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Alex MacLeod

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Posts posted by Alex MacLeod

  1. Would be a huge mistake not having it available before the home game against Astra IMO. Going to get a sell out at the stadium for a once in a lifetime (so far) game. Surely this is the best time to sell merchandise. As caleyboy said, it's about maximizing income, you'd think releasing it as early in the summer as possible would do this, especially off the back of the cup final win.

    Its got to come from Italy before it can be released. This appears to be a problem with the deal we're contracted to at the moment. We are dependent on when Errea provide the merchandise and I assume the deal we have reflects in the delivery time.

  2. Having to refuel enroute suggests its not a very big plane hence the cost.

    Actually didn't make any difference the size of the plane as larger plane couldn't take off from Inverness with a full fuel/passenger load so would need to have stopped for a refuel as well.

    A320 in 150 seat layout can range 3500 kmiles. Dont Thompsons use them from Inverness in summer for Spanish island holiday folks.

  3. You're doing a brilliant job, DBJ and Scotty too. You've made it so much easier for us, saved us a lot of hassle trying to get there and back. And it should be a good crack on the buses with the ICT army! A great turn out already. Do let us buy you a Romanian beer or two. And if we win, as many as you like.

    Careful Long Man its about a tenner a pint.

    • Disagree 1
  4. I see Mr Hughes is unhappy with the clubs help in getting triallists up to Inverness. It seems we are not good at helping in the finances of travel and accomodation for triallists.

  5. Our youth development programme has only a small part to do with the reason for our ranking above. Having just read through the criterea youth development forms only a small part of the overall licence. One of the things that could be instrumental in not attaining gold is our training facilities. I actually think we are not far short of attaining gold. If you fancy a read its here http://www.scottishfa.co.uk/resources/documents/ClubLicensing/UEFAClubLicensingRegulations2012.pdf

  6. If there might not be a public sale, because of how well thy're selling, does that mean that we've sold 5000+ season tickets? cause i thought that season ticket holders got until wednesday then tickts were to go on general sale

    Priority goes to season ticket holders and shareholders. Those groups are also allowed to purchase more than one ticket so number sold does not equate to number of season tickets sold.

    • Agree 1
  7. Hope the weather is a bit better for tomorrow's game it's miserable out there just now thought this was Summer football time of year  looking forward to seeing a few trialists hopefully one or two first teamers and hopefully maybe Calum Ferguson etc 

    Would that be the same Calum Ferguson, born and brought up in Inverness, and a product of our youth system, who Mr Grey and SFA sees as a non Scots product because he qualifies for Canada?

    • Agree 2
  8. It really bugs me why we've been singled out. There are three players in the current Celtic squad who came through their youth system. There are quite a few players from Scottish clubs who moved down south. Quality players are being developed. They are just not sticking around. Perhaps Mr Grey needs to look at the reasoning behind players not wanting to stay in Scotland. Perhaps Mr Grey also needs to ask the SFA why they trawl around England looking for players who's granny ate some porrige to make up a national squad rather than give the home grown talent a chance. The best left back in the country has continuously been overlooked in favour of has beens.

    • Agree 2
  9. I'm sure the club will be aware of the numbers of home fans they'll get. I'm also sure they'll look at maximising. However, do we know how many Romanians there may be. Apparantly we need to make around 400 seats available for them but there could be a lot more. There is a big Romanian community in Scotland and some may want to come and watch a bit of home regardless of who their own team is. I'd also imagine that, knowing of behaviour of fans from East Europe, the police will have done intelligence gathering and will have a say in how segregation is addressed. Remember all this is very new to our club and the people running it must act on advice given regarding public safety.

    • Agree 1
  10. This is the Gellions deal. http://www.sportoptions.com/75543120a5/index.asp

    The flight back appears to be at 23:45 on the night of the match. If the kick off is anything after 21:00 (Romania two hours ahead so Champs Lge matches normally kick off at 21:45) they'll not see the match!!

    Seems very pricey compared to deals you could put together yourself ... as many have already shown on here ! Some folk are staying for 2 or 3 days for way less than this !

    I presume this is a chartered plane

  11. I have a feeling and that's all it is, that there is a divide between the leaders of the SNP and the rank and file.

    I think the referendum campaign was an eye opener for the top people in the SNP , things like currency, banking , imports, etc., Had not been properly researched. The rank and file of the SNP supporters, would not have to implement Independence, but the leaders would have too.

    If there is to be another campaign, I believe it will be far more professional than last time.

    Having said all that, the SNP must be delighted with the back door status they have achieved post referendum, and  the considerable new powers that will come their way.

    The problem with votes of this sort that they are very divisive and not really good for the country either at home or abroad, The bonds between England and Scotland that were cast iron, are very much weakened now.

    Jokes on the Radio about Scotland take place on a irregular basis now, where before nobody I knew in England was much bothered about activities in the north.

    The SNP will have a night to remember in the Scottish parliament elections, it could be they have a massive landslide, As other political bodies have found in the past with very large  majorities comes a lot of problems, when there is no notable opponent factions , develop and internal infighting takes over.



    The leader of SNP at time of referendum holds an honours degree in economics as well as HNC in business studies. He worked as an economist in former Scotland Office and then with RBS so I'm quite sure he would have done a lot of research into the eye opener you suggest Laurence. What yourself and many others fail to grasp is that the YES campaign was not led by SNP, although they had a lot of input, so the rank and file SNP supporters have no reason to be divided from the leadership. Indeed I believe the referendum and whats happened since has done nothing but good for the party and its members.

    • Agree 2
  12. The club may be able to help fans if they know how many will need a bus. They will be using a company out there I'd imagine 

    Decent shout.  However given there lack of information re the plane which may now have no fans as they have all made alternative arrangements, it might not be the best after all.

    Draw was Monday. Today is Wednesday. Do you really think thats long enough to deal and confirm a charter let alone publicise it?

  13. Chris, for home games pop into Innes bar or Caley social club pre match. Buses can be had from social club and Innes usually runs a mini bus to stadium. For away games watch this site for info on meeting places etc pre match.

  14. Guess you'll find out post agm or when the pre/post tax accounts are announced. I know we're a private company but quite sure, if memory serves me correctly, accounts still get announced or at least published annually.

    Probably a years worth of free bets...

    Accounts have to be produced annually and lodged with Companies House. These are public documents and can be obtained online for £1.  They are also distributed to shareholders and discussed at the company AGM. 

    I believe that, as a Private Limited Company, the club are not obliged to publish a detailed breakdown of income so I'd save my pound if I were you. The accounts come out after AGM and I'm thinking  the next ones wont include income earned in May due to dates of financial year.

  15. I'd suggest that folk wait of booking till they find out the club travel arrangements. They may charter a plane. Its possible that a 737 could be chartered, provided the 186 seats could be filled, at a cost of around £300 - £400 a seat.

  16. Sir Ian Wood set out nothing Charles other than funds for his favourite Conservative politicians. Most of the time Wood, like you, talks through his erse. As for the Darien scheme, another of those subjects you deny from time to time, had it been allowed to work and not been kiaboshed by the greed and jealousy of other countries then who knows how it would all have turned out. Aye Charles, like the journalist you are, you omit to point out that the biggest destroyer of the Darien scheme, and as a result the economy of Scotland, was the Spanish navy and its blockades. Oh and the fact the English were not at war with Spain at this time so chose not to help their neighbours.

    Lets also look at the continually quoted £7 billion black hole in Scotlands budget and look at it alongside our 9% share of the £100 billion Trident. Oh look we've now got a £2 billion surplus. As for oil, the thing thats never publicised is the fact that taxation from crude comes from oil company profits and not from the price. The other part of the taxation, and the one thats adjusted from time to time to boost exploration, is actually corporation tax.

    But Charles you just continue to spout your unionist drivel and I'll continue to convince the masses of the merits of being free from oppression and who knows, perhaps in our lifetime we'll debate whether or not to provide foriegn aid from an independent Scotland to our poor southern neighbours.

    • Agree 2
  17. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't this thread titled ICT in Europe. I dont think the opening poster intended it to be a debate on the merits of English clubs Laurence. If you want a debate on such then please start it in Other Football.

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