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Alex MacLeod

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Posts posted by Alex MacLeod

  1. 1 hour ago, RiG said:

    Because a lot of the grounds Rangers were playing at didn't have the facilities or infrastructure required for BT to broadcast live games they were given cash by the SPFL towards the cost of hiring the required equipment.

    I did note that para RiG. However, as outside broadcast units carry all their own filming, satellite and power generation equipment, which could allow them to do a live broadcast from the middle of Rannoch Moor, I'm enclined to treat the statement with a pinch of salt

  2. 51 minutes ago, Sneckboy said:

    Talking of Sho-Silva, I wonder if the Stirling game is the last chance for him to 'make his mark'? Have to assume he'll be away. Haven't seen enough to of him to make a judgement, but I won't lose much sleep if he goes.

    No.........Tobi has returned to Charlton. Confirmed by ICTFC Twitter

    • Agree 1
  3. 15 hours ago, Kingsmills said:

    Their chairman seems ignorant of the fact that if he moves to a club in Scotland at the end of his contract rather than staying in England there will be no fee payable.

    I dont know, and cant find info on, the rules for development payments but this article from a few years ago appears to suggest there is cross association rules now in place as set by EU courts. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/8570329.stm

  4. 2 hours ago, bughtmaster said:

    On a more positive note an interpretation of the " goalposts have moved " could have a lot to do with the sudden blossoming of Polly, the pace of Vincent, the passing and freekicks of Tansey meaning an extra striker along with Storey has dropped in priority from essential to luxury.

    With the walking wounded recovering strongly we are getting back to the togetherness on the pitch that we had last season as well as the 'stand ins' now beginning to put their Yogi coaching into practice and performing with the Team instead of just alongside them.

    Happy days are here again !

    My interpretation is that 'goalposts have moved' suggests Swindon want us to pay a larger part of his wages.

  5. The bubble seems to have burst at Hearts and County and to a certain extent Aberdeen and St Johnston. Most teams go through a rough patch in a season so maybe this is the start of the rough patch for mentioned teams and that we have come out of ours and will now kick on with a good run of results. It would be nice to defend the cup but I think concentration has to be on the league and the aim 3rd place.

    • Agree 2
  6. Firstly can someone tell me why this game is the only 3pm kick of. Understandable that its 170 miles between Inverness and Hamilton but Partick are expected to travel to Aberdeen which is 144 miles and they have 7.45 ko.

    Seems very stupid to me that Hamilton agreed to what will likely be a very reduced crowd for the afternoon game than they would have had for evening. Most people are not on holiday and so wont get to this one.

  7. 21 hours ago, Charles Bannerman said:

    Keep them coming Alex. What we really need at the moment is ongoing insights into the ineffectiveness of the forces of nationalism - such as their legendary and inarticulate reliance, in the absence of any ability to state a case, on insults and sloganizing.

    I thought you would at least have made some attempt to justify this latest instance of political masturbation on the part of the SNP which you highlighted above, rather than simply chunter.

    Interesting to note, though, that the SNP appear to be realising that their party is not long for this earth and is responding with predictable self interest!


    Charles, I've given up on trying to make sensible comment because you totally spoil the debate with your constant insults. You use every opportunity in every thread you can to insult the SNP. No other person, not even DD, comes out with the same hateful vitriol that you write. No other person insults any other political party in the same way you do the SNP. Ok you dont like the SNP. Thats your choice but please stop destroying good conversation and debate with your bile.

    • Agree 3
  8. On 12/16/2015 at 9:58 PM, Charles Bannerman said:

    Yup, that's a pretty hefty hit for the luxury of the leader of a devolved regional assembly trying to con the international community into believing that Scotland is actually a significant world player rather than simply the United Kingdom's equivalent of Bavaria, Tuscany, Wallonia and sundry regions of various other countries. However I suspect that the said international community is not going to be as easy to con as almost half the Scottish electorate have been - although evidence which will help the penny to drop there is now accumulating at a gratifyingly increasing rate.

    But quite frankly, I find it just a bit embarrassing that Sturgeon should turn up in Paris at a meeting where dozens of delegates from the world's sovereign nations would have been asking in various languages "Who the HELL is that? David Cameron's PA or Wee Jimmy Krankie?" Mind you I suppose it's just the kind of grandiose showboating you would expect from a successor of Alex Salmond.

    I find it quite embarrassing to know that Bannerman, a fellow Invernessian and Scot, turned up on this earth.

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  9. Fact...Acts of terror do occur

    Fact...History has shown that unattended packages can have explosive consequences

    Fact...In any public place people are advised not to leave anything around that could be deemed suspicious

    This has nothing to do with Syria. It is to do with public security from, as IHE points out, any sort of fanatic or grudge bearer wishing to cause human misery.

  10. This foray into Europe is not new for Collum. He's been a FIFA listed ref since 2006.  He's classified as one of only 24 FIFA elite refs in the world. He's refereed international matches and Uefa Cup. Ref for U-19 European Championship final in 2008. This year the Champs league qualifier between Basel and Maccabi which he made a balls of. He's also been part of refereeing teams at a number of European games. He's obviously got something FIFA and UEFA like though I cant think what other than refereeing standards are bad around the world.

  11. His team plays in 3rd tier of Swedish system. They finished 7th this season. I would hope our club would assess the guy on the field and not from video. As Swedish season is over for now I would assume he's showcasing his skills at a few clubs with the hope of upping his level.

  12. Played today against Partick at HFA. Team Mackay, C. Brown, Howarth, J. Brown, Omerovic, MacArthur, Roberts, Foran, Sho-Silva, Lopez, Sutherland. Subs Hoban, Gilchrist, MacRea, Wilson

    Good to note Foran back in action even though he was subbed at half time

    McRae and Lopez scorers for ICT in 2-2 draw. PT scored first and Lopez equalised. McRae put us 2-1 ahead but as with the first team we conceded in the dying seconds.

    Info from PTFC Twitter feed

    • Agree 2
  13. I'd go along with Scotty and further suggest that this unattended bag would have been checked out on CCTV before anyone was sent to pick it up. Terrorism is not taken lightly and, had it not been suspected the bag was likely to have been innocently left, this could easily have led to stadium evacuation and bomb experts being called in. I'm also inclined to think that the bag was taken away as a lesson in this instance. I'm sure the OP also realises how something so routine and innocent can become something massive.

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