edinburgh so I'll pass. I bet caley100 is in 2 minds as well

    He was a definite no to maybe when I seen him last saturday.

    That's fine, I'm washing my hair anyway.


     What are you doing for the other 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds of Friday?

  11. Hughes said himself it'd down to individual decision making after that, to me that sounds like he's saying use common sense when passing back to the keeper.


    But it gets so ponderous that the only option is to pass back. If, at best, all the keeper is going to do is hoof it, why doesn't one of the defenders hoof it before we get into bomb-scare back-pass territory? Everyone know that we are going to tippy-tap it about at the back, so they press the ball, which creates pressure, forces the back-pass and an opportunity to charge it down.


    If you want to pass it about, do it 50 yards further up the pitch, and preferably not when you are the furthest man back.


    Meekings pass back, Brills kick outs,, Billy's one on one misses, Shinnies clearance into the ruck of players instead of out for a corner, a crap pass on the half way line leading to an easy goal loss, etc

    I accept your point ..... not the players fault, all the managers!! AYE RIGHT!!


    While individual errors can be attributed to players, what doesn't help is a style of play that attracts pressure. Brill's kicking may not be great, but when he gets the ball and an opposing forward at pretty much the same time, things are going to go wrong.


    If I can see that insisting we play in a particular way is leading to unfortunate consequences, is it too much to expect our management team, who should know what they are doing, to notice and act accordingly?

  13. The idea behind the passing game is that you retain possession. If your opponents don't have the ball, they can't score.


    Unfortunately, now that everyone knows we play like this, they press the ball, and we start passing backwards to retain possession. This ultimately leads to a back-pass, which then leads to a big hoof up the park. The added excitement is that we have a habit of either messing up the back-pass, allowing an opponent a 1 on 1 with the keeper, or take so long to pass it back that the opposition can close the keeper down leading to the comedic series of goals we have conceded.


    So, given that the keeper just hoofs the back-pass upfield, why don't we get the centre backs to do that instead?

    • Agree 2
  14. Dingwall's 'appears' to be a little narrower, but it's probably an optical illusion, with Dingwall possibly being a yard narrower.



    Eh? So what you are in essence saying is that Dingwall is narrower, unless it isn't.

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