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Council Juice

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Everything posted by Council Juice

  1. Aberdeen supposedly sniffing about Shinnie. Lets hope they get him tied down long term pronto. If any play deserves a new 2 year extension to his current contract its him.
  2. Totally agree Rene. Have no problems with Subway as shirt sponsor as they are a well known company. But pleeease i dont want our colours and identity spoiled by green and yellow splashes across the shirt! Atleast Wonga were decent enough to change their logo to Maroon for Hearts and Standard Chattered to Yellow for Liverpool I think its safe to say that we will be getting green and yellow. Theres no way we will be allowed to alter the brand in any way. Subway logo is designed to 'pop' out with an embossed/extruded look .... or it is over here at least. can see borders/edges of logo being coloured in such a way as to make that happen. neither the club or the sponsor want either one to look crappy. perhaps something like this (taking one suggested shirt from new shirt thread) 11c5gcn.jpg Doesn't actually look too bad to be fair.
  3. He's an international, albeit for Northern Ireland, so he must have something. Worth a trial.
  4. That was a tidy and efficient performance against a team with, understandably, 1 eye on the final. Christie showed some real class again and deserved MOTM. I thought Tremarco looked a lot better going forward and should be our number one left back and allow Shinnie to play further up. I couldn't understand why Shinnie lined up alongside Tansey in the middle. Have him wide of an attacking midfield 3. Christie or Ross in the middle and Doran or Watkins. He still played well enough mind. Doran needs to get down the beach and jog of his spare tyres. A terrible shape for a winger and Hughes needs to hammer him IMHO. A good way to sign off. Get another striker in, maybe a young defender in the close season. Even on loan. And I'm feeling ok about next season. Hope you all enjoy your summer and the world cup. Good luck to St Johnstone in the Scottish Cup final.
  5. I'd happily take a look at Andy Little. Good player. Hampered by injury this term but can play up top and down the whole right side. Versatile. David Clarkson has been released. Looked decent back in the day. No idea how he's been these last few years really. Not hugely prolific. Lee Miller is another who I have no clue about. What we deffo need is competition and help for McKay. So 1 striker. I think Jamie McDonald is better than Brill but not sure if we need to replace Brill. I wouldn't be too bothered for Hamill or Stevenson. Both decent but no better than players who can't even start for us (ie Ross) and they'd probably command good wages. Another defender perhaps?
  6. As mentioned above it's to do with some Subway shops catering to Halal specs. So removing pork and stocking animals who have been prepared in the halal manner. There is a lot of poor information about this. To prepare an animal via the halal method in the UK the animal is normally shock stunned and has it's throat cut. This is the same method for normal abattoir animal slaughter. The only difference being is the animal must be blessed in accordance with Halal by a Muslim...Jew or Christian. I can't see what the fuss is really. As for Subway as our sponsor... Bit gutted. I wanted a completely different bread American company....
  7. What attendance would we normally get on average for a County game at home and the same for Celtic? Reckon if you swapped even just those 2 games to home encounters it would make a difference. Despite it being morally correct or not to have removed the team, All the SPL teams miss the Rangers fans head count. What I worry is that Rangers fans will boycott away games to the teams that voted against them. It's not like they need the away fans at their games as they can more or less fill Ibrox every week. Having next to no away fans at a game like that would seriously hurt us in the pocket.
  8. Have it on good authority that it will be Barcelona. coming across to educate their players on the inner most parts of tiki taka.
  9. No criteria for seating numbers as of the new scottish premiership IIRC That I did not know. Remember when clubs like Airdrie threatened to sue the SPL for reducing the ridiculous 10000 seater rule. Maybe we should do the same. We were fine with one stand! True but can wages for a new signing be borrowed realistically. If we were to improve training facilities, or the ground at least its permanent and helps the club as a whole in the longer run (in theory)
  10. I'd like to see him play more whatever we may make of his attributes. Contrary to how recent comments may come across I've always been a fan. Yes he's inconsistent, but then he rarely gets a good long run in the team. For his to improve his game he needs to play, and if Hughes is hell bent on his passing game, Ross arguably has the best ball retention of the lot. Yes he'll get shrugged of the ball at times (so will Christie, Mckay, Dorans) but he'll also not misplace as many passes and play incisive probing balls for others to attack. And he is still young, he can still improve a lot. And in time develop his game to deal with stronger players and the brutes/bullies of the game.
  11. Surely a club who break even would be able to morgage "tens of thousands" over a 20 year period to further improve the ground... and get it for a favourable price given our Stadium name connections.
  12. If we do anything it should be developing the main stand to make the 2 ends of it usable in weather outside a good summers day. It's cringe inducing in all honesty. I'm no architect or structural engineer or anything. But would it be at all possible to build them up, either to the same as the rest of the stand or a building that is essentially a cuboid that rises above the height of the corner and has windows. Like a hospitality suite, new press box or media studio area (for TV coverage studios) They could be all 3 really. Even a nice club shop. And from them a roof extension and side panel to protect fans from the elements. Easy. Surely wouldn't cost that much, even for a limited budget like ICT. Blue represents current seating area, yellow out - bottom area Grey- the current hospitality units etc White- windowed areas Orange- Advertising Brown - Roof (to be extended over uncovered section) Red - side weather protection Black - new utility blocks. I'm just brain storming.....
  13. Going to Spain so Nick Ross can do some Andy Murray bulk training
  14. I don't think we have the money or the time to do what Andy did for Nicky sadly Time or money? Nick is in training everyday and most of it is using good resistance based training and good nutrition planning. It's not like a magic formula that you need millions to be privvy to. Yes we maybe can't afford top sports dieticians or personal training teams, but most of the concepts are the same. They don't have a secret magic formula. Yes he's in scotland to do this sort of thing you need to go to a hot country Not necessarily. You don't need hot weather to eat well and do resistance training. Sure, the work done by Andy benefits from hot weather and a humid climate like his Miami base. That would be preferable clearly. However working indoors, these same techniques can still be used and get similar results. They might take longer, but they would still get results. It's not about him adding body mass, it's about core strengthening primarily, to allow him to react better to being shrugged of the ball. Maybe he lacks a little resilience mentally also. I can't really speak on that though. A good point made above about the generation of football that we live in. I'm afraid Scotland continues to be left behind the rest of the footballing world - the new generation is all about pace, vision and movement, but we're still stuck in the last century where brute force is preferred. Unfortunately, a team in isolation can't change this (Hughes thinks he can, but will get his fingers burnt doing so) and we will therefore continue to languish in the C league in Europe until the doctrine that is preached at the youngest youth level is actually carried through to the older teams in the youth set-ups and eventually the first teams. My view at the moment is that the right things are taught at the youngest levels and then it's back to old-school football later because the results business means getting the ball away from your own goal and as close as possible to the opponents' as quickly as possible to avoid defeat. In short, Nick Ross might well be a casualty of the Scottish game because he's too classy! Too classy? A casualty of the Scottish game for being too classy? Really? I'm sorry but if a player is classy enough he'll cope admirably enough in Scotland. It's about balance, if his class isn't high enough to make up for other short falls that would be apparent. It's an absolute myth that there's a notion in Scotland of every player needing to be a brute to get a look in. There are plenty of small or slight players in Scotland, but they have to be able to adapt to play against the bigger players in one way or another. A little tenacity or guile. Speed or intelligence. Something to set them apart. Harry Redknapp even said in the pas that he wouldnt sign a Scottish player BECAUSE they are too small for the English top flight - one of the top 3 leagues in Europe.
  15. I don't think we have the money or the time to do what Andy did for Nicky sadly Time or money? Nick is in training everyday and most of it is using good resistance based training and good nutrition planning. It's not like a magic formula that you need millions to be privvy to. Yes we maybe can't afford top sports dieticians or personal training teams, but most of the concepts are the same. They don't have a secret magic formula.
  16. Yeah but every time we have a chance against us of late it seems to come from a long ball over the top. Much like watching Bayern v Real. Only more amateur and comedic. Just seen the 2nd half on Alba the now (can't believe I went and missed MOTD for it, ugh!) and if people are worried about tippy tappy football then thankfully Hughes seemed to abandon it. Don't think I saw more than 2 passes in succession. The standard was deplorable. Chronic to watch. Utter dire nonsense. I know football in Scotland has been getting steadily worse but that ranked on amateur. So many aimless stray balls. I see some comments above about sustained pressure but if that's the best we've offered for a while then I'm really worried at it was terrible fare. The recent County game was ok. But that. I'm just glad there's only 1 game left and I can focus that weekend on the last weekend of the Premiership even though tonight has effectively finished it off barring a West Ham surprise. So glad it's a word cup year. Can erase that from my mind watching Brazil and Germany (Not Spain, it'll bring back bad flash backs). Those of us at the game saw the team put up a tremendous fight in the second half! Did everything bar score again as the Beeb reports says on website. Thought we'd snatched a well deserved draw at the end when Billy's shot rolled back of the post. Of course English football is off a higher standard! Think of the money in the game there! Totally unrealistic comparison! I'm not saying the team didn't put up a fight, they did and very nearly got back into it. But some of the comments regarding good 2nd half football are laughable. It was forceful, with intention and more direct with fight. If the team fights 100% for the shirt I can't complain. And yes I know a team of free transfers can't compete on a quality level with the Premier League. The differences are massive. I'm more disgusted by the level to which good Scottish football levels have fallen. When I was in Australia I didn't catch many live games but when I did they were of a decent standard and I could happily scoff at claims by Bosnich that the A-league with it's SPL rejects and top goal scorers like Heskey was better. To me it was a slower paced SPL and if anything the passing was worse. I don't think I saw a game where more than 2 passes were put together in succession ever. However I would be embarrassed to showcase that game over there as the average standard of top flight football in Scotland now. Sinful. Read back pretty much any of my posts on any thread. They are usually detailed and more often than not positive. It's not a Mahonio level everything and everyone is wrong and everybody hates me, pass the worms rant.
  17. It's not entirely bullshit, though it's not as basic as "bulking up" A player doesn't need to be an Adonis or tank to be good or successful. Take Giggs for example. They do however need to have a very strong core and good body strength, all which can be improved through the right exercise. In truth Nick Ross would probably be ruined if he put on a stone in muscle. However you'd think Hughes with all his supposed loving of modern sport science would be right on top of this. Andy Murray is a fine example of a lanky talented sports person who has put muscle in the right places. He's still a naturally thin person but now with the right strengthening and resistance work he not only is able to hit harder, but actually has more spring and increased speed.
  18. Mahonio, i can't speak for everyone but I dont really pay much attention to who posts when I reply to it. However if it looks like tripe I'll voice my opinion on this. Now you've moaned a few times that you're getting treated unfairly, and as such I have noticed what you post to see if you have a point..... you do post a fair bit of, lets say, ill informed points with little factual back up. I don't think its a vendetta. I just think your posts perhaps leave themselves a little open to counter argue.
  19. Oh please IHE, not a higher defence, we get wiped out by the long ball easily enough as it is these days. It's like the boys dont know what to do with it so just let it bounce. I never saw the 1st half to compare but I can't see where this neat and tidy incisive football we played in the 2nd half came from. It simply didn't. Motherwell weren't any better. It was just sloppy basic mis placed pass after misplaced pass followed by donkey touch. To say we could have would 6 or 7 - 2 is crazy. We had 2 decent chances outwith the goal. The Tansey free kick and Mckay hitting the post.
  20. Would surely fall below the criteria anyway.
  21. Just seen the 2nd half on Alba the now (can't believe I went and missed MOTD for it, ugh!) and if people are worried about tippy tappy football then thankfully Hughes seemed to abandon it. Don't think I saw more than 2 passes in succession. The standard was deplorable. Chronic to watch. Utter dire nonsense. I know football in Scotland has been getting steadily worse but that ranked on amateur. So many aimless stray balls. I see some comments above about sustained pressure but if that's the best we've offered for a while then I'm really worried at it was terrible fare. The recent County game was ok. But that. I'm just glad there's only 1 game left and I can focus that weekend on the last weekend of the Premiership even though tonight has effectively finished it off barring a West Ham surprise. So glad it's a word cup year. Can erase that from my mind watching Brazil and Germany (Not Spain, it'll bring back bad flash backs).
  22. Agreed to the good point that you dont need to be a tank to be in top flight football if your technique can do the talking. He does indeed need to learn to roll challenges off him or swerve them, and when he cant, to draw the foul. He always strikes me as trying to stay on his feet, and while admirable, earns him nothing. Still can't help but compare him to a set of pipe cleaners. Would be ideal playing behind the striker, as Christie should too, but neither can start every game so it's up to the manager who starts what. Both have different attributes. Both can play left if Watkins or Doran are out. Just depends on where you play Vincent really also.
  23. Whereas I don't see it as an issue that he was brought on at the end. a) Christie gets a round of applause, b) Ross gets an appearance fee no doubt. It'll probably cheer him up. It is surprising he's not getting more game time. He is one of the best passers in the team and capable of things others are not. He has talent, of that there is no doubt. He is however soft, and can be inconsistent. Next season, for me, might be make of break for him. He needs to, over the summer spend a bit of time in the gym and try and bulk up for pre season. He's got the build of someone who will never get fat but with the right diet he can add upper body strength. Chicken and fish for dinner! He has to earn that game time in training though.
  24. I've emailed the club with a request, not only for a minutes silence, which will also be held at the Madrid masters, but a possibility of having t-shirts made with "Rally for Bally on for the players during warm up, and the event donation site on the t-shirt too, as well as a possible half time whip round. Whereas, quite fairly Yngwie you point out that the club cannot have a minutes silence for everyone with any connection to the club, it would be fitting that such a young person who is the child of a former player and manager of both clubs be recognised, and if anything used to raise money for the cause she herself was behind. The justgiving site is http://www.justgiving.com/rallyforbally in case anyone would like to donate. I shall be doing so.
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