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Alex MacLeod

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Posts posted by Alex MacLeod

  1. Is it just me but I would prefer it to be the faithful / loyal. With little allowance for letting people sit together you often can end up surrounded by people that you have never seen before and may never do again. This was even irritating at the semi final with the decision to leave a gap between two elements of our support.

    Was that gap not for security reasons and the fear that a battle may ensue between the rich in the dear seats and the poorin the cheapo's.


    Jokes aside I would expect that if numbers are high for final and same seating allocation is made then gapwill fill. As to getting the groupings right is another matter and something I dont think the club has much power over. Club sell as agents for SFA. Perhaps the best way to get people together is to organise where they want to be and buy via e-ticketing which gives some limited choice on seating.

  2. It is very easy to claim racism as a reason for some situations but before commenting further I'd like those making the claims to tell me how many BME candidates are there who choose to do coaching badges and or are coaches in UK. Perhaps they just dont choose that as a career path after playing. Indeed what proportion of the UK BME population actually choose to play the game. I think more of the Indian/Pakistani/Chinese background citizens. Considering they make up by far the biggest ethnic group in UK there are very few who come into professional football. Indeed how many UK born players in the professional game are there? There are very many BME's playing but many are imported from europe or the former colonies of Britian, France, Spain and Portugal and most of them usually end up going back home when their playing days are over.

    I read an article somewhere a while back that there are 3.4% of coaches/managers in UK from BME groups yet 25% of players come from same group. The article failed to say how many of the 25% were temporary residents. Even looking at Scotland where the BME group makes up for around 2% of population how many are there in professional game here? And of the ones who are how many want to go into coaching?

    I believe there probably is racism in the game that puts people of from even wanting to get into coaching thus stopping them from even applying for badges. I do, however, think the relevant associations could and should be doing a hell of a lot more to encourage those with the ability to progress. I also believe that the best candidate should get the job offer regardless of colour, creed or sex. It is also pleasing to know that I support a club that follow those values.

  3. My biggest disappointment in all of this is that it doesn't affect ICTFC and we're not being forced to revise our badge :lol:


    I don't dislike our badge, it's just that the asymmetry of it makes it a feckin nightmare to work with.

    That depends on how Lyon views the thistle.


    What constitutes an heraldic device?

    There is no explicit guidance on this from the office of the Lord Lyon. Where certain elements are enclosed in a shield and used by an entity as a statement of its identity, then that is likely to be deemed an heraldic device. Symbols such as lions, thistles and saltires are particularly likely to attract attention. Confusingly, a shield does not necessarily have to be “shield shaped”. It can be circular, square, diamond shaped etc.


    He could decide that the roots of the thistle are being hidden by the lettering scrolls

  4. What really gets me about folks logic is that the SNP should not be allowed to influence parliament yet it would be ok for Scottish Labour, Scottish Conservative or even Scottish Green Party were any of them able to convince the voters. Yes SNP is a party for Scotland and yes their remit will always be to achieve an independant Scotland but they are also realists. They also accept the result of last years referendum and, indeed, dont cast it up at every opportunity as everyone else seems to do. The SNP voice in Westminster will fight for the people of Scotland. They will vote in the interests of the people of Scotland and they will lobby on behalf of the people of Scotland. Something that no other party in Scotland is able to do. They have to follow the party whip of their UK offices.


    It is even suggested that Nicola Sturgeon should not be entertained because she's not standing for election. Sorry but is she not the party leader? Is she not entitled to speak on behalf of her party and be seen to promote her election candidates? I'm sure she has more entitlement than Paddy Ashdown, John Major, Gordon Brown etc. to speak up her people.


    Its a very sad reflection on the state of this UK that people will vote, or not vote, to try and keep one party out rather than to get the best party in. The SNP want to promote progressive politics. They want to see change to the system of politics. They want to see the demise of Lords and the disarmament of unnecessary nuclear weapons. They want to save and repair the ailing NHS and they want to see people able to earn a living wage. But no thats not good enough. Lets just go against them and cripple our UK. Indeed lets just bankrupt our country and then the Chinese can bale us out in exchange for control of our assets.

    • Agree 3
  5. Alleged Sending-Off offences at a match (as defined in clause 1.3 of Annex C hereto) not seen by match officials, which are brought to the attention of the Compliance Officer by whatever means.


    The key words 'not seen by match officials'. Obviously neither CO read those words. The match officials did see the offence and did discuss it but concluded that they were unsure what part of the anatomy the ball made contact with.


    Had that couple of words been taken into account Josh would never have been cited. There is a lot of learning to be had from this incident and I really hope the SFA take a long hard look at themselves and use this incident as a positive step to improving referee coaching and the game in general

  6. However we've done against Falkirk in the past is neither here nor there. The team who wins the trophy is the team with the heart and desire on the day to win it. Its the team who play better and who score more. We need to be that team and not dwell on past experiences.

  7. Recognition for Shinnie as one of Richard Wilsons POY contenders


    Graeme Shinnie (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)

    Apps: 32 Goals: 2

    A modern-day full-back who is just as comfortable surging upfield to join in attacks as he is in carrying out his defensive duties. Shinnie is as skilful and elusive as a winger, and his crossing provides a regular supply of chances for his teammates.

    He is increasingly sound as a defender, but at his most composed and exhilarating on the ball, not least because his manager John Hughes urges both of his full-backs to try to overwhelm opposition teams on the flanks.

    Shinnie is athletic and industrious, with enough stamina to continually run up and down the left flank, combining defence and attack. He has grown in composure, experience and influence, persuading Aberdeen to sign him on a pre-contract agreement. He will be sorely missed by Inverness.



    • Agree 3
  8. Reading into what he says I think the wanderlust is on him. I reckon he'll head south for a few years to see how he does before coming back north to settle down. As to PCA why would he bother. I'm sure his agent wouldn't advise such a thing if there's interest from elsewhere. Whatever he does I hope it goes well for him.

  9. There is usually a coin toss to decide home team which gets you the home dressing room (no difference at Hampden) and first choice to wear your home kit.


    If you google Inverness CT v Falkirk though you will see pictures of us playing in our home top against Falkirk in their home top and also us in our home and them in their away.


    So hopefully it is both teams in home tops to add to the occasion.

    Maybe we'll have a special cup final one.

  10. It's neither here nor there if it was deliberate. Fact is, the officials missed it and it wasn't given. You can't then change the rules completely just cos one club, with all the resources and a belief that they have a god given right to win everything, doesn't like the result.

    Henry wasn't punished when he handballs against ROI because there's nothing in the rule book that allows for a retrospective punishment for handball. There still isn't as far as I know. So either the SFA have different laws to every other footballing nation in the world, or they're simply pandering to a club that has influence way beyond what's acceptable.

    This could be the most ludicrous decision taken yet by ANY footballing governing body and has the potential to have far reaching, negative, consequences for our game.

    And all cos they don't like losing.

    Listen to Stephen McLean here then then tell me its neither here nor there. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/scotland/26159324

  11. Everyone seems to be of the opinion that the ref didn't see it. The ref did see something. He then consulted with goal judge. Outcome we're not sure if it was deliberate. And thatis the crux of the whole arguement. Was it deliberate. Personally I dont think so. I think Josh gets into a position to try and head the ball. Griffiths gets to it first. There is no way on this earth that anyone would have the reflexive action required, at such close range, to  react in a deliberate manner. Therefore the outcome has to be that it was not  deliberate therefore not a foul and certainly not a sending of.

    McLean did no wrong either. He acted exactly as his superiors teach. If in  doubt dont penalise. The people who are very much in the wrong in all this are the people in the ivory tower of Hampden. They are miffed that a bigger team is not in the final. They are miffed that their payday is not going to be so big. Why else would they succumb to the pressure of one Scottish football club over another. Why else would they not act as a neutral agent but instead side with the big Glasgow club.

    The big problem, and one thats going to kill the game, in Scottish football is that for too many years the people in the ivory towers have lined their own pockets at the expense of the provincial clubs and the fans. Nobody has the balls to challenge them. Its high time that club chairmen got themselves organised and started to question the powers of the select few. Its high time this whole game in Scotland was taken by the short and curlies and given a real good shake up.

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